Hammy and Friends Listen To Music

HEy this a draft that I didn't want to upload but going to anyway.....

M: Alright so, since we're taking a break what do you guys want to do? We can react to different stuff. Sleep. Eat. Anything really.

Eliza: What is music like nowadays?

M: WE CAN LISTEN TO MUSIC! thank you for the suggestion, Eliza.

Eliza: You're welcome dear.

M: So first we're going to listening to one my favorite non-musical songs, that's    appropriate, of course.

M: Tell Me I'm A Wreck by Every Avenue. It's one of my favorite songs.

I could have been easier on you
I could have been all you held on to
I know I wasn't fair
I tried my best to care
About you
(About you)

Alex: This relationship doesn't sound healthy..

M: Yeah, yeah, now listen to the damn song.

I know I could have been a better man
I always had to have the upper hand
I'm struggling to see
The better side of me
But I can't

Thomas: At least he can admit his wrongs.

Angelica: I agree, unlike someone *glares at Alex*

Alex: The hell?! What did I do?

Angelica: You know what you did.

M: No arguing, please. It triggers my anxiety.

Angelica: Oh, I'm sorry.

M: It's alright. Can we get back to the music?

Take all your jabs and taunts
You're pointing out
My every fault
And you wonder why I walked away

Eliza: The girl doesn't sound that nice. He did the right thing by walking away. That's what I would've done.

Me: That's what I'm going to do if I ever get into relationship like this..but I doubt anyone would date me. But that's okay I like being single. I don't need anybody to be happy!

When you tell me I'm a wreck
You say that I'm a mess
How could you expect anything less
(Expect anything less)
You latched onto me
Then cried I strung you along

M: Oh, a fanfic Idea! *I'm going to hopefully write a Jamilton fanfic soon that's like this*

Laf: A what?

M: Nothing.

Eliza: If he's a mess, maybe a relationship isn't the best idea right now.

Alex: What? I mean, if his mental is really bad then yeah, a relationship is the last thing you should do.

M: Shhhhh

I told you when you asked
I knew this wouldn't last
At least I could be honest about that
(Honest about that)
And now you're tellin' everyone
How I only did you wrong

Philip: Excuse my language,but,the girl in this song seems like a bitch.

M: I agree with you Philip.

I guess you never knew me at all

M: I don't knew anything about relationships, but I'm pretty sure knowing each other is a big part of them.

Remember on my 21st birthday
You took me where we went on our first date
We stayed till closing time
After four glasses of wine

Herc: Just four glasses?

You started with the pointless argument
You said that I forgot to compliment
The dress you wore that night
That I've seen a thousand times

Eliza: Why didn't she get a new dress? It was his twenty first birthday! Why not make it special!

M: That's what I'm trying to figure out.

But I think
We just want different things
I want space
You want a diamond ring
Whatever made you think we were meant to be?

M: I can agree with the guy here. I want space and if you can't respect that, we're not going to be dating anymore. Bam. Simple.

Alex: It also depends on how long they have been dating. But, sometimes couples are happy not being married. Which is reasonable.

When you tell me I'm a wreck
You say that I'm a mess
How could you expect anything less
(Expect anything less)
You latched onto me
Then cried I strung you along
(Cried I strung you along)

M: It's going to repeat just so you guys know.

I told you when you asked
I knew this wouldn't last
At least I could be honest about that
(Honest about that)
And now you're tellin' everyone
How I only did you wrong
(How I only did you wrong)

I guess you never knew me at all

You tell me I'm a wreck
You say that I'm a mess
How could you expect anything less

When you tell me I'm a wreck
You say that I'm a mess
How could you expect anything less
(Expect anything less)
You latched onto me
Then cried I strung you along
(Cried I strung you along)

I told you when you asked
I knew this wouldn't last
At least I could be honest about that
(Honest about that)
And now you're tellin' everyone
How I only did you wrong
(How I only did you wrong)

Still I see you standing there
Waiting round for me to fall
(Waiting round for me to fall)
Girl you must be crazy
Still believing you and me belong

Angelica: The girl sounds like a fucking bitch. Sorry for my language.

M: I mean, you can swear around me I'm used to hearing it. My parents cuss in front of me all the time and then when I say it they're like "you can't say that"

I guess you never knew me at all

M: So that was the song! How about we go back reacting to ships? And maybe every 4 ships we can do a different activity.
