Chapter Nine: Ferris Wheel

Soomi's POV

I took Hoseok to the amusement park, hoping that it could take his mind off of his sister.

The minute we got here, I could see his smile reach his eyes. It was very beautiful.

"We should try the merry go round first." I proposed.

His smile fell and he looked at me with a ridiculous face, "That's a ride for kids, Soomi."

"Oppa, how are you gonna live life if you're not even gonna try to do the most absurd things ever? Live a little!"

He chuckled, "I guess the merry go round does sound fun."

I grinned and dragged him to the ride. It wasn't starting, yet, so I immediately hopped on a white horse while Hoseok rode on a black one.

"Trust me, it'll feel like you're a kid again." I smiled at him.

The ride started moving and our horses started going up and down. The kids' laughs from behind us were matching our own laughs.

"I never knew it would be this fun!" Hoseok laughed happily.

"I told you!" I grinned.

The ride went on and on until the time was up. Hoseok hopped off his horse wearing a very big and charming smile.

"That was fun!" He exclaimed.

"Thanks for bringing me here, Soomi." He grabbed me by my waist and hugged me tightly.

The feeling of our skin touching together made my insides tingle and my stomach felt like it had butterflies.

When I pulled away, Hoseok pointed at another ride.

Oh no.

"Let's ride the rollercoaster!"

My heart sunk to my stomach and I started to feel sick just by hearing the screams of the current people riding on the dreaded ride.

"Uhmm...sure, if that's what you want, oppa."

Hoseok held my hand and ran towards the line for the rollercoaster.

I tried hard not to hyperventilate, hoping that Hoseok would not notice my uneasiness.

When we finally sat down, I held onto my seatbelt tightly.

"It's starting up, Soomi! I'm so excited." Hoseok cheered.

I didn't even care if I was going to die riding this thing, as long as Hoseok is happy.


I made up an excuse to Hoseok, saying that I had to go to the restroom to pee. But honestly, I was just puking what I last ate onto the public toilet. That rollercoaster should be called a hellcoaster.

"You alright?" Hoseok asked, handing me a bottle of water when I walked back to him sitting on a bench.

"Yeah." I smiled, taking the beverage and drinking it.

"Aaaahh..." He sighed beside me.

"Enjoying yourself?" I asked.

"Totally." He grinned at me.

I nodded and looked up ahead at the big ferris wheel.



"Can we go ride the ferris wheel?"

"Sure! Let's go." He took my hand and guided me to the line for the next batch of people to ride on the ferris wheel.

"Next." The man in charge said when the people that just rode got out of the carts.

Hoseok and I stepped inside a cart and I smiled from ear-to-ear. Then, the ferris wheel started turning.

"I've never really ridden the ferris wheel with another person before." I blurted.

Hoseok turned to me and his eyes widened.

"Really? Why is that?"

"I don't have that much friends. You're the only one."

He smiled down at me and kissed my forehead.

"I'm honored."

I blushed and looked away from him, gazing at the bright city lights from the window.

"If I'm sad or upset, I just come here and ride the ferris wheel alone." I said.

We didn't say anything anymore. Hoseok just held my hand as I gazed out at the city.

When our cart was nearly reaching the top, Hoseok started talking again.

"I'm glad that you're making me smile again, Soomi. Thank you." He smiled.

I looked into his brown eyes and smiled.

"I just want what's best for a person in need." I replied.

My heart is pounding so hard. His face is inches away from mine. His eyes were staring at my lips.

"Hoseok," I whispered, getting nervous when his lips were an inch away from kissing mine.

"You make me happy, Soomi."

That was all he said before his smooth lips pressed onto mine in a tender and sweet kiss.

You give me a reason to smile, Hoseok.
