The Truth Comes Out

Harry's POV
"Ok so how about we start from the beginning" I said "yes and you can start Harry" Percy said glaring at me.
I sigh and start telling my story ( just going to give a run about it's faster) "ok so it started when we were 15 months old an evil wizard named Voldemort (did I spell that right) attacked our home we were in and killed our mom then shot the AK at us but only I was recognized as the boy-who-lived when I was 11 I started school here and in 1st year one my teachers was possessed with Voldemort's soal and was after a magical stone in the end I killed my professor and saved the stone.

Second year, my ex Ginny was possessed and let a basilisk roam the school paralyzing students in the end I had to stab the snake but it bit me then got healed by a Phoenix.

Third year, our godfather escaped from Azkaban" "what's that, Harry" Percy interrupted, I paused for a minute thinking how to explain it to him because Percy is very protective over family and he might explode on everyone. Before I could explain Sirius did it for me but not in the best way "Well it's hell on earth literally it has these dementors that are weird creatures that live on your happy memories and can suck your soul out of your body" Sirius explained "What in the world do you messed up people think you were doing putting my godfather in that horrible place when he was obviously innocent" Dumbledore started but I don't think this will end well Percy is not one to listen he acts first then listens "well my boy-" " don't you 'well my boy' me old man" Percy snaps "don't talk to the headmaster like that" Hermione snaps back "hey can I finish" I ask hoping to end the argument before it begins "yes Harry continue" my twin says "ok so Sirius escaped from Azkaban and everyone thought it was to hurt us but one he didn't know you weren't with me and it was not to hurt us just to keep us safe but that year element better then most.

Then there was fourth year well that was a catastrophe you see there is a competition called the Tri-wizard competition and it was only for witches and wizards 17 and up but Voldemort had one of his minions find a way to put my name was called as well so there were four champions instead of three. We had to fight dragons for the first round then had to save a person we cared about mine was Ron Weasley a good friends of mine mostly because we didn't know where you were then for the very last task it was a maze me and a good friend of mine Cedric Diggory got to the cup in the middle but it was a trap the cup was a port-key and took us to a graveyard the first thing we heard when we got there was 'kill the spare' next thing I know there was a green light flying towards Cedric and he dropped dead and I was tied to a gravestone and Peter the one who betrayed mom and dad forcefully took some of my blood and brought back Voldemort and we dueled before I got back to the cup and was brought back to Hogwarts but no one believed I was telling the truth until fifth year we had one teacher who used a blood quill to write lines, a blood quill is a quill that uses your blood for ink, and then got a vision of Voldemort holding Sirius captive in the ministry and went there but it was a trap, and Sirius almost got killed I got possessed and the world knew Voldemort was back.

In sixth year I wasn't at school I was hunting horcrux's with Ron and Hermione. (I'm going to change this a little bit to fit with the story) Then Voldemort found out and hunted us down there was a big battle and we won." I spit out the last part fast as I could sense Percy was losing it at the thought of me in danger. "Well Percy what's your story" I ask.

I am so sorry it took so long I feel horrible but I hope oh like it
