💜・Tendou Satori ・💜

"Hey, Reon. I toootally bet that short kid just nicknamed you 'Benkei' in his head."

"Tsutomu's just saying stuff that's as awesome as his haircut, like he always does. That's all."

"What, are you really Benkei now?"

"Y'know, I already figured Karasuno's rookies for a bunch of aggravating little snots, but you take the cake!"

"What is it -♪- that breaks with a crickety-crack? Your heart of course!♪"

"The coolest thing about blocking is to just knock the ball down!"

"Aha! Marvel at the wonderful Tendō Satori!!"

"It's miracle boy Wakaaaaatoshi!!!"


"Jump towards the direction that smells like satisfaction."

"How's that line go again? "If you wanna beat Wakatoshi-kun, gotta go through me first. M'kay?"

"Ah, but y'see? Blocking isn't about stopping people. It's about spiking their hit back at them."

"Whoooo! I am in the grove today!"

"Today... I'm at 120 percent!"
