Ground Rules

Okay, let's start with some ground rules:

1. As I said in the disclaimer this is a fan fiction, so none of this is official or anything. That being said, I will be taking the information and things we see in the missions as fact; I will be using common sense to change a few things, like casualties taken and vehicles destroyed or damaged during the level, or supplies. Don't like it, don't read it.

2. there are some things that I can't or won't write about:

-I'm planning on these all being in the same head canon universe as my other full-length story, Halo: A New Perspective, so my options when writing about things depicted in that book are somewhat limited(this includes the events of the missions New Alexandria, Outskirts, New Mombasa, Crow's Nest, The Storm, Floodgates, The Ark, and The Covenant);but I am planning at least one short that directly compliments it, see if you can guess what it's about! 

-I will not be doing anything with Halo 4 or 5 because A, they suck, B, Halo 5 isn't on the MCC so I can't really access it, and C, my knowledge of those two games in general is VERY limited compared to my knowledge of the other games, and is nowhere near the level of minute details that would be needed to write about it. 

-I most likely won't do anything with the Halo Wars games, since it's just generally harder to do that, but I might, you never know.

-This is probably going to be a human-only thing, so sorry, no Grunt short. Probably.

-When Halo: Infinite finally comes out, you can bet your ass I'm gonna write about it!

3. This is going to be an ongoing thing, so I will take suggestions if you've got them; maybe you can come up with things I can't!

There's the rules for now, unless I think of more. But anyways, let's get into this!
