
You excitedly run towards the daycare while your mother runs after you trying to tell you to wait up.

You stop in front of the daycare bouncing up and down and (b/n) stares at you from your mother's arms.

'Jiminy christmas child, I can only run so fast with a one year old in my arms.'

You giggle before pushing the door with all your might.

You haven't seen Sun and Moon in months and your excited to finally be able to see them here in the summer. You had started going to preschool and right now it's summer break.

You hear footsteps and back away before you fall when the door opens. 

Sun opens the door and looks at your mom with a smile.

[Still can't open the door can you Ms. (L/n)]

She opens her eyes and looks down a bit to see you bouncing up and down and she clearly us excited.

[Oh my gosh sunshine! What are you doing here? Ah yes its summer, aka summer break. That makes sense. Anyway how has your day been!]

You smile excited for the reaction you had been waiting for all night.

'It's been great sunny!!'

She gasps in surprise before crouching down in front of you.

[Did I gear that correctly?!]

You giggle.

'Yeah! I can talk!! At school a nice lady has been helping me speak!'

She squeals in excitement and you squeal as well.

[Oh my goodness!! That's amazing!!]

You nod as you hug your lion plushie named savanna.

'We can have conversations now!'


Your mom giggles at the whole interaction and Sun stands up with a smile like just about always.

Your mom gives your brother to Sun before saying goodbye and leaving.

Once again you are scooped up by Sun, but you boop her instead of her booping you.

She pauses and stares at you before laughing and closing the door to the daycare and going deeper into the daycare and placing you down.

She gets your brother comfy in the naptime area just like multiple other times before getting everyone to form a circle around her.

[Ok everyone, today we are going to play hide and seek!]

You and multiple others squeal in excitement then she continues.

[And today, you will get to play with Moon!!]

You gasp. This is rare and you only were here for a few other times this happened! Your mom often doesn't have work on the days that Moon gets a whole day so it's only been a a small amount so far.

[Ok make way please! Didn't want you guys to surround me, I still need to get to the light switch to let Moon out!]

A few of the kids move to the side and Sun walks over to the switch and clicks the lights off.

You giggle and bounce up and down as the light dissapears and Sun shifts into Moon.

When she opens her eyes she looks at all of you with a small smile.

(Now...who's it)

You and many others yell out 'Nose goes!' and touch your noses and Moon giggles, knowing she was going to be seeker whether all of you decided or not.

(You all better run and hide before I'm finished counting~ Dont want be caught immediatly do you)

You and many others giggle before running away and hiding.

You run towards the ball pit and jump in but you don't stay in. You carefully crawl out making sure you make as little sound telling Moon that you are getting out as possible.

You carefully run over to the naptime area and go over to the pile of plushies that you've always loved.

You carefully hide yourself in the plushies and wait until Moon is finished counting. 

(Aaand ready or not!! Here I come!!)

You soon hear her look through the balls in the ball pit then hear her let out a confused grunt.

Yes! You fooled her!!

You listen as excited squeals, laughter, and giggles consume the silence in the daycare more and more as time goes by.

And what about you? Well, you haven't let out a peep.

You soon hear the twenty third child get found and your smile grows wider.

You're the last hider.

If you're about to go down soon, you're gonna go out in style.

Eventually you hear soft footsteps entering the nap area.

(Staaaarlight, I know your here somewhere. You can't hide forever)

You peek through a hole to see her looking in sleeping bags with her back turned.

You let out a rah as you pounce out of the plushies, onto her, before she can look in the plushies.

The two of you giggle as she tries to get you off and soon you are much too tired and slip off of her back then fall to the floor panting.

(You do know that still counts as me finding you right)

'Yeah but I'm last to be found so I see that as a victory'

She giggles before pausing.

(Oh, lunch time)

She leaves and tells everyone else to go to the table for lunch then goes to the kitchen.

You follow her into the kitchen and she throws you a questioning look.

(Whats up?)

'I wanna help'

(...alright. When I'm done warming up a bottle for your brother can you go and feed it to him?)

'Yes ma'am!!'

She giggles before putting the bottle of milk in the microwave then handing it too you once it's done.

You take it and go back to the naptime area and go over where your brother is.

You sit down next to where he is in the naptime area and you see he seems to be upset.

'Dont worry (b/n), I have your food here in this bottle'

You give it to him and he drinks until he's had his fill and you take it back.

He looks satisfied for a bit but then he seems to get upset again. You think he needs to be burped so you get up and go just a bit outside the area he is in to grab Moon's attention.

'Moony, I think (b/n) needs to be burped!'

She nods and walks over and into the area.

(You can go eat now)


You go over to the tables and see one seat with food at it beside another seat that you think mightve been where Moon was sitting.

You sit down and look at what you have today.

You look at the croissant, apple slices, and two carrots in front of you.

You glare at the carrots and look at the other kids.

They also got carrots. Good, not only you. You'd feel guilty for not eating them if you were the only one with them.

Despite not wanting to, you take one bite out of one of the carrots. You are gonna leave it at just one bite of carrot. You eat the apple slices and soon have no more. You then pick up the croissant and take a bite out of it.

Ahh bread. 

There is very quickly no trace of the croissant and you look up to see Moon sitting beside you.

You lean against Moon until everyone else is finished eating and quickly go over to the naptime area. You look through the bookshelf and find a book called 'Bye bye binary' with a baby wearing green and between two colors, pink and blue. 

Once everyone is there you hand the book to Moon.

(You want me to read this one?)

'Yeah it seems interesting'

(Mk. Must be a newer one cause I haven't seen this one until now)

She sits down and you once again crawl into her lap.

The others fall asleep before she can even finish, but you fall asleep afterwards.

Your dreams are filled with wondering about the book you chose but you forget about all the wondering when you wake up.

You are woken up by being nudged and you yawn and slowly open your eyes only quickly close them due to the burning light. You are nudged again and you rub your eyes and slowly open them again.

You see your mom in front of you with a smile.

'Hey sleepy head! It's time to go'

You shoot up.

'I slept for the rest of the day?'

She nods and yellow and red striped pants enter your vision.

[But don't worry you'll see us again at some point!]

You stand up and hug Sun's leg tightly. 

'Can't wait till next time.'

You let go and wave goodbye then leave with your mother and your brother.
