you surprised her on their debut showcase

Author's Note:

I am loving this photo of Haewon. All credits go to hxdori_ from Twitter. I do not claim it as my own nor intend to use it for profits.


You and Haewon have been in a long-distance and a secret relationship for a little over a year already. You lived overseas. The two of you first met through a social networking site (SNS) a few years ago, and that is where it all began. At that time, Haewon was practicing her communication skills in English. You started as friends and became lovers when you eventually confessed your feelings for her. Prior to becoming lovers though, you managed to meet her in person already. That is when you went to South Korea to attend Wanna One's final concert. You went out on a friendly date with her the day after that. She wanted to uplift you since she knew how much you love Wanna One and how painful their disbandment was for you. That is when you started falling for her. 

Haewon is ambitious, industrious and persevering as she needed to in order to keep up with the competitive industry. However, she sees to it that she is there for you whenever you need someone to talk with and that she generally has time for you even if the two of you were not dating exclusively yet. She was such a keeper. Day by day, your feelings for her grew deeper. 

At first, you were half-hearted about telling her about how you truly feel. You were afraid to lose her as a friend. But then, you were also terrified with the thought of her being with someone else, especially when you heard that a fellow trainee of Haewon was attracted to her. That pushed you to confess.

It turned out that she was going through the same thing as you all along. She feels the same for you, but she is also afraid to lose you if ever you do not see her the way she does. With that, you two started exclusively and secretly. She was still a trainee after all.

In the entirety of your relationship so far, you were able to take her out for a physical romantic date only once, and that is when your family visited South Korea to celebrate Christmas in 2020. Your relationship is mainly maintained by online communication, specifically by chatting and video calling. 

In the past few weeks though, you have barely talked with Haewon. She has been really busy preparing for her debut in NMIXX. You have nothing against it. In fact, you are very happy that she is finally debuting. However, you cannot help but to feel lonely without her company.

It came to the point that it is becoming unbearable. In one of the very few video calls that you had with Haewon, you recalled her mentioning about the debut showcase aside from her telling you how much she misses you. You thought that this showcase would be the perfect opportunity to surprise her. 

In the same night, you managed to get the exact date of their debut showcase from Lily. She knew about you and your relationship with their leader. 

In fact, she even knew about your feelings for Haewon, so Lily told you that the former had an admirer to get you to confess. Well, you have been friends with Lily even longer than you have been with Haewon. Lily has been your friend since childhood. You used to live in Australia and go to the same school as her. As for the rest of the girls, they knew about you after a while that they have been training together for their debut as NMIXX. 

Okay, going back! Now that you got the date from Lily, you informed your parents about your plan before proceeding to book a flight and a hotel room for you to stay in. You planned to return home after an entire week excluding the quarantine period. Thankfully, your classes are fully online.

Obviously, you did not tell Haewon about all these. In actuality, you did otherwise. You even told her that you doubt if you can watch their debut showcase online because you are 'so busy' on that day. When you said this to her, she was evidently saddened by it. In the end, she said that she understands.

Days have gone by. The night of your flight came on. Upon arrival in South Korea, you had to undergo self-quarantine for some time. Throughout your quarantine, you pretty much went on your daily routine: Wake up - Attend your synchronous classes - Eat brunch - Do activities - Eat Dinner - Talk to Haewon for a while - Sleep. The day when NMIXX released their music video: 'O.O' was an exception though as you ended up streaming it all night. 

Your quarantine ended ahead of the day of the debut showcase. You made use of that time to stroll around the city and prepare gifts for Haewon as well as for the girls. Although you already knitted a vest for Haewon back in your home, it seemed to be not enough, especially that you messed up with her feelings.

Then, the day of their debut showcase finally came about. You are currently inside of the Blue Square Mastercard Hall, sitting on the front row and awaiting for the show to begin. You were wearing a crisp white shirt which was originally owned by Haewon underneath your khaki V-neck knitted vest. You were wearing high-waisted khaki pants as bottoms. Then, you put your classic white Converse low cuts as shoes.

As the lights dimmed and the opening VCR began to play, everything began to sink into you. You cannot help but to feel proud upon seeing her in the VCR. You knew how hard she worked to make it there. You can also feel your butterflies in your stomach, and your heart hammering against your chest with the thought of finally seeing her again after a long time.

The emcee stepped into the stage and stood at the center, earning a round of applause for the audience. She gave an introductory speech about NMIXX. Afterwards, she called the members to get on the stage. Due to the restriction, the audience clapped to cheer on the girls as they walked along the stage. Their order as they entered the stage was: Sullyoon - Lily - Kyujin - Jinni - Haewon - Jiwoo - BAE

With your first sight of Haewon in flesh after a long while, everything seemed to go in slow motion as you watched her get into her position. As they all stood in a straight line across the stage though, you looked at every member. You beamed as you are overjoyed of seeing them there too. 

Without you knowing, Jiwoo has spotted you. She subtly nudged on Haewon and pointed towards your direction with her hand. At first, Haewon didn't believe her. She thought that Jiwoo was just messing with her. However, the younger one insisted that she cannot be mistaken, so Haewon checked where she was pointing and found out that it was indeed you. She gasped in surprise. Then, she felt her heart pounding and goosebumps rising over her skin out of her excitement.

The thoughts of fun things that the two of you can do as a couple while you are here rushed into her mind. Eventually, she became lost in her daydream. Jinni had to snap her fingers in front of her to get her back to reality. She was supposed to count for their group introduction but the girls found her grinning while spacing out. Haewon was startled by the snapping of Jinni's fingers. 

All these were caught on camera. The audience could not suppress themselves from letting out a giggle upon watching the whole thing unfold. 


This one is completely a narrative. I hope that you still enjoyed it! Let me know if you would like to see part 2 for this one. 

If you would want a part 2, consider commenting and upvoting for a faster update for it!

- Aidenne
