
Litty Chat🔥🔥

Cat : ugh can you guys stfu my head hurts

Cameron : thats what you get for drinking

Cat : you wanna die dallas

Jack J: * bangs potas and pans together*

Cat : you wanna have kids one day

Jack J : yes

Madison : then I suggest you shut up

Cat : today is my lazy day

Madison : same

Cat : MOVIE DAYYY with mads and my gay besties

Madison : Omg how is nick I havent heard from him in a while I heard from somewhere he had a boyfriend

Cat :he just texted me and OMFG he told me who he was dating

Taylor: wait are you guys talking about nick horton

Cat : yah why

Taylor : oh no reason


Taylor: Fine im dating Nick Horton

Cat and Madison : #NAYLOR IS REAL!!!!

*madison has added nick*

Nick: what have I been added to

Cat : a groupchat

Nick : well I know that

Cat : when is are next playlist

Nick : idk but my mom is pissed at me

Cat : what did you do and tell momma horton I said hi

Nick : well I wrapped the whole house in ceran wrap

Madison and cat: we taught him well

Sammy: G what have we got are self into

Cat : I can just leave if you want

Sammy: no baby

Nick : wait isnt he the guy you were always like damn he is sexy asf when we were little

Cat : nick say one more word and your dead

Sammy : wait me

Madison : omg yes it is you sammy I remember

Cat : I hate you guys now mads lets go so I can teach you how to surf

*skip 30 minutes*

Cat : im the only person surfing and mads is just laying on her board

Madison : surfing is hard

Nick : no photo creds to me wow thanks

Cat : photo creds to my gbf (gay bestfriend)

@theonlycatselman : I love surfing when I do go it makes me forget about everything going around

@sammywilk : babe you ok

@theonlycatselman : yah im fine just not feeling well

Litty Chat🔥🔥

Cat : guys can we talk I have some news

Madison : whats up kit kat

Sammy : whats wrong bbg

Jack G : what's up little sis

Cat :

Sammy : im going to be a dad

Jack G : im a uncle

Cat : Im Pregnant

Jack J : omg another little gilnsky or wilkinson running aroung

Cat: yes
