Chapter 1

*Y/n POV*

"Come on, Y/n! Wake up!"

My twin sister Hermione shook me awake. She was always quite loud and rough when it came to waking me up. She tended to do it in the most brutal ways, such as swiftly opening the curtains without a warning, confiscating my blanket, or yelling in my ears. Apparently, today is a yelling day.

"There's a lady at the door, she wants to speak to BOTH of us! If you don't come quick, I'm telling mum!"

Of course she would tell mum, being the insufferable know-it-all/taddletell/teacher worshipper she is. God, she's grateful she's my sister, or else would probably have punched her in the face a couple of times by now.

I groaned and sat up on my bed, glaring at her. She gave me her typical bossy look, with her hands on her hips. I rolled my eyes at her.

"I'm going to change." I snapped, still glaring. "Can you give me some privacy? Or are you going to stay to make sure I know how to put a t-shirt and some sweatpants on?"

"Are you always so rude? No wonder all our teachers hate you. You're eleven years old, for God's sake! You still can't say the magic word, can you?"

"Abracadabra! Now get out."

"Please. Just say please!"

"Please stop talking."

She rolled her eyes and left. I dressed as slowly as possible, just to annoy her. Who cares about the lady at the door? She probably wants to sell cookies or something, and needs us to help convince mum and dad to buy them. I sighed, looking longingly at my bed, my one true love. I opened the door. Might as well get this over with.

As I stepped into the living room, I met the eyes of an old lady with rectangular glasses and a tight bun. I didn't know girl scouts could be so old. She smiled, as her gaze immediately dropped down to my right wrist. I put my hand behind my back, suddenly feeling self-conscious of the scar on it.

I looked around. Mum and dad were sitting on the couch next to Hermione. They had given the lady MY armchair, so I was forced to sit on the floor. I grumpily sat down and waited for the lady to give us the list of cookie flavours.

Since I was convinced she was a girl scout, I obviously surprised when that was not what she said at all.
