Chapter 5

Third Person View

The music plays loudly as the couples arrive, two by two. The Sisters, Angelica and Eliza, sit by the door, collecting tickets.

Angelica's Point Of View

I snatch the tickets from the guests, putting them in the box. Eliza and I were chosen because we weren't in the 'Halloween' spirit. What the hell could Washington mean?! I'm dressed as a spy, for god's sake! It took so much effort to get this stuff. Eliza, too. I run my hand down the silk material that makes her blue dress.
"You really do look beautiful in that dress, Eliza."

She laughs, smiling at me. She took another ticket, dropping it in the box and crossing a name off.
"Thanks, Angie. You look mysterious." I snicker, and continue my job.

Alexander walks up, arm linked with John. I smile kindly, and take their tickets,
"Alex, you look wonderful! Phantom of the Opera? Really smart." I say hopefully, and Eliza coughs. I see Alex and John look over at her, and I follow their glances. She's looking at me with a small glare. She then looks over to John,
"You look really damn awesome, John. I like the parrot."

I let out a sigh of understanding. John looks mildly surprised, but smiles back. They wave goodbye as they head inside.

"Seriously, Angelica. And you say it's obvious I like him. You need to compliment other people." Eliza says, and I roll my eyes.
"Whatever, Liz. Let's just finish this stupid job."

Madison's Point Of View

"Jemmy, careful!"

I feel two hands around my waist, and know Thomas is holding onto me tightly. His hands let go, and the helmet comes off my head.
"Why do you wear this? It's a danger hazard, darling." Thomas winks, and his hand rests on my face. I can feel my face heat up, and the tall boy in front of me chuckles, leaning in.
"You look beautiful when you're blushing, Jemmy."

I close my eyes, so many thoughts running through my head as I feel his lips on mine. His hands attached themselves to my waist, and it takes me a moment to respond, but I start kissing back gently.

Seconds later, Thomas pulls away,
"Didn't think you'd respond. Kind of makes me glad I did that. It was a long shot, to be honest." His voice is shaking, only a bit, though. I take his hand, gripping it tightly,
"Well, thank you." I leaned in and kissed his cheek.

Hercules' Point Of View

I look around for Laf, phone in hand. Turning a corner, I hear something and turn away immediately. I open my phone,

[Message Sent 18:32pm]
Laf... Do NOT go near the main bathroom for at least ten minutes. But meet me at the bar, okay?

I take a breath, then open another message.

[Message Sent 18:34pm]
Alexander, please be nice to Laurens in there, and don't ruin his costume. It took forever to make.

Closing my phone, I head to the bar.

I see Lafayette head towards me, slowing down to high five Thomas. I laugh, seeing Thomas and Madison kissing. Couples are really getting together tonight. You'd think this is Valentines' Day, not Halloween.

I wrap my arms around Lafayette, resting my head on his shoulder. Laf massages circles on my back,
"You okay, Herc? You don't seem very well."

I don't really know what to say. I spent today alone until Peggy finally got home. She seemed happy, and she was with Maria, so it didn't take long to guess why she was so happy. She told me not to tell Angelica, and I won't break my promise.


I look forward, to see Lafayette staring at me worriedly. I can't reply, because I know it'll be the wrong answer to him. But if I don't answer, it'll be the same effect. Instead, I turn, and order us some drinks,
"It's time for some shots." I wink, and Lafayette looks at me, nodding slowly. He sits next to me, and I wrap my arm around him. Laf turns to face me,
"You better be okay, mon'ami."

Peggy's Point Of View

My arms grip around Maria's neck gently as we sway. The music is slow, probably for us couples. I can see Maria looking at some of the other couples, and I notice the worry in her eyes. It takes me only a moment to understand.

Out of all the couples here, I can see at least three gay couples. But, all of them are male. Maria and I are the only... 'lesbian' couple here. I hate using that word, because it's kind of demeaning. It makes us seem different. We don't want to be seen differently to others.

I lean forward, kissing her on the lips gently, then smile,
"Don't worry, bunny. I love you, and that's all that matters."
She nods slightly, her grip on my waist tightening. I can feel people looking at us, and my face turns red. I bite my lip, whispering,
"Reckon they're jealous?" I wink. Maria laughs,

We both chuckle and continue to sway.


Eliza's Point Of View

It's nearly midnight already. I got in ages ago, I just have nobody to dance with now. People have offered, don't get me wrong.

The music is upbeat again, after about an hour of just slow songs. Nearly everyone has been drinking, but not Angelica or myself. We have to be responsible for our dorms, she says.

I look up as I see Peggy on a table. My eyes widen, and I stand, running over to her.
"Peggy, get down!" I call, and she kicks a foot out, to which I dodge. This means she's not coming down. I'm not sure why she's up there in the first place. I back up as Hercules joins her. What are they doing? Herc always gets drunk, Angelica told me, so this isn't a surprise. But Peggy? She never drinks. I look around for my older sister, and I see her, looking at Peggy in concern and anger.

That's when I hear them yelling,
"We all know that Alexander and Peggy share a lot of things; the skill of brilliance, looks, but there's only one thing Peggy is that Alex isn't..." I hear Hercules yell, and I look to Peggy. What is happening? Then Peggy flicks her hair back, yelling,
"I'm reliable with the LADIES!"

Did she just say what I think she said?

Third Person Point Of View

After Peggy yelled out her... 'confession', let's call it, many of the girls move to the edge of the table. They all start yelling compliments, like it was some sort of plan.

Eliza's Point Of View

I look around for Angelica once more. My gaze lands on her, and her old face looked... terrified? Angry? It's so difficult to tell.

Angelica always wanted Peggy to grow up and have children, like herself and I.

I hurry over to her, taking her hand in mine,
"Angelica, don't say anything to her..."

"Did you know?!"

I look to my sister, and her expression is much more readable now. Fury.

"Elizabeth Schuyler, did you know about Peggy and Maria!?"


Please don't hate Angelica. I'm making her like that for now, but she will change, I promise. I know you all want her to be the big sister that's all supportive and shit, but... I kinda liked the thought of Peggy being closeted because she knew Angelica wanted her sisters to have big families, where she could have nieces and nephews. But don't worry, Angelica's not homophobic. In fact, she's all for it (just like me, and everyone else in this book xD), she's just kind of selfish right now.

OKAY TOO LONG. (*lenny face*)

'Til next time, friends~
