"It's not my fault, Joey!" I whisper-yell,our quiet argument going on in the kitchen since Wesley is in the next room.

"You didn't take your pill!"

"You're the one who always wants to do it!"

"God, what am I gonna tell Cathleen?" Joey sits down at the kitchen table.

"That's not my problem."

He shrugs. "Maybe I just shouldn't tell her. I'll just sneak off to see him or her."

"We both know that's not going to work," I tell him, and Wesley walks in and tugs on Joey's sleeve.

"Yes, bud?"

"Basket!" Wesley says.

"Do you want me to set up your goal now?"

Wesley excitedly nods and grabs Joey's hand, walking him into the living room. I follow as Joey grabs the box and steps onto the driveway.

I sit next to Wesley on the grass and we watch Joey set up the goal, taking quite a while and occasionally cussing under his breath, making me scold him.

Two hours later, a basketball goal is set up in the driveway. Joey grabs a ball from the garage and starts dribbling around, Wesley running around him, trying to steal the ball. I giggle a bit when Joey does a crossover, making Wesley fall back with an adorable laugh.

Joey dunks, making me roll my eyes, then helps Wes up. He gives Wesley the ball and lifts him up, letting him dunk as well.

The sunlight hits Joey perfectly, making him look like the angel I fell in love with. But I didn't love him enough, and he found someone new.

A phone's buzz snaps me out of my thoughts, and I look over at it.

Cathleen 🤤🤤🤤❤️

I emit a sigh and hand Joey his phone. He mutters his gratitude and picks up.

"Yeah, babe... I'm feeling better, just did a dunk on Wes... no, she hasn't... alright. Uh huh. Yes, ma'am. We will. Okay. Okay, yeah. Love you, too."

Joey tucks his phone in his pocket and leans down. "I'll see you later, Wesley." He kisses his forehead. "I love you."

"You come back, daddy?" Wesley begs, rarely getting to see Joey. "Tomorrow?"

"Depends on if Cathleen lets me." He gives a small laugh and stands up. We connect eyes for a few quiet seconds as I stand up.

"Wesley, go on inside, baby. I need to talk to daddy for a bit, okay?"

"Okay, mommy." Wesley smiles at me then runs inside.

"You need to spend more time with him," I tell Joey as he dribbles the basketball between his legs. "He looks up to you so much, and you let Cathleen hold you back from your son."

"I know, Blair." Joey sighs and takes a shot, making it. "It's just... I'm busy, okay?"

I scoff. "Too busy for your son? And soon to be daughter or second son?"

"You don't understand." He mutters, staring down at the ball as he dribbles it.

"What do I not understand, Joseph? Wesley is always asking, 'when is daddy coming over?' and I tell him tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, but when do you show up? A month after not seeing him because you let Cathleen control you!"

Joey just stares at me. I can't find what emotion lies in his eyes, but I suddenly see him coming closer to me.

I brace myself for his lips on mine.

But it never comes. He just walks to his car, throws the basketball into the garage, and drives away.

I feel ashamed at myself, expecting a kiss. I feel ashamed for still loving him when he loves someone else. I feel ashamed for ever letting him slip out of my fingers.

Damn baby 😂😍
