Chapter 3 Abducted


I couldnt handel all the argueing. All my feeling spilled out. I ran inside my room. My body gave out I landed on my bed, I let my screams out into my pillow. I started sobbing.

Suddenly I heard the front door open I walked out of my bedroom very quietly then I looked down the stairs. It was my dad. "Hey [Y/N] im home!" I ran to my room quickly and locked my door.

I heard his footsteps coming up the stairs. He knocked on my door. "[Y/N] I know your in there. Sweetie let me in." I didnt let him in. But he opened the door with its key.

His eyes where dark and his hair was brown with speckles of gray, he stood tall. I covered my face I was still crying. I sat on the side of my bed. "[Y/N] you ok?"

He put his arm around me. With his free arm he moved my hands out of my face. My mascara was a falling off and smeared.

He didnt say anything. He hugged me. I sniffled. I hugged him back. "Sweetie whats wrong?" "Its nothing." I lied I didnt want to tell him about that kind of stuff. He doesnt like when I hang around weird paranormal stuff.

"You sure, do you just want me to leave?" "Is that ok?" "Its ok I understand you want to be alone." He got up and closed my door.

Dibs POV

[Y/N] left I tried to run after her but Zim pulled me back. His pak grew spider legs. The legs tried to stab me.

"Soo Dib I see you have a weakness." I didnt even think about that I could be putting [Y/N] in danger.

"Zim what does that have to do with you?!" "It has to do everthing." I didnt quit get what he was saying.

"Say again." "No I already said it. Also so how much do you like this human [Y/N]?"
"Why would you ask?"

I had a feeling that Zim liked [Y/N] too, he couldnt though. "Zim are you telling me you like [Y/N] too?"

I was getting angry. Zim look liked he had swolled a bowling ball of worry and embarrestment.

"NOOOO." I couldnt believe this he liked [Y/N] to. I have to protect her she is mine not Zims.

Before I could reponed to Zim he ran inside his face was red as could be. After that my first responce was to go to [Y/N].

Zims POV

I couldnt believe myself I liked [Y/N]. Irkens arnt soppost to like someone. Out of all the species I had to have like a human. I am sapost to take over Earth but now I cant I have feeling for [Y/N].

I went into my lab I took my ridicules costume off. Then I got a plan. I can do both. I can take [Y/N] and destroye Earth. I should contact the tallest.

I was about to contact the tallest when Gir came over to me. "Gir what do you want?" "Someones at the door. And have you seen mini moose?" "No." "Ok."

I went up to the main floor. Before I opened the door I remebered to put my costume on. I opened the door and it was [Y/N]. Her arms were crossed she looked upset.

"Zim." She sounded very sad and angry. "What do you want human [Y/N]?" "Where is Dib?"

I couldnt believe her she only came over just to find that stupid Dib. "Uh he is in here." I lied. I could just trick her.

"Why should I trust you?" "Uh because I have kidnapped him. Here come in and see."

Dibs POV

I ran to [Y/N] house. It took about 5 minutes. I knocked on her door. I heard footsteps on the inside. They came closer to the door.

I man came to the door. I guessed it was her step dad. "Uh is [Y/N] here?" "No. Who are you young man?" "Im Dib Membrain I live down the street.

"Oh ok."Um do you have any idea where [Y/N] would be?" "Well I saw her go down the street thats all she said she had to deal with someone I think she said his name was Zim."

As soon as he said that I sprinted off there pourch and ran to Zims base. I heard her step dad yelling something in the background.


I finally pulled myself from my room. I cleaned myself up. I need to go see Dib. I went to the last place I saw him Zims house.

Soon I was there. I knocked on Zims door. I was getting really scared Zim hurt Dib. It only took a few seconds for Zim to answer.

"Zim" Zim looked really shocked."What do you want human [Y/N]?" I wanted to get straight to the point. "Where is Dib?"

For a second I saw pain in Zims eyes. "Uh he is in here." I was getging suspieces. "Why should I trust you?" "Uh because I kidnapped him. Here come and see."

"You really dont know how to answer do you." He just stood there. "Nonsence, just come in and if you dont you will never see you Dib again."

I had no choice, I did truelly like Dib. I would risk my life for him. Zim reached out his hand. I reached out mine.

Right as I took his I heard someone scream from behide me it was Dib. I tried to push away from Zim but I couldnt.

The door closed. I heard Dib screaming. "[Y/N]!" Screamed back. "Dib!" Zim pushed me down to the floor. "Quite human!" He yelled.

The doors and windows locked by being covered in metal. I could no longer hear Dib screams.

I started crying I was scared and worried. The lights turned off. Zim stood infront of me. He got up and tackled him.

He managed to get up and when he did I saw two magenta eyes and under neith his two contacts hung.

I screamed "What do you want with me!?" Zim stood there silent. His costume was completly off two antenas stuck in the air.

"[Y/N]." He looked dead at me. "You have made a mistake coming here." I was so angry. "You think."

"Now calm down." I sank to my knees and started to cry. The truth had just struck me an alien has just taken me hostage.

"No!" I screamed. I was at the point of sobbing. My hair was a mess it stuck to my tears. I looked up at Zim.

Dibs POV

I raced to Zims house. I was to late. I saw [Y/N] back and a little bit of [Y/N] face before the door shut. She was being dragged in by Zim.

I yelled "[Y/N]!" I heard a fadded out cry of my name. The door was locked everthing was covered up. I never have seen Zims base so tightly locked.

My mind was so many places at once. Then I thought Zim likes her. He is tring to steal her.

Zims POV

[Y/N] Looked up at me I saw fear in her eyes. I felt bad maybe this was a bad idea. "[Y/N] Dont be sad, you get to stay with me." She raised her head a little bit more there was no part of her face that wasnt wet from tears.

She just layed on the floor in tears then silence. I turned around. "Why did you take me?"
