So in Sync- Karasuno


Karasuno had won. They had finally managed to beat REDACTED. Everyone was overjoyed. Fans were cheering, coaches screaming, referees stunned. But no one was more excited than the players. The team, on and off the court, had merged to form a big huddle. If you had asked them, not one knew how it had started. All they would remember is hearing the ball drop onto the opposing side's court. Then the feel of arms wrapped around each other, pulling the group into a hug tighter than ever felt before. The noise in the gym was deafening, ear-splitting shrieks and thunderous roars filling the room to the brim. At some point, the commotion died down. But the Karasuno team's enthusiasm had yet to diminish.

The group circled once again, each team member reaching their hands in.

"KARASUNO," Daichi yelled, starting their cheer.

"FIGHT!" Everyone screamed at the top of their lungs, throwing their arms in the air.

Daichi and Suga however, never let go. Suga had been the first to join in, and as a result, his hand was resting on top of Daichi's. He had grasped on tightly, and when Daichi pulled his hand right hand up, Suga's left went with it. They were left standing there, palms pressed together. Turning to face his silver-haired setter, Daichi planted a kiss on his cheek. Suga however, wasn't satisfied with that.

He released his hold on Dachi before placing both hands around the other's neck and pulling him into a deep kiss. Daichi wrapped his arms around Suga's waist, reducing the space between them. Tanaka was the first to notice. He catcalled at the two before starting to tease them.

"Right now you guys? Maybe you could find a better time for it than on national television?"

"Eww, Mom and Dad are kissing." Hinata whined, but his words were insincere.

"Aww, I think it's cute." Yamaguchi said with a smile. Tsukkishima turned to look at the pitch server.

"Really?" He asked. His voice wasn't sarcastic for once. More like genuinely surprised by his boyfriend's words.

"Yeah." Yamaguchi giggled. "They're declaring their love for the world to see, without hesitation. What's better than tha-" Even before Yamaguchi had finished his statement, Tsukishima's lips were on his. The taller had placed his arms at the small of Yamaguchi's back, pressing their bodies together.

"What the-" Kageyama yelled out, startled. "Saltyshima has a boyfriend?" Tsukkishima released Yamaguchi's lips for just enough time to insult Kageyama before kissing him some more.

"Why are you so surprised? I'm not you. I have someone that actually likes me enough to date me."

"EXCUSE ME? Well you're wrong. I do have a boyfriend!" Kageyama retorted proudly, roughly picking Hinata off the ground. The gingered-haired boy's feet were dangling off the ground as Kageyama tightly wrapped his arms around his shorty.

"HEY! Kageya- mph" Hinata's protests were silenced by Kageyama's lips attacking his, and Hinata immediately began to kiss him back.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?" Tanaka yelled.

"Ooh ooh! Me too Asahi!" Noya called out excitedly before tackling the gentle giant and planting a big on his lips.

"What th-" Tanaka continued before realizing something. "Oh wait, I knew about that one."

Suddenly he saw something out of the corner of his eye. Two of the second-years, Narita and Kinoshita, were kissing too!

"Seriously? No way. I can not be the only single one here. Kiyoko!" He exclaimed turning toward the managers.

"No." Kiyoka replied before turning to Yachi. As soon as the game had ended the first-year manager ran down to the court. Now, the third-year wrapped Yachi in a hug, kissing her head.

"NO WAY." Tanaka gasped at this turn of events.

"Ha!" Takeda laughed. "Who knew almost everyone on this team was gay?"

"You're one to talk." Ukai teased before planting a light kiss on his lover's lips.

"OH MY- you know what I'm not even surprised anymore. Am I the only single person here?" Tanaka complained before remembering something. "Wait- ENNOSHITA! Come here!" Tanaka spun in circles looking for his fellow second year.

"NO!" Ennoshita yelled in response, knowing what the other was thinking.

"Oh come on!" Tanaka whined. "Please?"

"No!" Ennoshita declared. "Never."

"Not even just once?" Tanaka slowly walked over to the other, giving him his best puppy eyes.

"No." Ennoshita answered, suspicious of his friend's movements. Suddenly, Tanaka jerked and started running headfirst towards Ennoshita. He chased him around and out of the gym, both yelling at each other.

The people in the stands were stunned. From their point-of-view, everyone but two of the team members started making out (and had yet to stop), their coach and advisor shared a quick kiss, and the managers were still hugging. And only one thing was running through their minds. Holy crap that's why they're so in sync!


After a few minutes of running, Ennoshita was fed up. He stopped, spinning on one foot to face what was coming to him. Tanaka. Thankfully, the attacker was able to slow down, avoiding a crash. Ennoshita reached forward and kissed him, smack on the lips. Too embarrassed to face his friend, Ennoshita turned, ready to race away. But then, Tanaka grasped Ennoshita's hand, pulling him back to kiss him once more.


