Ron Weasley's woes

"Parcel for you Mr. Weasley!" a boy called Nigel said handing over a large brown parcel

"Awww thank you, Nigel," Ron said. Nigel turned and stared at Harry, Hermione gave Nigel a what-are-you-doing look picking her head up from her book.

"Not now Nigel," Ron said as Nigel walked off. It reminded Harry of Colin Creevey a lot, he even looked like Colin. Hermione looked at Ron who realized that both of them were staring him down.

"I'd said that I'd get him Harry's autograph," Ron said at which Hermione rolled her eyes and Harry just looked at his hand tied in a cast.  "Oh look mum's sent me something," Ron pulled at a tattered looking brown dress with pink frills and white frilly lace, he held the whole thing."Mum's sent me a dress,"

"Well it does match your eyes, is there a bonnet, aha!" Harry pulled out a frilly bonnet, the table exploded with laughter

"Nose down, Harry, " Ron said chucking the bonnet down, he walked over to Ginny, "this must be for you," 

"I'm not wearing that it's ghastly!" Ginny said. Hermione and Harry exploded with laughter

"What?" Ron said

"They're not for Ginny,  there for you!" Hermione said clutching onto Harry as they laughed. The whole table exploded with laughter including Fred and George who were laughing so hard they fell onto each other snorting milk while the Patil sister howled with laughter and Ginny laughed dropping her spoon "dress robes," 

"Dress robes? For what?" Ron asked

The next lesson was cancelled and all the Gryffindors met in a room where there was a giant gramophone and Professor McGonagall.

"The Yule Ball has been a tradition for the Triwizard Tournament, since its inception, on Christmas Eve night we and our guest meet in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity, as representatives of the host school I expect each and everyone of you to put your best foot forward and I mean this literally because the Yule ball is first and foremost a dance." Professor McGonagall said. Whispers erupted from the girls and giggles were heard, whilst the boys groaned and put up a roar.

"Silence! The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly 10 centuries, I will not have you in the course of single evening best merchant that name by behaving like a babbling, bubbling, band of baffons!" Professor McGonagall said

"Try saying that five times faster," Fred whispered to George, who in turn attempted that 

"Now to dance is to let the body breeze, inside every girl a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forward and take flight!" Professor McGonagall began

"Something's about to burst out Eloise Midget but I don't think it's a swan," Ron whispered Harry and Seamus sniggered

"And inside every boy a lordly lion ready to pounce, Mr Weasley," McGonagall said

"Yes," Ron said timidly

"Will you join me?" McGonagall said looking at Ron. Ron got up and walked in the centre of the room.

"Now place your hands on my waist," McGonagall said

"Where!?" Ron said in alarm

"My waist," McGonagall repeated. Ron placed his hands on her waist at which a few boys whooped and whistled "Mr Filch, if you would please," McGonagall said as Filch as he played the record

"1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3," McGonagall said as Ron and her slowed danced. Fred and George danced along mocking Ron.

"Oi!" Harry said to the twins "You're never gonna let him forget this?"

"Never!" they both said

"Everyone on your feet," McGonagall. All the girls left, up so did Nevile, Hermione raced over to Harry, 'oh no' Harry thought. He got up and began to slow dance with Hermione, they both laughing as Eliose Midget was looking for someone to dance with and Ron and McGonagall slow dancing.

"Hey 'Mione?" Harry whispered

"Yeah," Hermione whispered back

"How about you meet me tonight in the room of requirement, let's say meet in the common room say, 8?" Harry whispered

"Sure," Hermione whispered through giggles and slow dancing

Harry paced around, it was 7:59 Hermione still wasn't there, he was wearing a white shirt, trouser had a smart jumper on and was carrying a flower. At exactly eight Hermione came down wearing a red flowery skirt and a jumper over that.

"Wow 'Mione you look beautiful!" Harry said as Hermione walked into his arms and he gave her the flower.

"Thank you," Hermione said planting a kiss on Harry's lips. They walked to the room of requirement and Hermione's jaw dropped. There was a table with cloth two plates of spaghetti and meatballs, Hermione's favourite, a comfy sofa and two beds. The room was lit dimly and there was a candle in the middle. Harry laid the table and pulled a chair out for Hermione who thanked him before sitting down. They started to eat and talk.

"Remember when I used to be a know-it-all and Ron hated me?" Hermione laughed as Harry remembered the first year where Ron and Hermione didn't get the greatest of starts.

"Remember when I had a little neat hair," Harry laughed

"It's funny because your hair used to be quite neat and my hair was bushy and messy,  now I have neat hair and well-" Hermione giggled

"Well I tried even charming my hair to get it neat but I think my first piece of magic was when I was shaved bald and I grew it all back, so no chance," Harry said. 

After an hour two of memories and thoughts they both sat on the couch and then- fell asleep. The next day was a Sunday, so they didn't worry about being late for class.

"Harry, Harry?" Hermione said waking up

"I'm up," Harry jumped up and walked behind Hermione and they sneaked into their dorms without anyone noticing  "Hermione, do you want to go to the Ball with me?" he asked

"I would love to!" Hermione said walking up the stairs. 

A day passed and the hunt for Yule Ball dates continued, Harry was ok as he was going with Hermione, but Ron who wanted to go with Luna but couldn't because she refused to go to a horrible social test like that. Later that day in Snape's class Harry, Hermione and Ron were sat at a long table.

"At this rate, I'll be the only one without a date!" Ron whispered but he was shoved down by Snape

"Me and Neville," Ron said again

"Well then again he can take himself," Harry sniggered

"It might interest you that Neville's already got someone," hissed Hermione

"Harry I know you're going with Hermione, but has anyone else asked you?" Ron whispered

"Yeah, This fifth year Gryffindor, a Ravenclaw girl, Ginny, a third year and Lilly asked me today," Harry said

"Wow, your Mr popular aren't you?" Ron said

"Yeah, Lilly was really upset I said no and she broke down crying and ran away, I felt quite bad because later that day all the Beauxbatons were giving me bad looks. Apparently, she went to the bathroom and locked herself in crying all day," Harry paused as Snape came by "and you know those love notes I got I thought they were from Ginny, but they were from her,"

"Love notes?" Hermione said

"Oh yeah, on Saturday I got like five love notes, sorry I forgot to tell you because I threw them away as soon as I got them," Harry said

"It's ok," Hermione said

"Oh now I'm really depressed," Ron said sighing. Fred threw Ron a note which said 'get a move on or all the good ones would have gone' "Who are you going with?"Ron asked 

Fred through the ball of paper at Angelia. He pointed at himself and asked if she wanted to go to the ball with him and she said yes. He winked at Ron, who turned to a girl in front of him and started to do the same thing as Fred, but unfortunately, they were spotted by Snape and Ron received a hit on the head as did Harry which Hermione laughed at.

"Hey, Hermione don't you think you could ask one of your friends?" Ron whispered

"Why?" Hermione snapped

"Because you know it's one thing for a boy to go alone, but a whole other for a girl to go alone," Ron snapped

"I'm going with Harry!" Hermione hissed. Ron raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure, because what Harry's said about Lilly aren't you just saying that?" Ron said cutting off Harry 

"Harry asked me," Hermione stormed off and handed her book to Snape and collected her bag and books "and I said yes!" Hermione hissed whilst storming off.

"Bloody hell, I've just got to ask someone and you-" Ron was cut-off by Snape thrashing their heads downwards. After the lesson, Harry made his way to the owlery to send a letter when he saw a familiar face, Cho.

"Hullo Harry," Cho said trudging through the thick snow

Harry pondered whether saying 'hello' back but did, "Hello," he attempted to walk past but was blocked by Cho twice, until he just slipped past her.

"Harry," Cho said

"What?" Harry snapped

"Can we just put what happened behind us?" Cho pleaded

"Cho! You tried to torture my girlfriend! You could have killed me!" Harry snapped 

"I'm sorry," Cho said "Harry, do you want to ball with me?" 

"No, Cho I'm going with Hermione, and even if I wasn't I wouldn't go with you and why do you want to go with me what about Cedric?" Harry said

"Oh, ok bye," Cho ran out with tears in her eyes

"It's ok Ron, don't worry it doesn't matter, it's ok," Ginny said a few girls were holding Ron who looked like a Dementor had just had given him a hug.

"What happened to you?" Harry said

"He just asked Fleur Delacour out," Ginny said sitting Ron down

"What?" Hermione said running over as did Harry

"What did she say?" Harry asked

"No of course," Hermione said. Ron shook his head.

Hermione threw her hands to her mouth, "She said yes!?"

"Don't be silly," Ron said "There she was walking by, you know how they are when they walk, I couldn't help it, it just sort of- slipped out,"

"Actually you sort of screamed it at her, it was quite frightening," Ginny said

"What did you do then?" Harry asked

"I ran for the hills, what else," Ron asked "I'm not cut out for this Harry," Ron said and he started mumbling on whilst the Patil sister walked past

"Hey girls," Harry ran off for them
