
scorpius holding adromada (lily is sleeping) before we left

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lil<3malfoy : and im stilll tyerd i only had 1 hour sleep before feeding her then
harry.potter : yay payback is bad you never let you're mom sleep
hu.go.away : lol payback
lil<3malfoy : prick hu.go.away
best potter : lol un prego pissed
ron.is.king : what did i just walk into
pan.z : idk ron
mo.mo : adromada
lu.lu : baby girl and the ugly boy who is her dad
lain.hover : chill girl lu.lu
best.gurl : congrats lils
franky.2 : that is my bf and mine godchild there
plant_alice : baby girl
k.k_zamb : me and patt.patt say hi
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