Babysitter Part 2

Will gave Ashley her dinner and when she finished it, she laid down on the couch, Will put Bluey for her so he can interview the girl with no problem. 

At 7:28pm the girl arrived she introduced herself to Will and he did the same, they went to the dining room and spent the next 30 min talking about the babysitter job, Ashley, their schedules. 

Will: Thank you for coming Melissa I'll talk to my brother about you and let you know our decision tomorrow evening, have a good night.
Melissa: Thank you, you too.

Will sat next to Ashley on the couch, she snuggled into his lap and they watched TV for another hour until the sound of the door opening made Ashley get up excited.

Me: Jay!
Jay: Hey shorty, how was your day?
Me: Good, I missed you. A girl was here talking to Will. I made a bunny at school for Easter. Nat and Maggie helped me with homework.
Jay: sounds like you had a good day.
Will: Ready for a shower Munchkin?
Me: But Jay just arrived...
Jay: I'm not going anywhere sweetie, go take a shower I'll be right here
Me: Okay...
Will and Ashley went upstairs while she was taking a shower and playing for a little bit in the bathtub Will was looking for her pajamas and texting with Nat. After 20 minutes Ashley got out of the bathtub and Will helped her putting her pajamas on. Then both of them went downstairs with Jay, since Ashley didn't see Jay too mucho today he let Ashley play and be with him for an hour before sending her to sleep. Jay played with his sister like a he was a kid again. Then it was time to sleep.

Will: Who do you want to sleep with tonight Ash?
Me: Hmm you- she pointed Will
Will: All right let's let Jay relax after a long day at work.

Will and Ashley entered to her room and Will put play the sleep music, he was rubbing her back for some minutes untilm she fell asleep. He slowly got up and went downstairs to talk to Jay about the girl that he interviewed.

Jay: How was the interview?
Will: Good. Her name is Melissa, 27 years, she has been working with kids for some years, single, she seems nice, lives 12 minutes away, has her own car, so far looks like a good option.
Jay: All right. I have the other interview at 8:30 am at the district. We can talk to Voight at lunch like 12 pm.
Will: Sure.

They talked for some minutes and then they headed to the rooms to go to sleep. Will laid down next to Ashley and closed his eyes inmediately.

                                                                   Next morning

Will took Ashley to school and then drove to Med to start his shift, Jay drove to the district to interview the next girl before start his shift. The interview went well he had the most important information and then she left the bullpen. Jay gave the names to Mouse to do the background checks and the he joined the team to start with the new case.A few minutes before lunch Will arrived at the district to meet with Jay and Hank to decide the best babysitter for Ashley.

They entered Hank's office and sat in front of the desk.
Hank: Well? How did you see the girls? -He said while reviewing the candidates' information.
Jay: They have a clean background, they both have a good attitude but personally I think Melissa is the best option.
Will: I agree with Jay. Melissa has more experience with child care and she studied about that and Sophia studied finance this would be an extra job

Hank: Okay, so Melissa is the new Ashley's babysitter. What days is she going to work?
Jay: We think it would be better if they were consecutive days, so Mon-Thurs, That would help us a lot with school pick-up.
Will: Yeah
Hank: Okay talk to her that she's gonna start this Monday and talk to Ashley
Will: I think it would be a good idea if we plan a playday so she can meet Ashley and start a bond with her.
Hank: Good idea.

Will left the bullpen and go back to work. When he was driving he called Melissa and explain the plan, she agreed.

A couple of hours later, Jay picked up Ashley from school and they both headed to the district. Ashley waved to Trudy with a smile
Trudy: Hello mini chuckles, how was your day?
Me: Good, thanks
Trudy: I'm glad to hear that. Ready to see everyone upstairs?
Me: Yes!!!- she said excited.

They went upstairs and Ashley ran to Adam
Adam: Hey bunnybug- he picked her up and spun her in the air. She just laughed, she's happy here.
Hailey: Hi sweetheart. How you doing?
Me: I'm good thanks Hailey
Kim: How was school today?
Me: Good, we sang a lot today
Kev: There she is, my favorite kiddo in this bullpen
Me: I'm the only one- everyone laughed
Hank: Hey Kid.
Me: Hi uncle Hank
Mouse: There you are sweet girl, I brought you your favorite- he sneakily gave her a chocolate
Me: Thanks- she whispered

Ashley went to the breakroom after greeting everyone and watch some TV show on the tablet before Jay make her start her homework.

Hailey helped Ashley with her homework and a couple of hours later they were on their way home to see Will at home. They had dinner and Ashley took a shower before going to sleep with Jay this time. Tomorrow they will introduce Melissa to Ashley so she can have some time with her new babysitter. 

                                                            Next day

Jay took Ashley to school after she finished her breakfast and drove to the district. Will picked her up later to take her home with Melissa and he stayed for some minutes with them and then go back to work. Melissa and Ashley were playing for a little bit and after a couple of hours later Melissa started to help Ashley with her homework making fun activities so she doesn't get bored during homework time, they watched TV for an hour then she started to make something for dinner. Around 8:30pm Melissa told Ashley it was time for a shower, after playing in the bathtub for 15min Ashley got out and Melissa helped her putting her pajamas on. They went downstairs and Melissa brushed her hair and the next minute. Will arrived home.

Will: Hey munchkin, hi Melissa
Me: Will!!!- she hugged him
Melissa: Hi, Mr. Halstead
Will: Don't call me that. Just Will please
Melissa: Okay.
Will: How crazy was today?
Melissa: Eveything was great, we finished homework, played together and she just took a shower. She already had dinner too.
Will: Thank you so much for coming Melissa, see you next Monday
Melissa: My pleasure, your sister is a lovely girl. See you little girl.

Melissa walked to her car, and drove home, later Jay arrived home and Ashley was falling asleep on the couch next to Will.
Jay sat on the couch and asked Will

Jay: How was the day with Melissa?
Will: She said it was good, I found them here, Melissa was brushing her hair, we talked for a moment and then she fell asleep.
Jay: Good, I hope we're taking the best option.
Will: Yeah, she's good for her. And we're gonna have more stability in our jobs
Jay: Did you tell her the schedule?
Will: It was in the contract- Mon-Thurs. 3pm-9pm
Jay: Perfect.
Will: I'm taking her to bed, I'll be back.
Jay: Okay


I'm so excited to be back, I had a busy weeks, had a trip to Chicago to go to see Tracy filming before she leaves the show this season. It was amazing!!!

Hope you enjoy this chapter have a nice Sunday!!!
