

"And then the one goes there."


"Baji- I'm pointing at it right now."

"Well then can you be more specific with your pointing??"

"LOOK at the paper and see where I'm pointing."

"...stop playing-"


Mitsuya sighed beside you, watching Chifuyu blowing up at his friend who was frustrated on where to put the goddamn one. It was funny but also really sad.

"Thanks a bunch, Mitsuya. I think I got the general idea on how to do this now."

You packed away the paper the two of you were working on, Mitsuya grinning at you while trying to tune out the loud yells on the other side of the table.

"It's no problem! If you ever need help again, I'm always available."

Oh did those words make Chifuyu feel angry.

"I'm always available too!"

He rose his hand, ignoring Baji who was rolling around beside him, hands entangled in his hair while he screamed frustrated groans. His face held a look of determination, a smile of wonder being given back to him by you.

"Thank you, Chifuyu!"

He nods and finally lets his lips curl up after having frowned for so long at Baji. It was soft; it held so much care. Though the only one to truly know that was Chifuyu himself.

"Anytime, L/n."

To no one's surprise, it had started raining.

Mitsuya was worried for the three of you seeing as you all stared in horror at the sounds of rain dropping to the ground. He didn't know why Baji was worried since he could see the cat patterned umbrella poking from his messy bag but he didn't see an umbrella in yours.

"Mom's gonna get mad at me again! I can never walk home in damn peace without feeling the urge to jump into puddles!"

Baji frowned while looking out Chifuyu's window, already feeling the water soaking through his socks as he bounced around in the rain with his cute cat umbrella being unused in one of his hands. Chifuyu sweat, giving a look of question to the boy. Mitsuya broke the tension with another sigh, bringing out his own baby blue umbrella and standing up. His bag was already packed with all his school stuff and was now over his shoulder.

"I'll walk you home to make sure you don't go jumping around in puddles. It's time for me to go check on Mana and Luna now anyways."

Baji was praying to the gods for bringing Mitsuya into his life, stuffing everything he'd brought into his bag and then slinging it onto his shoulder. Mitsuya made sure Baji's umbrella actually worked before pushing him over to the door and nodding over to the two of you.

"You coming?"

You smiled sheepishly, standing up as well and grabbing your bag.

"I'll probably run home today."

Chifuyu followed the three out of his room and to the front door of his house, watching you anxiously messing with the hem of your shirt. His umbrella was in a closet somewhere, maybe if he stalled you here for a second he could walk you home with the umbrella-

"I'm off, thank you for everything!"

The door closes and everyone's already going their separate ways.

Chifuyu blinks once. Then twice.


He dashes for the closet he assumed his umbrella was in, catching the mustard yellow handle and pulling it into his hands with a death grip. His shoes don't exactly go on correctly by the time he's out the door but he was sure he'd fix them before he could fall.

He runs to the left of his house, hoping it was the way you went.


Mitsuya was holding Baji by his uniform collar, holding his umbrella in the other hand. Chifuyu cursed to himself, knowing you were probably drenched in water by now.

Chifuyu says nothing else to the two, sprinting back to where he came and continuing to run down the sidewalk. It was at the stoplight of a crosswalk that he saw you there in the rain, humming a tune to take your thoughts off of the way you were shivering. Chifuyu ran the rest of the way as fast as he could, puddles collecting into his shoe from how he didn't wear them correctly.

The rain stopped hitting the top of your head and instead of the sounds of cars passing by and raindrops hitting puddles, you heard the heavy pants of the friend you'd just seen a few minutes ago. He was gasping for air, his hair sticking to his head. The umbrella he held up protected the both of you from getting any more wet.

"Are you okay?"

Chifuyu looked up to meet your eyes, legs going weak.

'Ah, pretty'

"Don't worry about me! Are you alright? You could've gotten sick from this."

You smile from Chifuyu's concerned words, rain surrounding the two of you. The crosswalk light turned white.

"Thank you for caring so much, Chifuyu."

The blond can only blush now, running his hand behind his head and looking down at the ground. You don't mind the lack of response, instead guiding your hand atop his to hold the umbrella with him and tugging softly forwards. The walk to your house would be long and with the lack of layered clothing, you were sure to get an illness from this sudden weather.

Ignoring the hand against his as best as he could, he pulled you back a bit and tilted his head towards the direction of his own home.

"We should go back inside for now until it gets lighter, I'd hate for you to get a cold!"

The light in your eyes seemed to grow brighter, hair dripping with water down to the puddle covered floor. You opened your mouth to say something, probably about to insist that you could run home instead of bringing him anymore trouble.

But Chifuyu tugged you closer and ran beside you with the umbrella leaned towards your side. Your hand held onto his tighter so you could push the umbrella to cover him a bit but he refused and kept it in its place above you.

By the time you reached his house, you were both drenched, Chifuyu literally soaked head to toe.

"I'll get towels, wait here!"

He stepped into his house after leaving his shoes to soak into the carpeted flooring of the front door, running off to get towels from the closet by the washing machines with wet footprints trailing behind him. He returned with two, handing you a (color) one while he used a light purple one. Yours was noticeably softer.

After mostly drying yourself off, Chifuyu brought you further in to sit at the dining table, warming up some hot water for the two of you. He let you choose one of his cat mugs. You picked the pink one with white polka dots.

While waiting for the water, Chifuyu noticed how tense you looked sitting in your wet clothes. You were dripping water down onto the floor and chair no matter how much you dried yourself off with the towel.

"You can borrow some clothes if you want."

Chifuyu wasn't thinking of what he was saying, only caring about your well-being.

"It's fine really-"

Chifuyu shook his head, already starting his way up the steps to his room.

"It's alright! I don't want you to feel uncomfy."

You frowned slightly down at the table. He'd done so much for you just to assure your safety and health. What would you do to repay him..

Chifuyu came down the stairs with small pats of his feet, holding one of his uniform shirts and pants. He'd caught you rubbing the towel on your head to take off any wetness still left on your hair.

You kindly take the clothes, thanking him over and over before actually going to the restroom to change. The shirt buttoned up nicely, not fitting too loosely. The pants fit as well just seeming a bit loose around the legs.

You looked in the mirror, striking a pose and bathing in your hot looks. Who knew you looked so good in both student uniforms.

The back of the uniform was turning wet from your still dripping hair, a pout laying upon your lips.

"Nice! Now we can blow dry."

Chifuyu walked past you in the bathroom after you'd finished to get something in one of the cabinets. He plugs in the blue blow dryer and turns it on, completely forgetting that he'd pointed the thing in front of his face. The hair on his forehead is pushed back by the hot wind, his teal eyes closing from the rush of air blowing into them.

You let a laugh out, covering your mouth and reaching for the switch to turn the machine off. He sighs tiredly, turning away his red face. How embarrassing.

"You can dry your hair off first, your hair seems wetter."

Thanking your friend, you turn the blow dryer on and start, making sure to take your hair clip off and holding it tightly in your hand. The entire time, Chifuyu was watching with his big eyes gazing intently at how your fingers ran through your drying locks. Maybe he was oblivious to the fact that you were aware of his staring.

You smile sheepishly at him when you finish, handing it over to him and running a hand through your now dry hair. Your cheeks were hot as you reclipped the hair clip into your hair.

The whistle of the kettle with hot water in it broke through your hair drying, Chifuyu finishing up and putting the blow dryer away. You follow after him to the kitchen where he took the kettle off the stove and poured the water equally into both mugs. He called you over and handed you the packets of hot chocolate mix. While you poured them in and stirred, Chifuyu was getting marshmallows from his pantry.

Now the two of you were in his room with his dim lamp on and Peke J sleeping on his windowsill. Rain pounded against his window and the ground outside which only added onto the calming atmosphere.

Chifuyu had already put the tea table away, now the two of you sitting on his carpeted floor waiting for the rain to die down. You were sipping on your hot chocolate, staring out the window and melting into the moment while Chifuyu was reading the book he'd borrowed from the library. You'd already sent your mom a message saying you'd have to stay over a bit longer because of the heavy rainfall.

At one point, the two of you could've sworn you'd heard Baji screaming from a few blocks down. You shrug it off with averted gazes.

In the silence of everything, Chifuyu looked up from his book and side-eyed you who was swept up into daydreaming while looking out the window. You had your hot chocolate mug in your hands, steam still rising from the top. His book felt long forgotten now, his eyes only trained on your features.

His stomach did loops when you lightly shook your head to release from your daze, raising your mug to sip more hot chocolate. When you put the mug back down, you caught Chifuyu's little stares at you and a smile rose to your face.

His heart pumped out his throat.

Wow. He really likes you.

chapter short short chapter but DONT WORRY i will make another chapter tomorrow

this is gonna be embarrassing if i forget to make the chapter HEPSJKAKAKS
