Part eighteen: Who are they

The plane for South Korea took 3 days, but it was worth it. You can tell Nayeon and Merlin really were having fun bonding in the plane. They're like kids, in the plane. But my new pastime is reading Nayeon's diary, the MERLIN episode that's running on TV and that weird script that seems to come out of nowhere.
I wonder who wrote it, hmm---"Lee JongSuk! We've arrived." "Oh, okay," as we head out. "Now what?" "Now, let's head to my parent's. "We'll be safe there, honest."

"Mom, I'm back!" "Oh,'ve come back safely, my eldest!" as he hugged his mother. I came with a guest. "Merlin!" "Hi, auntie, Merlin began." "Pleasure to meet you, young warlock, as Merlin's eyes widen. "How did you? We, the government, have been keeping a tab on you for a very long time; "Huh?"
As even Nayeon looks startled,"

"I'm back mother! father! Lee Hana can be heard from outside, along with their second son, Lee Han-a.
"I'm back Mother! As YeongHwa Suri came along, with "I brought Shuu YeongHwa, he said he wants to meet you guys." "auntie, uncle, Sorry for the disturbance, as Lee Shinee arrived, as Nayeon looked startled.
...and all the couple, said out, in unison;
"Who is this?"

To be continued.
