Chapter 1 : Shopping takes an Unexpected Turn

I have wanted to write this one SINCE SOOO LONG. Hope you like it! Fuck it's 3000 words like damn.

"Hayley you have to decide your prom dress soon, it's this week!" Gwyn told her daughter as she was shopping. "I knowww mom, ", "This one looks nice." Gwyn said while holding a blue dress against her body.

"Ehh I don't think it'll suit her body." Said her Nephew Nyx. Gwyn raised an eyebrow at him playfullly and then Nyx blushed. You seem to know a lot about her body, Gwyn said in her mind. And by the way Nyx blushed, she knew he'd heard her.

And then Nesta groaned, "Can we please goo, I'm so fucking tired, " And Cassian acted like he was hurt, " Nesta Archeron is tired of shopping? I'd never thought I'd live to see that way."

And Nesta swatted his hand and rolled her eyes. Gwyn just chuckled at their playfullness and said, "Alright kiddos, we'll go, " And her son groaned and muttered beautiful curses under his breath. Gwyn pointed at him playfully,

"Hey! Watch that mouth Klaus." And Klaus just rolled his eyes and said, "I'm 19 mom, I don't need to be told to watch that mouth. I'm not a boy anymore. I'm a man. "

Gwyn literally glared at him before saying, "Oh really? Then act like one. Just look at your cousin Nyx. He at least curses in private and not in front of his parents." And Klaus chuckled at that. Nyx just became even redder.

"Alright let's goooooo" Nesta said and went out the door and took flight. Oh yes, the Valkyries had wings, real wings. They were light coloured and off white. Like the wings of angels. Even Gwyn had them.

And well all of them had wings. Klaus had his father's illyrian wings, and Hayley had her mother's valkyrian wings.

They walked out of the shop after 5 hours of shopping. With literally nothing in hand. "Wow, we really do know how to waste time." Cassian said while chuckling as he took flight.

Gwyn could see Nesta followed him, and that they weren't going home any soon. It looked like some action is gonna take place in the sky this evening.

Nyx sighed and said while looking up, "They're gonna do it aren't they?", and Hayley shivered and said, "Ew Nyx, don't stare up, don't wanna find our aunt and uncle doing this.

Mom can we please take the stairs? I would rather walk 10000 steps of stairs rather than accidentally see them."

Gwyn chuckled and said, "Hayleyy, it's okay. They're not doing anything now-" Gwyn then looked up mid sentence and saw them doing it and then suddenly looked down,

"You know I think we should take the stairs too, let's go yeah let's go" Gwyn said and wrapped her arms around her twins, with Nyx walking on her side.

They walked till the house in silence until Gwyn said, "Alright I'm not walking ten thousand steps, Klaus, can you use your shadows to hide us. We'll fly to the house and MAKE SURE to not look upward AT. ANY. COST. Alright?"

Klaus just shrugged and said Alright. His shadows wrapped around them. In winters, even at 7pm it looked like it was 1am. But alas, his shadows wrapped around them and they were hidden from the world. They all took flight and all landed on the balcony.

Gwyn just chuckled when she saw Klaus stumble while he landed, "You need to work on that landing boy." She said but then saw he was frozen. And then she then looked at Hayley and Nyx.

Everyone had frozen now. Silent tears were coming from Hayley's eyes. And Klaus was just frozen. Gwyn knew this affected him much as it did to Hayley, he was just too proud to show it. Nyx was looking at Gwyn, and he was in her mind.

It was his silent gesture of showing that he was there for Gwyn. But Gwyn didn't understand what was happening, until she followed Hayley's gaze.

Gwyn's smile disappeared in an instant when she saw her mate kissing Elain.

Suddenly Cassian and Nesta landed on the balcony, Azriel broke their kiss, and Klaus' shadows faltered.

And then Gwyn met her- not hers, she reminded herself. She met Azriel's gaze. Gwyn didn't realize tears were coming from her eyes until Nesta came up to her worriedly and asked what was happening.

Azriel just stood there, not able to say anything when he saw Gwyn, and their kids. When Nesta followed Gwyn's sad gaze, she saw Azriel and Elain standing together. And it immediately clicked, Nesta started to walk towards Azriel, furious but Gwyn stopped her.

Nesta was about to argue but she saw Gwyn shake her head, and Nesta's heart broke at seeing that. Gwyn took a shuddering breath, and said, "Kiddos" And her voice broke. She then closed her eyes, trying to register what was happening, hoping that this was just a bad dream.

But when she opened her eyes, it- it wasn't. It was just endless sadness. Gwyn tried to calm her racing heart, but she couldn't. She then tried to regain some composure,

and cleared her throat and said, "Kiddos, I think you should go to your room." And Klaus started to speak something but Gwyn cut him off with a command, "Now".

Klaus obeyed as he understood the intensity of the situation. He then picked up his sister who was sitting on the floor crying silently, and took her to his room. "Aunti Gwyn I-" Gwyn cut him off with a pleading look. Please. She said in her mind and then he froze for a second, before going to his room.

Nesta was about to speak when Gwyn cut her off, "Please take care of the kids until then" And Nesta was about to say something, but Cassian took her out of the room, and into the kids' room. He gave her an apologetic look before doing so.

And now it was just them. Gwyn wasn't able to meet his eyes, her heart was too broken, and she- she couldn't look at her. So she did the only sane thing she knew, she took flight out of the house.

She knew Azriel followed her, "GWYN" He shouted once, "GWYN" He shouted again but he was too slow, for Gwyn was already in the townhouse.

She met Feyre in the way but she slightly shoved her to go to Rhysand's study, only to find it empty. Then Gwyn came back to Feyre, only to find that Azriel was already talking to her. "RHYS" Gwyn shouted, "RHYS" she shouted again. She then went to Feyre, right beside Azriel.

Azriel then turned towards her at the same moment Feyre said, "Gwyn are you okay?" Worry shown in her eyes but Gwyn- Gwyn couldn't deal with this right now.

"Gwyn I can explain-", "Do you have the divorce papers? The one that people sign when the want a divorce?" And at the same moment Rhysand came down the stairs.

As soon as he saw Gwyn's sad face he asked her, "Gwyn are you okay?" Gwyn again ignored the question and tried to ask him with a cold face but failed miserably, "Do you have divorce papers?"

And Rhysand nodded, "Can you give them to me?" And Azriel suddenly said in a deathly voice, "You are not giving her divorce papers. Gwyn I can explain-", "Please" Gwyn said, letting her broken self be seen in that one word. And then Rhysand understood and went straight to the study.

Gwyn, Azriel and Feyre followed him. While Rhysand looked for the papers. He had looked into Gwyn's mind. He knew how wrong it was but he needed to be sure, and after seeing what she had seen, he was sure.

"Gwyn I can explain-" And this time, Gwyn snapped. "What the hell is there to explain Az? You kissed her and our kids saw that. Do you even know how much it hurt them to see their father like that? Do you know how much it hurt me-", "Gwyn I was just confirming-"

"Confirming WHAT Azriel. We've been together since 25 years. Married together since 23 years and have had kids in the last 19 years. And if you really needed confirmation, you should have done that before doing all of that with me."

And this time, Azriel had no words, he simply looked down. And then Gwyn laughed bitterly with tears in her eyes, "I guess 25 years for a fae don't really matter now do they? It's just one percent of their life and-",

and even Azriel shed one tear. Gwyn felt guilty about saying those words but- "Don't say that Gwyn. Don't.say.that." And then Gwyn said, while looking him straight in the eye, "But it's the truth Azriel. And like you said, ugly truths are better than pretty lies. "

And then Rhysand found the papers and slammed them on the desk. Gwyn signed them as soon as possible, her tears making the page wet. This was it. She was ending their life together. Their 25 years. Their 25 years. But it's fine, it's fine.

"Gwyn what about our kids?" Azriel asked, with a broken voice, and Gwyn didn't look up. She swallowed that huge gulp in her throat, and said, "I guess you should have thought about them before kissing Elain." And signed the last page.

She then shoved the papers in Azriel's chest, "Sign the papers Shadowsinger. It's just like another deal. " Gwyn said with sarcasm dripping from her voice, she tried to smile, she really did.

But she couldn't. "I'm not signing the papers Gwyn.", "Yes you are. ", "" Azriel said, with some sense of finallism in his voice.

And then Gwyn said with a defeated voice, "Please sign the papers. Please.", "What about our family-", "Our family is still gonna be there Az. I am not taking our kids anywhere.

You'll always be there father and they'll stay right there. Don't think for a second that I'll let my kids live without a proper father like you had to.

You may be the shittiest person I know Azriel but are a great father. Sign the papers Azriel, we aren't meant for each other anymore. I'll even leave the night court just please sign the papers."

Gwyn said and looked up to him with bloodshot eyes and begged him with those eyes. And then Azriel squared up and said, "I'm sorry Gwyn- I- I can't sign the papers, I- can't let you go." And that was the moment, when Gwyn lost all hope in him.

She then left the townhouse without saying a word, and this time, Azriel didn't follow her. She was now standing outside of her kids' room, she kept taking long breaths. She cleaned her eyes with the back of her hand but whenever she's tried to open the door, she moved back.

But then Nesta suddenly opened the door from inside and as soon as she saw Gwyn, she caught her in a bone crushing hug. "I'm sorry." She whispered in her neck.

Gwyn then moved back to look at Nesta's face and smiled sadly, "It's not your fault Nes. It's okay." And Nesta hugged her again.

And then Cassian came out of the room, even he looked guilty, as if he was the one who had done the deed. Cassian then looked at Gwyn apologetically and Gwyn just rolled her eyes and waved it off. Cassian was stupid, but not stupid enough to miss the pain in her eyes.

"I need to talk to the kids Nes." Gwyn reminded Nesta and Nesta moved away, she then looked at Gwyn, apologetically and pitying her. And Cassian and Nesta left.

Gwyn then took a long breath and went inside the room, only to find Hayley still crying, and Nyx and Klaus comforting her. Gwyn then closed the door and went towards them,

she sat on her knees and took Hayley's hands in hers. But Hayley didn't wait a second to hug Gwyn. She kept crying in her neck, Gwyn closed her eyes, don't let the tears come, don't let the tears come.

And then opened them and massaged Hayley's hair slightly. "shhh, it's gonna be okay love, it's gonna be okay. " She kept repeating as long as it would take to stop her daughter from crying.

It didn't work and Hayley moved away. Gwyn's heart broke when she looked at their sad faces. She then got up and sat on the other bed, with her hands still holding Hayley's. "Hey, look at me." She whispered and Hayley didn't, "Hayley, look at me." And then Hayley did.

And the sight of that broke Gwyn's heart even more. She wiped her tears with her hand and said, "it's gonna be okay love, it's gonna be okay. " And kissed her hand. Klaus then said, "Don't worry, we'll take revenge Hayley." And Gwyn rolled her eyes and said, "no revenge needs to be taken Klaus, you can calm down."

"Mom but-", "No buts, Azriel may be a shitty husband but he's not a shitty father. And you will not treat him like one either. He's always been there for all of you, even you Nyx.

So any plans you've made for killing him have to be cancelled. Come on, hand them over Nyxie" Gwyn said, trying to lighten up the mood.

But then Nyx actually gave her a piece of paper guiltily and Gwyn chuckled and asked, "You actually made a plan to kill him? Wow" And then Hayley sobbed and asked, "Mum are you divorcing him?"

And then Gwyn looked down guiltily before shrugging and saying, "It's what parents do when things won't work out.", "What about our family?" Hayley asked. Gwyn scoffed and said, "Hayley, we'll still be a family.

We'll always be a family. I would always be your mother and he'll always be your father. Nothing can change that. The only change is that I'm retiring him from the job of being my husband. But he'll still be your father. "

Gwyn said, and then continued, "I- I just may leave for a while, until things become a bit, controlled." And then Nyx said with anger laced in his voice, "Why do you have to leave? Why can't he? And why can't we come with you?".

And then Gwyn said, "Number one, because I need to get away. Number two, someone needs to take care of you kiddos, and number three I am not mentally or financially stable to support you right now.

I always want you to live your best life and the only way to do that is by living in Velaris. And besides, you have your prom coming up, be a little excited!"

She tried to lighten up the mood but it didn't work, she sighed and said, "Wow you guys really are downers. But you can't be like that you know. Life has its own ups and downs. Sometimes its great and sometimes its shitty."

Klaus just scoffed at which Gwyn glared at him and then decided to take him out of the room. They entered the room's balcony and immediately Gwyn said, "Listen mister, you gotta stop being a downer for at least your sister. And

Klaus you do not need to feel bad for me. I am a 50 year old adult and I can handle myself. Also, I caught you checking out that guy in the mall today, what was that about? "

And as soon as Gwyn said that, klaus reddened. But then he huffed and said, "How long have you known?" Gwyn just pretended to file her nails and said,

"some 5 or 6 years, when I caught you doing my makeup in the bathroom. And then you saw how hideous you looked and immediately decided you wanted to be a masculine gay."

And then he tried to hide his smile while saying, "stalker" Gwyn acted like she was hurt but then said, "Am not! Now come on, your sister needs you. Go watch a movie with her and I'll think about giving you that guy's number."

"You have his NUMBER?!?", Gwyn winked and said, "I have my sources" And then took him inside. "Hayley, come on let's watch a movie and stop crying." Gwyn said and then pouted, "Pweaasee Hayley" Hayley cleaned her tears and said, "Alrighttt mum"


(After watching a movie and saying goodnight to her kids)

In the balcony, with Nyx while stargazing :

Nyx scoffed and said, "Why did you forgive him Gwyn?" And Gwyn waited for a long time before answering,

"Because I love him. And love makes people do fickle things. And also, who the fuck gave you permission to call me Gwyn?" And then took a long sip of her cheap beer.

"That is not the point. And also, I was trying it out but it didn't stick. But-", "No buts Nyx, when you're in love, you'll understand." And Nyx was about to say something but he shut his mouth.

And Gwyn understood. "Ohhhh but you've already been in love haven't you? 2 years with Hayley?" And the way Nyx reddened at that statement, made Gwyn chuckle even more with hiccups.

"That's right Nyxie, I know alll about your little thingies. I know all about yoour secret relationship-", "Please don't tell anyone-", "I know I know I would never.",

"It's just that-", "Oh i know that you both enjoy the secrecy and having each other to yourself. By the way have yoou told her that she's your mate? I mean you should cause you already know her and-"

"YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT TOO??? MY GOD, YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE SPYMASTER OF THIS DAMN COURT" Gwyn chuckled and said, "Language Nyxie, wouldn't wanna disappoint dad."

And Nyx just scoffed at that. After a few minutes, Gwyn got up and said, "Go home Nyxie, it's like 10pm now." But before leaving she didn't forget to pat him on the back and saying, "Don't drink little guy" And took a huge sip of the beer, finishing it. Nyx just chuckled at that.

Gwyn then went to her room. Not hers anymore, she realized. Gods, she was really drunk and all she wanted to do was break down and cry, but not today, she said, not today.

And then she decided on doing a crazy ass thing. She decided to wear her ex husband's t-shirt and sleep. While she was changing in the bathroom, she noticed this weird tattoo forming on her hand.

It was full of flowers. Full of thorns, and roses. Gwyn thought she should get it checked out by Rhys, and so she did.

She then went to the townhouse, apologized Feyre for her behavior earlier and then asked to see Rhysand, to which Feyre told her that he was in his study. Gwyn went to his study, only to see that his face was dead serious, and that he was examining a box carefully.

"Sorry to interrupt Rhys but I suddenly got this tattoo and- OH MY GOD IS THAT TAMLIN'S HEAD!"

And Rhys nodded, she then went to look at his face. It was in its half beast form, but then Rhysand's eyes didn't move from her tattoo.

And then Gwyn covered it up with her hand and said, "Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt, you already have better things to do." Gwyn was about to leave but then Rhysand said,

"It's the same tattoo I saw when Tamlin became the high lord in front of me-", "Ohkay?-" Gwyn was officially confused as to why Rhysand was telling this to her right now, but all her confusions were cleared when he said,

"You're the High Lady of the Spring Court."
