Love Potion #9

The girls and I were walking through the marine park. Well, not Rikki. She was somewhere with Zane which surprisingly, didn't make me cringe anymore. I've grown to respect him, although he's still obnoxious at times. Cleo and I both didn't need to work today, so we were just enjoying ourselves. That's when Lewis ran up to us like his life depended on it. "Hey guys!" he called over to us. "What would be the most important scientific discovery of the year?"

"Somewhere to hold our school dance," Emma said quickly. Emma had been fretting about it so much. She was trying to find a place to hold it, but to no avail.

"Incorrect," Lewis said.

"Correct," Cleo interrupted. "The marine park overbooked and now we don't have a venue for the dance."

We then started to walk. "Relax," Lewis said. "Someone else will look after it."

"That 'someone else' is us," Emma said meaning Cleo and herself. "I'm the chairperson of the organizing committee."

"Well, I'm working on a scientific way that will make it easier for you guys to be mermaids," Lewis grinned.

I playfully punched Lewis in the arm. "What about me?" I asked.

"Well, of course you too Will," Lewis corrected himself.

Then Emma suggested something about how we could have the dance in the street. That's when she realized what she just said. "I'm losing it, aren't I?" she asked.

Cleo nodded. "How 'bout the cafe?" Lewis suggested.

"Brilliant!" Emma said. "That's way more intamate than a function room!"

"And there's still enough room for dancing!" Cleo added.

"You're a genius Lewis!" Emma said in thanks.

Suddenly, I familiar person caught my eye. "Hey," Cleo got our attention. "There's Miss Chatham."

"Can't we just wave?" Lewis asked with an annoyed expression. The girls paid no attention to him and walked off to meet up with Miss Chatham. Naturally, we followed.

We met up with Miss Chatham by one of the dolphin tanks. A dolphin squeaked when we were nearby. "He sensed you're upset," Miss Chatham said. "I sensed it from him."

"A mind reading dolphin?" Lewis asked in disbelief.

"Oh, a lot of sea creatures are empathetic," Miss Chatham explained. "It's like a kind of magic. I mean not the kind where you make things disappear, they'd need a wand for that," Miss Chatham smirked.

"Fortunately, there's a thing called science to help the magic along," Lewis said proudly.

"Lewis is trying to figure out a scientific way to make it easier for us to be mermaids," Cleo said. She then looked to me. "Sorry, I forgot there's a merman too," she shrugged.

"It won't work," Miss Chatham said quickly.

"Well, it might let them mind meld with the jellyfish, but it will give them a chance to live like normal human beings," Lewis explained

"Well, no one could mind meld with the jellyfish," Miss Chatham argued. "They're jellyfish. And the girls and Will are not normal human beings.

"Yes, they are," Lewis shot back. "What's happened to them might seem magical, but the cure will be scientifical."

"Can science explain why whales sing?" Miss Chatham asked.

"Yes. Yes it can," Lewis nodded.

"Can it tell you what they're singing about?" Lewis was speechless. Man, Miss C. still has some spark.

"Anyway, we've got a dance to organize," Emma said quickly. We then walked away while Lewis stayed behind to hear one last thing from Miss Chatham. He then came running after us.

At the JuiceNet, we were convincing Wilfred to let us hold the dance there. Surprisingly, it didn't take long at all. "You have to promise to stick to one rule," Wilfred began. "No early finishing. I don't want people saying I landed some curfew on you."

"We can manage that," Emma smiled.

"Good, then go for it," Wilfred said as he walked away.

"Cool idea having it here," Byron spoke up.

Emma then went into complete neat freak mode. "Yeah, it should make it a lot easier to organize the drinks," Emma said. "And the music," she continued. "And the security, which should free up some time for me to help with the food and the lighting."

"That's a lot of organizing," Byron smirked.

"Yeah, whatever it takes," Emma smiled. "I'm gonna make sure this is the best dance ever. Nothing's gonna get in my way. Everyone who goes is gonna have the best time."

Byron's face fell a little bit. "Cool," he said simply.

I'm pretty sure Emma could feel our stares from the back of her head. "So, are you going," she asked shyly.

"Don't see how I couldn't with all the work you're doing," he smiled. "So I'll see you there," he said as he got up and left.

As we walked into the cafe, Rikki started to scold Emma. "What's wrong with you?" she asked. "Why didn't you ask him to the dance?"

"The guy asks the girl, that's how it works," Emma said.

"Welcome to the twenty first century," Rikki said as she rolled her eyes.

"I don't have time to worry about it anyway," Emma reminded. "This dance is the last time our whole class is gonna be together for the rest of the year."

"Exactly," Cleo agreed. "The main thing is that we organize a great night for everyone."

"Lewis hasn't asked you either has he?" Rikki smirked.

Cleo curled her lip and sighed. I'm guessing that's a no.

Later that day, we were back on campus. "You have to ask Lewis now," Rikki said. "Do not make the same mistakes certain other people made," she continued while tilting her head towards Emma's direction.

"C'mon Cleo," Lauren urged her. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"As if you'd ever ask a guy!" Cleo shot at Rikki.

"Of course I would!" Rikki shrugged. As it happens, Zane's already asked me so I don't have to." That's when Lewis made his way up the stairs and towards us. "But I would have!" Rikki added.

"Hi guys!" Lewis smiled.

"Cleo's thinking about not going to the dance, she should definitely go, shouldn't she?" Rikki asked.

"We're both worried about getting wet," Emma said.

"A dork always brings a water pistol," Cleo reminded.

"Oh no, Rikki's right! You should definitely go!" Lewis agreed. "Oh, there something I need to ask you," Lewis said as he pointed to Cleo.

"Really?" Cleo asked hopefully. Maybe Lewis was actually gonna ask her to the dance.

"Yes, which I will in a second. Now, do you guys remember my research?" We nodded. "Well, I can now reveal that I am this close to a formula that'll make you guys waterproof."

"Really?" Emma asked with a grin. If Lewis could actually make a formula that makes us waterproof, then my life would be so much easier. I could do so many things I wouldn't normally be able to do because I would get wet.

"It looks that way," Lewis reassured. "Which means that you'll certainly be able to go to the dance, and anywhere else for that matter.

As Lewis began to walk away, Cleo spoke up. "Wasn't there something else you wanted to ask me?"

Cleo looked back at us with a smile. "Oh, yes!" Lewis remembered. "Umm, Cleo I was wondering... if you would like to... give me one more hair sample? I just need to do one more test." Cleo dropped her shoulders. Lewis took his tweezers and plucked a piece of hair from Cleo's head.

"Ow!" she exclaimed.

"Sorry, I needed a follicle," Lewis apologized. "Bye!" he then walked away.

Rikki threw her hands up in the air in disbelief. That's when Nate came up from behind us. "Hey Spunky!" he called to Cleo. "Have you moved houses lately?"

"Umm... no," Cleo shook her head.

"Cool, I know where to pick you up from then," Nate smirked.

"Does this have anything to do with the dance Nate?" Cleo asked with annoyance dripping from her voice.

"Can be if you want it to be," Nate said as he pointed to himself and grinned. "Yeah, I'm in the market for a chickie to take."

"No," Cleo said flatly.

That took a toll on Nate's attitude. "Well, I'll leave you to think it over then," he clicked his tongue. "Catch ya." He then walked away.

"You are so lucky," Rikki said sarcastically as we walked ahead. "Chickie," she added mimicking Nate. We all then chuckled, besides Cleo who had a sour look on her face.

Back at home, I went to check on the twins. They were both awake, so I decided to entertain them. "Hey girls, watch this," I said. I brought in a cup of water and I used my powers to lift two balls water out of the cup. I then moved each one to the two cribs. I concentrated, and then formed a mermaid out of both spheres of water. The girls giggled in delight.

"That's when I heard someone come in. Thankfully, it was Kaylie.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Entertaining the twins," I shrugged.

Kaylie rolled her eyes. "Well, it's time for then to nap now, so quit it," she said.

"Okay, okay, I defended myself as I threw the water mermaids back into the cup with my powers. "Who peed in your cereal bowl this morning?" I asked jokingly.

"No one," she answered. She then left the room. That was weird, I thought. I then made my way to my room. Suddenly, a sharp pain went through my head. I then looked at the mirror and saw my eyes flash yellow for a split second. Uh oh. The curse is coming back. Lewis had to find a cure, and quick.

The next morning, I met up with the girls on the beach. They were all sitting together. "Hey guys," I said as I sat next to Lauren.

"Hey Will," they said. Emma was currently on the phone.

"Well, the dance is tonight, so I'm gonna need the ice as soon as possible," Emma said. She was probably talking to Wilfred. "Thanks." Emma then looked over to Byron, who probably against his will was showing Miriam his surfboard.

"I can't believe you're letting him get away with this," Rikki said.

"If he wanted to take me to the dance, he would've asked me," Emma replied. "No not you," Emma spoke back into the phone. "Yeah, I'm sure you're too old for me, just the ice will be fine. Thanks," Emma said as she shut her phone. "And anyway, I'm not letting anyone get away with anything. I'm not even sure I wanna go to the dance," Emma admitted.

"Okay, so will it be board games or card games?" Rikki asked.

"You should definitely go," I said to Emma.

"I wanna go," Cleo said. "And if Lewis won't ask me then..." she trailed off.

"Look, I think you should give Lewis one last chance," Emma said.

"'Last' being the operative word Rikki reminded.

Cleo sighed and dialed Lewis's number. "Hey Lewis!" Cleo said happily. "Lewis, is there anything you wanted to ask me? Really?" Cleo asked excitedly. "And what would that be?" Cleo frowned, and then hung up her phone. "He wants a sample of my earwax," Cleo said. The girls and I rolled our eyes. Lewis can be really blind sometimes. "Right," Cleo said as she stood up and made her way over to Nate, who was also on the beach.

"Take no prisoners!" Rikki yelled to Cleo .Their conversation didn't last very long, although I did hear the last thing Nate said to Cleo.

"Wear something short and tight," he said.

Cleo came back over to us. "That was short," Rikki stated.

"And tight," Cleo sighed.

That night, I was meeting the girls at Cleo's house. We were all supposed to go to the dance together. I knocked on the door and Mr. Sertori answered. "Hello Will!" he smiled. "The girls are in Cleo's room. I nodded in thanks and made my way upstairs. When I entered the room, I heard the girls complaining about what they were wearing.

"We look like dorks," Emma frowned.

The girls waved at me. "So you're definitely coming?" Rikki asked Emma.

"Well, I'm the dance organizer. It's my responsibility," Emma said. Then, we heard a knock on the door and Lewis walked in.

"You're all here!" he exclaimed. "Brilliant!"

"We're all out of navalent Lewis!" Cleo rolled her eyes.

"No, I don't need any more specimens! My research, it's finally complete!" Lewis said proudly. "Cleo," he said.

"We don't need deodorant either Lewis!" Cleo said.

"It's not!" he argued. "I've developed an amino acid Teflon derivative compound that when in contact with skin, resists moisture!" Lewis said as he sprayed Cleo with his waterproof stuff.

"You mean it'll waterproof us?" Emma asked.

"How can you be sure?" Rikki added.

"Well, I'm not," Lewis corrected. "But this spray bottle, it's full of water." He then proceeded to spray water on Cleo's arm.

""Lewis!" Cleo squealed. "I already packed my towel in my bag! You better be ready to catch me when this tail appears!"

Ten seconds went by, and Cleo still had her legs. "Do you see a tail?" Lewis asked with a smirk.

"We don't have to worry about getting wet anymore!" Emma said happily. "That means we can wear what we want to the dance!"

"Yes!" the others squealed in happiness as they went into the bathroom to change. I, on the other hand, had a tux on, so I didn't have to.

"The dance?" Lewis asked himself.

"It's tonight," I reminded him. "Why do you think I wore this tux?" I asked.

Lewis then sat on Cleo's bed, with the waterproof spray in hand. "Why are you giving me that look," he asked.

"I think you know why," I said. "There's a pretty girl in there that obviously wants you to ask her to the dance."

Lewis slowly nodded. After a while, the girls finally came out of the bathroom. "What do you think?" Emma asked.

Both Lewis and my jaws dropped. "Sounds like a compliment to me!" Rikki smiled.

I went up to Lauren as I saw Lewis begin to talk to Cleo. "You look... wow," I managed to say.

"Thank you!" Lauren said as she blushed. "You look great too!"

Rikki then grabbed the spray from Lewis. We all then took turns covering ourselves in it. That's when Mr. Sertori called to Cleo. "Cleo, someone's here for you!"

We all then went down the steps, with Lewis trailing behind. Zane and Nate were waiting with Mr. Sertori. I went up to Zane and gave him a pat on the back. Rikki was right. Zane wasn't all that bad. Once you get passed the spoiled rich kid part. "I thought I said something short and tight," Nate said to Cleo.

"What?!" Mr. Sertori asked with surprise.

"Nothing!" Cleo said quickly. "Shouldn't we get going?"

"Lewis, you're not coming?" Zane asked.

"Umm... I might get there later," Lewis replied.

"Well, you should bring a hose then," Nate said. "Cause it's gonna be hot." He then made a gun with his hand and pointed it at Lewis. Lewis pointed back.

"Bye Lewis," Cleo sighed.

And with that, we were out the door and on the way to the dance.


Lewis's POV

I watched Cleo walk out the door with Nate. I then felt a pang in my chest. "You're letting my daughter go with him?" Mr. Sertori asked.

"Well, it's not really up to me," I replied.

"Of course it is!" Mr. Sertori said. "She only ever talks about you! C'mon Lewis!" Mr. Sertori said as he slapped me in the chest. "You're better than that goose!"

"Really?" I asked surprised. Mr. Sertori nodded. I suddenly got a burst of confidence and went home to change for the dance.


Will's POV

The dance was awesome! I don't know how Emma managed to throw this together. Of course I was dancing with Lauren. She seemed to be having a blast. I looked over to the entrance and saw Lewis walk in dressed to the nines. He looked at Cleo and made his way over to her. Just as he was about to reach her, Nate cut him off and dragged Cleo to the dance floor. "Oh, so close!" I heard Lauren say over the music. She must've seen Lewis too. About midway through the dance, Lauren went over where Rikki was to spray on more of the waterproof stuff.

That's when Carrie came up to me. I had no idea she came to the dance too. "You're free!" she said as she tried to get ahold of me.

"Get off, Carrie," I said flatly as I swatted away her arm.

"C'mon Will!" she said. "How can you pass up a dance with me?"

I started to feel the familiar rise of anger within me. This definitely was not the place to go all crazy and whatnot. I looked over to Lauren and Rikki and saw that Miriam and her friends were spraying the waterproof stuff all over them. They probably were teasing the girls. That's when I noticed Miriam couldn't spray anymore. It was empty. I ran over to Miriam, completely forgetting about Carrie.

"How 'bout you get lost, Miriam," I said.

"Wow," she smirked. "Are you here to save the damsels in distress?" she asked as her and her friends walked away.

"Are you okay?" I asked the girls. "You two sure are red."

"So are you," Rikki said in surprise. I then looked all around me and spotted both Emma and Cleo. They were both red too. Was this like a side effect from the spray or something?

The next thing I knew, Cleo grabbed all of us including Lewis, and dragged us towards the cooler room. "This isn't sunburn Lewis!" she said as she pointed to her face. "What have you done to us?" We then went into the cooler room.

Lewis inspected all of our faces. "Well, it could be from the formula," he guessed. "Of course it's from the formula!" Rikki said angrily. "What do we do about it?"

"Well, it's probably just a minor allergic reaction!" Lewis reassured. "I'll need to do some more tests."

"More earwax?" Cleo guessed.

"Ideally," Lewis answered as he scrunched up his face.

"And how is that going to help us now?" Rikki asked.

"You ruined our night Lewis! Look at us!" Cleo scolded.

"I say we run for it," Emma decided. We all nodded, and then made our way out of the cafe with our faces down.

"You can barely notice it!" Lewis yelled from behind us. We paid no attention to him, then dove into the water and sped towards the moon pool. When we surfaced at the moon pool, we realized our skin was back to normal.

"Obviously, the formula only reacts with our human skin," Emma said. "Now that we're mermaids, it doesn't affect us."

Do they have to keep forgetting? I thought to myself.

"And that helps us how?" Rikki asked.

"Just as Byron was about to make a move," Cleo sighed.

"Really?" Cleo asked. "That's fantastic!"

"Yeah, and then I turned into a tomato pizza and ran out on him," Emma reminded.

"At least your guys showing an interest," Cleo said as she drifted off for a bit.

"Oh no," I muttered.

"What's wrong?" Lauren asked worriedly.

I lifted my tail up. It was plastered with black. Some parts were blue and some parts were black. Sort of like I tie dye type thing.

"The curse is coming back," Cleo gasped.

"Great," I said. "Just another thing I need to worry about. We can worry about this later. Let's dry off and see if our skin is back to normal. I hoisted myself onto the sand and steam dried myself. I then steam dried the rest of the girls, besides Rikki of course.

Cleo looked at her skin. "Nearly back to normal," she said in relief. "It just looks like we used too much flusher."

"They'll be packing up the dance by now," Emma sighed.

"Guys?" we heard Lewis call. "Guys, are you there?" He then saw how the redness in our skin was almost gone. "Ah, so it's just about worn off then?"

"Just in time to help stack the chairs Lewis!" Cleo said.

"I'm sorry!" Lewis apologized. "I had no idea something like this was gonna happen! I was just trying to help. And I still want too!"

"Do we get choice of color this time?" Rikki asked.

Lewis sighed. "Em, you might wanna know that Byron's still at the dance. He's waiting to see whether you come back or not."

"Not anymore he won't," Emma replied. "He'll be walking Miriam home. If he asked her to go to the dance, he'd feel responsible for her."

"But he didn't ask her," Lewis corrected. "She asked him. "Tiffany told me between handstands!" he added. With that, Emma dove into the water and sped off.

"So I guess Miriam was able to get her claws onto Zane?" Rikki asked.

"No way!" Lewis replied. "Last I saw, she was stuck dancing with Nate and his mates!"

"Really?" Rikki asked.

"Yes," Lewis confirmed. "Zane asked them to keep her away from him. He was-" Lewis was cut off by Rikki splashing in the water. I saw a smile creep onto his face. I then saw him glance towards Cleo.

"That's our cue to leave," I whispered over to Lauren. We both dove into the water and sped off. We swam to Lewis's fishing spot. Once we dried off, Lauren and I sat on the sand. "I bet you Lewis is kissing Cleo right now," I smirked.

"You think so?" Lauren asked hopefully.

"Lauren, they're in a secluded area by themselves and they both like each other. If Lewis doesn't make a move now, I might actually punch him in the face."

Lauren giggled. "I guess you're right," she said. "But what about your tail?" she asked.

"Don't worry about right now," I said as I gently grabbed her hand. "Now's not the time."

"Okay," she gave in. She then pulled out a necklace from behind her. At the end of it, was a giant shark's tooth. "For you," she said as she handed it to me.

"What's it for?" I asked curiously.

"I wanted to return the favor," she said. "I found it on the ocean floor when I was swimming earlier. I knew you loved sharks, so I made a necklace out of the tooth."

"Thanks," I said as I gave Lauren a kiss. "It's perfect."

"I'm glad you like it," she smiled. I then leant in, and started to kiss Lauren. I have no idea how long this was, but one thought was running through my mind.

God, I love this girl.
