Chapter 4

We arrived at home and Ana came rushing to us, which was unusual. Typically, Liliya (yes, her) would come running but instead, it was Ana.

"My Sultan!" She cried as she hugged Baba with a flood of flowing down her cheeks.

"My Melihe? Melihe, what's wrong. Who could dare hurt you, resulting in many tears from your comforting eyes? Who would dare?" Baba lovingly asked and kissed her forehead.

"Liliya Hatun." Ana fiercely said.

You could see the anger in her fiery eyes. The hatred was clear.

"My dear Melihe, what are you saying? What could Liliya do to you?" Baba asked.

"While you were gone, she attempted to kill me!" Ana replied.


He wasn't angry with Liliya, he was angry with Ana!

"Where did you put  Liliya? Huh? Where did you put her?" he asked, ready to slap Ana.

"She is in prison, where she deserves!" Ana proudly replied, not looking at Baba.

Baba stared at Ana in astonishment. He grabbed Ana by her shoulders and slapped her. He picked her up again and slapped her once more. He was about to slap her again when I ran in front of Ana and shouted: "STOP!".

Accidentally, Baba hit me when he was intending to hit Ana. He put his hand out too fast. And I swore I would never forgive him for that.

"ENOUGH!" I screamed, wiping a tear that starting to roll down my face. I tried to hide the pain that I felt during the slap but it was obvious to my mother and father that I had been hurt very much.

"My daughter!" Ana quickly got up and approached me.

She put her hand on my shoulder and I instantly fell on to her lap, devastated.

"Kizim (daughter), I am sorry...." Baba said.

I didn't respond as I was crying my eyes out on Ana's lap. Embarrassed, he left the room.

"Ana, did Liliya actually try to kill you?" I asked, slightly getting up.

"Yes, my daughter. I do not care if you don't believe me but I am telling the truth." Ana responded.

"I will kill her Ana. I will!" I reassured her.

Ana weakly smiled and kissed my forehead. "May every mother be blessed to have a daughter like you." she prayed.

I smiled and closed my eyes, leaning on her shoulder. Suddenly, 4 soldiers came in.

"Melihe Hatun, we were ordered by the Sultan to take you to prison." One of the soldiers informed.

"That's Melihe SULTAN for you!" I spat at him.

"Where is Liliya?" That was the only thing on Ana's mind. Liliya.

"She has been taken out of prison, on the request of the Sultan. Liliya Hatun and Sultan Numan are soon going to be married. Sultan had asked for Liliya's hand in marriage and she accepted. Please let us fulfil Sultan's order now." Another soldier answered.

"Have you gone mad? Our Sultan would never marry that devil!" İ shouted.

Ana was not able to stand. She fell to the other side of the room. Abruptly, she fell on the floor and was unconscious.

"Ana!Ana! Soldier! Get the doctor now! And someone go tell the Sultan and his other children!" İ screamed.

Fortunately, they did as they were told. Sümeyye Abla came running in with Emir Ibrahim.

"Ana! What has happened to my Ana, Halime?" Abla asked, holding Emir Ibrahim firmly so she doesn't fall.

"She fainted when she heard the news." İ replied.

"What news?" Abla surprisingly didn't know.

"You didn't know? Baba is marrying Liliya! He's marrying that witch! And he ordered to put Ana in prison!" İ replied.

"What! No way! What are you saying!? Baba wouldn't marry that ignoble! Why would he marry her anyway? Out of all the women!" Abla screamed and held her husband more tightly than before.

"Sumeyye, calm down! Ana will be alright, ok?" Emir Ibrahim comforted.

Abla nodded as Yigit suddenly came running and shouted: "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY ANA!? WHY IS LILIYA HATUN IN ANA'S ROOM, WEARING A HUGE DRESS?

"What? Liliya is already getting ready, huh?" I asked.

Yigit looked confused and was even more when I left the room to get Baba. Astonishingly, he was with Liliya, helping her pick a dress.

"Halime Sultan! Do you like this dress. Your father picked it out for me. It is more beautiful than all of Melihe's dresses. This dress is fit for a Sultan's wife." Liliya greeted me happily.  I hated her with all my guts.Ughhhh.

"Baba! Had a soldier not come to inform you of anything?" I asked, furiously.

"Yes, he had, daughter. But I was helping Liliya and told him to go away." Baba had just fueled my anger.


"Tell the doctors to treat her. I am busy." Baba shocked me.

Liliya smirked and fakingly said "Oh, I am so sorry! I hope she gets better soon!"

"Baba, it is best if you go and see her. I will get the best maids to help Liliya get ready." I politely said. I didn't want to have bad relations with Liliya as Ana did.

"I will come back." Baba reassured as I rolled my eyes.

Liliya nodded.

"Come on!" I broke their moment.

"Let us go then, Halime." Baba replied.
