Harry Potters Long Lost Sister and the Slytherin Princess

when i woke up the next day i quickly ran to the bathroom and puked. god this sucks. when i was finished i turned on the sink water and rinced my mouth out then brushed my teeth. when i was finished i went to my trunk and got out some short shorts and a pink tank top with black flip flops then went and took a shower.

when i came out everyone ws still asleep, but why wouldnt they be? i mean its seven in the morning on a saterday. i sighed and went down to the common room. draco was there. i was fixxing to go back upstairs but he saw me. "come here." he said sofly looking at me. i slowly walked over to him and sat down on the couch with him. "you have to give me some exsplanation." he said. i just stayed quiet. "kristin..." "you cant tell anyone." i said cutting him off.

"i wont." he whispered. i took a deep breath. "remember in snapes class when he had us write an essay about marabela?" i askedin an emotionless tone, looking forward avoiding his gaze. "ya." he whispered agian. "remember how i told everyone about the necklass and how everyone that went searching for it died?" i asked still emotionless. i felt him nodded.

i took another deep breath and touched my necklass. "i'm the one who has to wear the necklass. a soul purer then pure." we stayed quiet for a while, letting him take it all in. "how did it happen?" i sighed. "it was my first year here, i was walking by the lake and i saw two nymphs. they were shocked that i understood them and they grabed my hands and they took me to a cave like place. thats where the necklass was. they told me to put it on, and i did. images came before my eyes and ever since then i havnt been able to take it off. it comes with power no-one understands. i have to lie to everyone everyday. even my own twin." i said hugging my legs to my chest.

Draco was silent for a while untill he said, "what all can you do?" i sighed and rested my chin on my knees. "i can do wandless magic, spells just roll off my tounge. i can do normal spells but they are stronger then what they should be when i do them. i can shot power out of my hands, and.....the three unforgivible curses dont work on me. i am strong draco. stronger then i should be.

"i cant get close to people cause they can be used aginst me. exspecualy a death eater draco. you could be in seariase danger for knowing this information." he put his arm around me and pulled my to his chest. telling him all this helped. and i felt safe. safe from everything that could posibley try to hurt me. "is that why you dont want to be with me?"

i pulled away and stud up looking at the ground. "i never said i didnt want to be with you draco. i just said we couldnt be together." he stud up and wraped his arms around me from behind me. this reminded me of the day i told him it was a mistake to sleep with him. "i dont care about you having the necklass or the power it comes with. just give us a chance." he whispered in my ear. i wanted so badly to say yes. but that would be selfish of me. that would be putting him in great danger.

"the necklass isnt the only reason draco." i whispered, still looking at the floor. "then what is the reason?" i took a shaky breath, wanting to just say yes and tell him everything. "you'r parents would kill you if they ever knew you even liked me. and harry wouldnt even spare me a glance. us being together would be just like going up to voldemort and asking him to kill us." his arms tightened around me.

"i dont care about what my parents would think, or you'r brother. and my parents wouldnt be able to kill me because i have to do somthing for you...voldemort." i looked down at his arm where the dark mark was under his sleve. i turned around but took his arm instead of looking at him and rolled up his sleve to see the mark. i lightly traced my finger over it then looked up at him. "and what then? what happens after you kill dumbldore? he wouldnt protect you when heis done with you and you know it."

i shook my head and looked back down at his mark. "i wont put you in danger if we can provente it." he put his index from his free hand under my chin and made me look at him. we just stud there looking into each others eyes for a while untill he kissed me very softly but it was so full of passion then pulled away slightly and wraped both of his arms around me tightly then whispered, "please kristin, give us a chance. please."

i took another shaky breath. "when is it going to happen?" i asked. he knew exacly what i was talking about. "tonight." i nodded agianst his chest. "ok." i whispered after a while. "i'll give us a try. but you know we wont be able to see each other very much." he nodded. "i know." we stayed like for another ren minutes but we had to seperate because we heard a few alarm clocks going off. "want to go to breakfast?" he asked. i nodded and we left.

we decided we had to enter at differante times since other people were in there so i went in three minutes before him. when he did get in he sat across from me. he smilled at me and i smilled back then i started putting food on my plate. i was having a major craving for chocolate ice cream with pickles but i just got some of the food they had here, ignoreing my craving.

when we finished eating i left before him. when he came out we went to the lake and sat down. "why were you in so much pain yesterday?" he asked after a while. "marabela had to give me a message." i told him. he seemed to sence i didnt want to talk about it so he just let it go. i looked at him. "what?" he asked smileing. i smiled.

"you just seem to take everything i told you so calmly. i dont get it." he layed down, laying his arms under his head for a pillow. "i dont really care about the necklass. i just care about you. i love you." his eyes went slightly wide as soon as he reconized what he said. "you do?" i asked softly. he looked into my eyes. "yes." i smiled. "i love you too." he smiled and i layed down next to him, laying my head on his chest. this moment just felt so perfect. to bad it has to end. i sighed.
