The Bedroom

- Wai... what? - Eddie said in confusion, Steve "The Hair" Harrington inviting him to his - Yeah, your coming to my room, even tough Dustin wouldn't that you sleep on the same room as him, the bed isn't really comfortable there, and you have been sleeping in a lot of uncomfortable places. So one nigth of good sleep won't be a problem - There he goes again, Eddie knows that just a comfortable nigth of sleep isn't what Steve's looking for, he wants to talk about something in private, how did he notice? Easy, he looked nervous, with a sligth tint of red on his face.

- Follow me - Steve said that stuttering a little, whatever he wanted to talk, it was somenthing deep. Steve started to walk to his room, Eddie was following him close, he gave a fast glare to Steve, he could saw that the nervousness was ending with him, in like, a extreme level, face almost burning red, with drops of sweat falling in his face , Eddie tough he migth be thinking the words to start that conversation, he didn't knew of what this conversation was about, probably Steve would vent to him about something, like accumulated trauma he can't let out, or maybe, just maybe, he was having a sexuality crisis, he hopes that it is the second one, not only because he likes the stupid Harrington, but more likely because he isn't really the therapist friend, so he dosen't know how to handle this situations.

After what fell like eternity, they managed to get to Steve's bedroom, Steve calmed down a little, thank godness, it was making him nervous too, the air was tense as Steve opened the door, - So this is where the magic happens, huh? - Eddie asked, the room was big, with a double bed, with some tiny ligths, a desk, and it's own bathroom. He could see the closet of Steve's room, it was huge, he hoped the little joke he made could loosen up the mood a little bit, it didn't work - Yeah, let's just say that being a mother dosen't give you much time, so it lost it's shine - He sounded like he was about to die, not a good start.

Steve walked over to is closet, he search for some clothes, probably pijamas he was going to give the other guests in his house. When he finished searching, he trowed a some clothes to Eddie, he managed to chatch them in the air - Okay, i'm gonna give this to the little ones, and Robin and Nancy of course - Steve said slowly walking out of the room - Okay, if you don't mind i'm going to change - Eddie said, and Steve closed the door behind him.

The clothes Steve gave him where in a yellow tone, there was an extreamly over sized shirt, with the Beatles logo on it, and a pair of shorts, Eddie changed preparing himself mentaly, why? Because he knew as soon Steve showed up on his room door "the conversation" will begin. Eddie imagened the scene, Steve sitting on his bed, Eddie in front of him, yep, that's probably the most accurate thing he could imagine.

The door slowly started to open, Steve was there - Hey - Steve said, simply - Hi - Small talk was never Eddie's strong point, - I'm going to change - Steve said closing the door, and heading to the small bathroom door - Okay, i'm not going anywhere - Steve giggled, not at  Eddie's comment, he just giggled to himself. Steve entered the bathroom, the giggle scenario seemed strange to Eddie, but he didn't say a word.

Steve came out of the bathroom, his pijamas where...The fucking Scoops Ahoy uniform, he looked so cute in it, Steve noticed that Eddie was staring at him and said - Hey, i know is weird, but trust me, this is the most comfortable thing ever - Eddie laughed, a lot, as he laughed Steve walked over to his bed and sat down at what Eddie supposed it was his side, Eddie lay down next to Steve. Then, Steve with a timid voice asked.

- Hey Eddie, how did you know... - Steve stoped talking for a second - did you know you where into guys? - Then Steve rapidly said - I know it's a weid question, but please answer me - So this was the theme of "The conversation", Eddie already saw it in the expression he had walking into the room, it's was weird, seeing Steve, who was know for being the most confident mother fucker in the world, in such a weak state - Is this a joke Harrington? Because if it is, it isn't funy - Eddie knew this was not a joke, but he still asked. God dammint Munson, why can't you do even one thing good? - No Eddie - Steve said in a disappointed voice tone - I hope it was - Eddie could understand the confussion Steve must be going trough, he felt that way once, thinking that what you feel is wrong, or that every single person out there hates you, that's defenitly a traumatic experience if your going trough that alone, but Eddie (and probably Robin) won't let it be that way. Such a kind person dosen't deserve it.

- Well... - Eddie finally decided to speak, trying to pick the correct words he said - I fell in love with my best friend at the moment, after much confussion, and realizing i never liked girls, i realized i was gay - That was a quick explanation about how he realized his sexuality, Steve layed on the bed, looking at Eddie. The eye contact was killing him, but if that made Steve fell safe, he could handle it.

- Why, why are you asking this? Is there anything, anyone who made you question your sexuality? - Eddie hoped that the anyone was him, he looked at Steve, he was breathing heavily, probably because of the anxiety he was going trough rigth now - Yes, there is a anyone - Eddie looked at Steve expectant - And, who is him? - Eddie asked, trying his best to put an innocent tone - It... dosen't matter, you don't know him anyway - Steve seemed tense, so Eddie wouldn't inssist - Okay, if you have any other question, you can ask me anytime - Steve looked at him - Actually, one more question - Eddie was ready to respond it - I... i actually felt attracted to girls in the past, i have fell in love with them, so why do a like this guy? If im not straigth, and not gay, what am i? - Eddie knew the answer - Bisexual - Steve turned to look at him - ¿Huh? - He seemed confused, pretty sure he had never heard that term before - Bisexuality is when you like two, or more genders - Steve looked at him, at sligth sparkle ligth up on his eyes - Eddie i think... - Steve took a few seconds - Eddie i think i found myself -


Howdy guys!

This chapter is a little cringe, but i tried my best  :)

I hope you like it!
