Chapter 4 - Shiver Me Timbers


"Good Morning, Alice! Found Wonderland yet?" I teased her.

"Handsomeness my ass,"  she deadpanned. "Where am I, idiot?" she asked me, her eyes darting around cautiously. A bit weird if you ask me. 

"In my apartment, darling," I drawled carelessly, watching her fume. Damn, she looks even more hot when she's angry.

"Don't call me that," she snapped at me. "And what the hell are you talking about? Alice?Wonderland?"

"I love how easily you get irritated and I would show you your video of your drunken exploits but I don't think screen time early in this beautiful day would help your hangover," I smirked at her horrified reaction and held my iPad up.

"Oh. My. God. You filmed me," she moaned with embarrassment.


"While I was drunk," she said scowling at me.


She sweared out loud and I chuckled.

"You think this is funny do you," You put up one heck of a show yesterday night which I am sure would have won the 'Joker of the Year Award'," I told her teasingly.

"Gimme that, you bastard!" she screeched with contempt and disdain.

"Hmm. Maybe you should post this on Instagram. You would definitely get a million likes," I told her teasingly.

She glared at me ferociously and without warning grabbed my balls. Hard.

What the hell is happening.

I groaned out loud from the pain. Or pleasure.

Shut the hell up.

She suddenly snatched the iPad from my hands and at that moment, if looks could kill, I would've been dead. I had called her 'darling' to tease her but she looked too furious to even notice.

She did that to grab the iPad 

Jeez get it together, Val.

 I'm such an idiot.

The iPad screen lit up with the video I had recorded last night. Her silly giggles and gibberish talks from the video filled the room. Just then, the part came up where I caught her when she stumbled. I thought I saw Emilia blush with embarrassment. A while later, she collapsed onto the floor and put her hands over her face.

"No! No! No! Damn it! Why did I even get drunk yesterday? " she groaned.

"Oh right! I have to remind you about that million dollar vase that you broke. It was gifted to the hotel's owner's great grandfather by some respectable figure and had been their family heirloom until you broke it. The expense sure was humungous but I covered it up for you. I also had to listen an earful from the hotel manager. What are you going to do to pay me back?" I playfully asked to ignore the uhm situation that had occurred before.

She looked at me with shock. I stifled a laugh. This was hilarious. 

"This is unbelievable! I can surely fork out the money but my self-esteem has touched the ground!" she muttered.

"Well darling, we can't change the past so let me take you home," I said with a sigh.

"Fuck off. I can drive home myself," she shouted.

"You've got to be kidding me! You literally drank a bottle of wine. Enjoy driving yourself home with your fantastic hangover. And I won't be covering your expenses if you crash into something or someone," I said, losing my patience.

"Wait! Where the hell is Black Beauty! I drove her to the hotel last night. She must be in the hotel driveway. My poor baby, all alone in the hotel driveway," she whined.

"You own a horse?" I asked sceptically.

"That's my car, duffer," she snapped at me as I tried to stifle my laughter. 

"I got my people to bring your car to Eyre's place since I found the car keys in your purse," I shrugged nonchalantly.

"You dirty little thief! How dare you go through my purse without my permission?" And her signature scowl was back on her pretty face.

"You were the one who handed the purse to me saying that the purse betrayed you" I said stifling a laugh again.

She looked perplexed but she looked even cuter with her confused expression.

Wait cute? I don't call people cute.

You just did.

"Fine....Whatever." Em said while putting on her heels.

Her heart really is made of ice. No smile or even a single 'Thank you' up till now!

Did you realise it just now?  

I guess I did.

I tossed my Lamborghini car keys in the air and went out of the room whistling. From the corner of my eyes, I could see her following me. I went straight to the garage and opened the door of my Veneno Roadster. I had expected her to be surprised but instead, she kept a poker face.

Trying to suppress your emotions, I see. Let's see for how long you can keep this pretence up.

She got it and I started the engine. It roared to life as I started it. I hadn't driven in quite a long time. I wanted to speed things up a bit.

"Darling, put your seat belt on tight 'cause we're going for a ride," I said.

"Stop trying to be dramatic. You're quite terrible at it to be honest," She rolled her eyes.

"Not as terrible as your drunk singing is," I chuckled teasingly. "Tell me where your house is" I asked her.

"C-37 Parker Lane" She replied looking out of the window.

Wait what?!? Parker Lane? Isn't that the street for elites and billionaires? My dad lives there but I never expected her to be there....

This girl has more secrets than I thought.

"What are you waiting for? Get a move on!" she complained.

I started driving and we reached her house in no time.

Just as she was about to enter the front door, I said, "And by the way, I may or may not have scratched your car a teensy tiny bit, darling," And I drove off with a smirk.

She raced behind me throwing unspeakable curses but as any sensible person would do in that situation, I drove off.


That fucking bastard! How dare he scratch my car! Now I have two people on my 'To-Kill List': Eyre and Valentino. 

You don't even have such a list.

Can't you ever be quiet! Why do you always meddle in my affairs?

Sorry girl but I'll always be talking nonsense.

Even my subconsciousness was winning an an argument with me...Ugh!

I was about to unlock my front door when I saw someone open it. Out of instinct, I sprung into action and pulled out my revolver that I always carried on me. 

"Woah! Woah! It's me, Eyre!" Eyre said emerging from the darkness.

I stumbled back and once I understood what was going on, I gave Eyre a playful shove while putting my revolver back.

"I see that you still have the bad habit of climbing into my house through windows even though you know where the spare key is," I said, laughing.

Eyre grinned.

Wait I was angry at her. For a lot of things.

"You!" I glared at her.

"Uh, me?" she asked innocently. She turned around and tried to escape from the music she was about to face.

"Don't you dare leave, Grey," I growled at her.

Eyre stopped in her tracks, frozen. 

"Would you mind explaining what you did last night? I'm sure you know the consequences of impersonating me in that love letter" I said, crossing my arms and trying to look intimidating. The whole world found me intimidating except Eyre and Evelyn.

And Valentino.

"What are you talking about, Em?" She asked nervously.

"You'd better run for your life," I told her with narrowed eyes as I started to chase her. She ran out into the lawn and me being faster than her caught up with her and started hitting her.

"Woah, what's going on here?" And ladies and gentlemen enter my fantabulous third best friend-

Evelyn Willis

"Evie!" I shouted happily as I jumped on her for a massive hug.

She laughed as she hugged me back. Eyre jumped on too and soon it turned into a massive group hug.

 "Dude, I've been gone for a month, not a year," Eve said rolling her eyes.  "And what's Eyre telling me about this total hottie you went on a date with?" She asked me raising her eyebrows.

"A total hottie who is a jerk, egoistical bastard and not to forget a total cunt," I said glaring at Eyre. Her eyes immediately lighted up as she exchanged a look with Evelyn. I narrowed my eyes at them both suspiciously as they both gave me identical teasing looks. 

"What?" I asked them suspiciously, "Why are you both looking at me like that and grinning like lunatics?"

Eve grinned as as she swung her arm around my shoulder and Eyre swung her arm around my other shoulder identically grinning. " You called him a hottie!" Eve exclaimed smugly. I groaned at her and said, "That's, what you got from the whole conversation?" 

"Yes we did! And you and Val would look amazing together. And your kids would be sooooo  cute. Eve and I could be the Godmothers," Eyre said with a dreamy look in her eyes as Eve roared with laughter. I smacked both of them on their heads as we entered my house. 

"Anyways enough about me, give me something interesting about your love life," I turned to Eve as the three of us flopped down on my bed.

"I'll go on an Anti-Sweet diet for a week when Evelyn falls in love," Eyre said rolling her eyes. "I'm prepared to bet my entire chocolate collection that Eve had a one night stand in Hawaii," She said with a determined smirk.

"You know me too well, babes," Eve sighed.

"By the way, how was he in bed?" I asked her wiggling my eyebrows.

"What if I tell you it's a girl?" Eve said smirking as she leaned back on the bed.

"WHAT?" Eyre and I shouted at the same time. Eve rolled her eyes again as she looked at us with amusement.

"I'm kidding. And Alessio was wild in bed," she said dreamily.

 "Eve you'd better fall in love fast. We really to see the week where Eyre goes on an Anti-Sweet diet fast," I said sighing dramatically. 

"In my wildest dream, chicas. And my dreams are wild," she said as we all laughed.

"Girl, let's head to the shooting range. I have to practice shooting" I said worriedly checking the clock. 

"C'mon, Em! I never thought that you could be so boring! Let's have some fun tonight. I'm back after such a long time!" Eve whined. 

"You're back after such a long time and you want to get drunk first thing," I asked her scowling, "I'm not drinking for a long time. My pot of drunk embarrassment has been filled for this life," I said as I reminisced my night of embarrassment. 

"Tell us everything," Eyre demanded, "From cover to cover," she added warningly as I started telling her what I had seen in the video.

"So that's how my tale of the series of unfortunate events ended," I finished as I looked at my two crazy best friends. "So," I drawled at them, "Say something," I urged them.

"Let's get some things straight," Eyre began as she narrowed her eyes at me, " You got drunk, started abusing non living things, climbed a tree, embarrassed yourself in many other ways under the influence of Alcohol, climbed a tree-"

"Broke a vase and grabbed his balls," finished Evie but unlike Eyre, her eyes were gleaming with delight. "Babe, I'm so proud of you!" She said, controlling her laughter.

"Dare to laugh and I will mummify both of your bodies after I kill you brutally," I said scowling at them.

Both of these idiots appeared unfazed with this threat. Eyre put a hand over her heart and exclaimed dramatically, "Shiver me timbers! I'm terrified," as Eve chuckled.

"I don't understand what's so funny about this," I whined. "This is a dire situation which you both are making worse," I said glaring at them.

"Yes. This is a grave situation. We must find a way to end your embarrassment," Eve said with a straight face.

"Yes, yes. Such a difficult situation. Very serious indeed," Eyre said keeping an equally serious face. The three of us looked at each other before promptly bursting into laughter. Eve fell off the bed and landed on the floor with a loud groan. We stopped laughing for a moment but one look at Evelyn who was awkwardly spread out on the floor Eyre and I burst out laughing again. Eve scowled at first but eventually joined in our laughing fits. 

"Oh man! The three of us really do lead extraordinary lives. Eyre I saw the fake love letter you wrote to Valentino from Em and I gotta say that it was amazingly terrible. All these events are only adding to my list of reasons why we should go clubbing today," Eve said staring at the ceiling as she was sprawled out on the floor.

"No. Absolutely not. I can't be hungover again. My training schedule will be even more messed up and I will absolutely not get drunk after what happened yesterday," I declared. Evie scowled at me and I scowled right back.

"You need to calm down. You're being too loud," Eyre said quoting Taylor Swift as grinned at my scowling face. "Guys a new bar called Sexy Destiny has recently opened near my house. Maybe we could check that out?" Eyre said scrolling through her phone.

"Ooooh! Sign me up for this Sexy Destiny. And Em you really don't need to get drunk. You can just get a drink or two, dance your ass off with us and escort us home if we get too wild. At least  one of us needs to be sober and maybe we can get Eyre drunk," Eve said smirking at Eyre.

I switched looks between their faces but Eve kept giving me threatening looks and started telling the benefits of this night out which were, unfortunately quite logical. Eve was quite skilled at finding loopholes and getting us out of trouble based on a technicality.  Which was the reason we never got punished unless we wanted to and Eyre gave her famous Always-Effective-Eyre-Grey-Famous-Puppy-Dog-Eyes-And-Pouty-Face-With-100%-Effective success-guaranteed. 

Note to Self: Never look Eyre in the eyes to ensure victory in an argument.

Which is how I found myself a few hours later getting ready with my hyped up and excited best friends for our outing. I would be lying if I said that I didn't feel even a little teeny tiny bit of excited. 

I have a feeling that this night is going to be interestingly eventful.


Hey guys! We're really really really sorry for being soooooooooo late! Hope you don't mind but we'll post two chapters in the next week as a compensation for taking so long. We had tests and assignments coming up so please understand. Thank you so much for your love and understanding  💖😭

~ _wildcreator_
