4//first mission completed

Secret Facility, a few days later...

"Are you ready?" Raina asked Hailey as they walked through the corridor to the assessment room.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Hailey replied trying to calm her nerves down. Apparently whoever this Garret was, he was a big deal and he'd arrived this morning. AND apparently, he'd insisted to sit in on her assessment and that was supposed to also be a big deal.

"Ok, the first part is..."

Hailey finished the first task which was to escape from an attack using whatever means necessary. Raina gave her a thumbs up and moved her on to the next task was trying to get as many targets as she could using a gun. That was a massive failure since she was barely able to fire the gun, let alone hit the dummy target.

The final one however made up for her previous failure as they asked her to demonstrate her magic. She held back a lot but did just enough to impress Garrett and Raina.

Once she was finished, Raina rushed to congratulate her for the amazing performance. Apparently, Garrett was also impressed and wanted to meet with her for dinner and that was supposed to be a huge deal.

Hailey was very excited that she had managed to do good on her assessment and she would get her mission soon but she was also nervous about meeting Garett.

Near Dinner time, Raina led Hailey up the building to Garret's office where they were supposed to have dinner.

"Hailey, this is John Garett. I work for him and John, this is Hailey Potter," Raina introduced. Hailey politely greeted him but she felt weird in his presence at first. Maybe because he was so high up and she just started working here but she quickly warmed up to him. He was very friendly, showing her different scars from the battles he fought and telling her stories about it. They sat down to have dinner together. Garett's 'office' was more like a luxury condo. Her room in the facility was a twin bed and a dresser.

"Did Raina tell you about the project were working on together?" Garett asked during dinner.

"No, she told me I was going to get my first mission," Hailey said.

"It must've slipped my mind but Garett and I are working on a very special project. If it's successful, it could change the world," Raina told her.

"That's what you say about every project of yours," Hailey said rolling her eyes playfully. Raina talked about science the way Hailey talked about Damon Salvatore.

"This one is extra special. It's a medicine formula that could bring back the dead," Raina told her.

Hailey's face blanched. Bringing back the dead was far from a noble idea.

"You-you don't actually mean that do you?" Hailey questioned seriously. Raina held her gaze for a second before laughing.

"What? Bringing back dead? Of course not. It's a medicine for-uh-cancer. A cure to cancer," Raina said. Hailey released her breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Raina likes to joke around but we must get back to business. To develop the cure, we need certain equipment. The equipment will be brought to our headquarters in New Jersey on a train. There will be many agents on the train but we have information that we may also have other company- specifically S.H.I.E.L.D. You need to be on the train to protect the equipment from the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents." Garret explained.

Hailey had to keep herself from bouncing in her seat this was going to be so exciting.

"I will brief you on the agents we could be expecting later and then we leave for New Jersey tomorrow to catch the train," Raina said.


On the train heading to New Jersey (HYDRA HQ)...

Hailey sat on the train whilst sipping on the bland tea they had offered. She was undercover for this mission with Agent Bell and it wasn't nearly as exciting as Garett had made it sound. She gazed out the window at the extremely boring countryside scenery.

"Are we even going to do something?" she whispered to Bell.

"Be quiet and pay attention. They're already on the train," Bell whispered. As if on cue she heard a woman 6 seats down.

"All mum ever wanted was your love!" the woman said to the man in front of her. Hailey tilted her head but was unable to get a good look.

"But could you even give her a moment!" the lady continued dramatically. Hailey was very interested, she tried shifting a bit to get a better look when Bell pulled her down.

"It's them! Stop it and stay in position," she instructed.

"You think it's S.H.I.E.L.D?" Hailey asked.

Hailey missed whatever the woman said except an extra loud 'NO!' She just had to know what was happening. As subtly as possible, she turned back towards the drama. An old man was talking to the lady, he was far too old to be an agent. She couldn't hear what they were saying but after he finished the woman got up.

"HE'S RIGHT! YOU NEVER HAD TIME FOR US! YOU HAD TIME FOR YOUR WORK AND YOUR PROSTITUTES!" she exclaimed and walked off with the urn. She then bumped into a man spilling all the ashes.

"Stay alert Potter!" Bell exclaimed pulling back toward the seat. Hailey pulled out her wand. Geez. Bell was so pushy.

They waited for 10 minutes before Raina spoke through the earpiece they were wearing.

"You're on, you know what to do," She said.

Hailey and Bell exited the carriage heading towards the package in the dining hall with special forces.

"You stay here, I am going to take that one out," Bell instructed. Hailey stayed in the empty carriage as Bell picked a random bag from overhead where no one was seated and went to the back. She couldn't hear anything but she waited apprehensively until the conductor came out a few minutes later. Still no sign of Bell.

Hailey instantly recognized him as Agent Ward from Raina's files that she had shown Hailey before the mission. Hailey fired a stunning spell at him but missed and he advanced towards her, pinning her hands to the wall and snatching the wand out of her wand. Hailey tried kicking him but it didn't work until a mere few seconds later, another agent burst through the door.

Agent Simmons as Hailey knew her. Ward stuffed her wand back in her hand and loosen the grip he had on her arms. Hailey was confused for a second but she took the moment to break free and elbow him in the nose.

Still confused as to what had happened, she hurried out towards Agent Bell. She could faintly make out Simmons and Ward running away in the opposite direction.

She found Agent Bell in one of the compartments knocked out with another HYDRA agent.

"Hello, Raina? Bell is knocked out and so is the other guy," she spoke through the earpiece, "Ward and Simmons saw me too."

"Hailey, the only priority at the moment is getting to the case. Go now!" Raina said.

Hailey hurried behind Ward and Simmons in the direction of the parcel. The parcel was kept in the last compartment. She didn't know where Simmons was she saw Coulson and Ward right by the parcel.

As soon as she saw them, she began firing jinxes at them whilst they used their guns. Finally, she was able to hit Coulson with a Leg-locker curse. He fell to the ground as his legs gave away. She was about to fire Ward but more HYDRA agents rushed through the other door and Ward dragged Coulson and they jumped out the train.

The HYDRA agents went after them and threw a grenade in the air.


HYDRA HQ, New Jersey
Later on...

"Fantastic work," Raina commended. They were able to get the parcel here safely. We'll take it from here.

"It was a whole setup, wasn't it?" Hailey asked. HYDRA knew all along, there was no way S.H.I.E.L.D. was taking anything off that train. S.H.I.E.L.D. was outnumbered 6:1.

"Yes, you did really well for your first mission," Raina said completely ignoring her previous question, "Garett would like an official mission report before the end of the day,"

Hailey nodded. Something seemed off but she just couldn't pinpoint what. Bell was ok, she was resting for the day in her room. Ward had gotten her good (yes, Hailey strongly disliked Bell,)

Later on that day, Hailey handed in an official mission report detailing everything that had happened in order.


3 days later...
Jalan Besar, Singapore

Hailey walked through the street carrying the briefcase in her hand. It was a populated street but she had concealed her identity pretty well. She went for the all-black look which concealed her figure well and was gender-neutral. She also wearing a black scarf to hide her face and a black hat to hide her hair.

While she did do her best to blend in, she was definitely standing out, it had to be 25 degrees out here.

This was her second mission just 2 days later. This was even worse than the one before because there was nothing to do, she was just supposed to drop off the briefcase in the trash can in front of the S.H.I.E.L.D. building and walk away to the alleyway where a HYDRA van was waiting for her.

"Hailey, walk faster," Raina urged.

"Sorry, almost there," Hailey said through her earpiece. She looked at the huge office building and dumped the briefcase in the garbage can as she had been instructed.

"Get out of there now!" Hailey practically ran through the street and into the alleyway. The black van which was waiting for her drove out of there as quickly as possible. The van stopped in front of the HYDRA jet which was waiting for them.

"What's wrong?" Hailey asked Raina.

"You were walking too slow, if you hadn't dropped the briefcase in time, it could've bombed the entire mission!" Raina said.

Hailey had been stalling a bit at the sidewalk but she didn't realize the timing was that important. Perhaps the time windows were really short for the mole to be able to steal the weapons. She apologized sincerely but Raina continued lecturing her on protocols. After she was done being 'de-briefed', they dropped her off in Brooklyn so she could take a break until they contacted her again.


Same Day...
Avengers POV
Avengers Compound

'Breaking News: A bombing in Jalan Besar, Singapore kills 8 and injures 12. The culprit is unkno-' The news was interrupted by Jarvis.

'Director Fury, Incoming Call,' JARVIS informed the group in the lounge.

"Tony, I need a favor," Fury said through the video call on the TV.

"I have a feeling, I know what you need," Tony replied.

"I need the culprit behind this right away," Fury said.

"Fury, It's a bombing. I'm sure the police have this," Tony replied a little arrogantly. He didn't believe the Avengers needed to interfere in international matters for a bombing. Steve gave him a disappointed look, people died, it's not something you talk about like that.

"What you don't know is the bombing was a distraction. We're missing a bunch of Chitauri Stones. The bombing happened right in front of S.H.I.E.L.D's Singapore base and our team hurried to their rescue. We're missing all inside footage as well, I'm afraid this is a lot bigger than it seems. It definitely involves HYDRA" Fury informed them.

"Our team will ai-"

"No, it's fine. We'll get this one," Tony said.

"Thank you, I'll send you all footage and information we have of the incident," Fury said.

"Hmmph, ok," Tony said ending the call.

Tony got a notification on his phone that very minute and he swiped it onto the TV.

"This is a lead. Something on HYDRA, we need to get on with this," Tony said playing the video on TV.

"He's walking with the briefcase, throws it into the trash, and hurries out of the frame. Do we have any footage on which way?" Clint asks.

"Nope, this is the full footage, He hasn't been spotted anywhere else," Tony said.

"She" Natasha corrected.

"Huh? What?" Tony asked.

"It's a female. You guys keep saying he," Natasha pointed out.

"You can't be that sure," Banner said.

"The walk. That's obviously a female," Natasha pointed out. The gentlemen of the room were very confused not only by her statement but also by her confidence backing her statement.

The 5 of them rewatched the footage over and over again until they had the bomber's steps memorized but still no leads.

They had watched every angle of the available footage 50 times each and JARVIS had searched the entire database to find any footage on her for the day.

"One more time," Steve said for the 50th time and Natasha played the closest footage.

"Wait, wait, pause," Clint said getting up to get closer to the TV. "Zoom in on the hand,"

Clint turned around and grinned.

A/N: Do you think they caught Hailey? Ah! I am actually ignoring all my assignments at the moment to write this because idk and then I'll have to make a cover before publishing lol (all pre-written material)
