Chapter 1

Clarke was hunched over her bed, her stomach turning as she emptied its content into a metal bucket. She has never felt this sick before. Even when she was hallucinating from nuts or got the fever that resorted in bleeding from eye sockets.  And on The Ark she was always healthy. Her mother made sure she was always vaccinated and never oxygen deprived. 

"Clarke," Lexa said, announcing her present. She has been aware Clarke has been sick but she never thought it was this bad. "You have been unwell for a week now, Clarke. We must take you to our healer."

Clarke groaned, closing her eyes. "Has your healer seen anything like this before?"

Lexa swallowed hard. "I believe not. But you must see someone. I can escort you to Arkadia to your mother. She will know what to do." She saw Clarke shook her head and stepped closer. "Clarke," she said quietly, her tone softening, something that only happened around her, "you are a healer as well. Do you know what's wrong?"

"No," Clarke whispered. "I don't want to bother my mom. She's already worried that I had to stay here. If she finds out I got sick she's going to panic."

Lexa sat down on the bed, pulling the furs over Clarke. "I worry that it's contagious. War is ahead of us, I can not afford any of my warriors to get sick as well. And I need you at your best too, Clarke." She wanted to reach out, to touch Clarke's sun-kissed hair.

Clarke sighed, her stomach finally settling down. "If I'm still sick tomorrow then you can take me to my mom."

When Lexa walked into Clarke's living quarter the next day, she was still stick and pale. Lexa realized there was nothing else to do than to mount a horse and travel to Arkadia. But it would take them a day and a half to get there. She realized that Clarke still had a radio with her, the one that she could use to talk with people in her camp. With some fumbling Lexa managed to press the right button and heard static on the other side.

"This is Raven," the girl from the other side said. "Yo, Clarke. You there? I know it's you. It says you're messaging from Polis. Seriously, Clarke? Is this some sort of message to let us know that they're killing you?"

Lexa realized that she had to hold a button down while speaking. "This is the commander," she said in her authority voice. "I believe Clarke has fallen ill and needs transport to her mother."

"Oh, commander," Raven said nervously. "Yeah, sure. I'mma send a jeep over as far as possible. Meet me there."

Clarke groaned, too weak to actually add her own words in the conversation even if she heard everything. It was endearing, really, how caring Lexa was. Especially since she couldn't say they were just friends anymore. Not when a couple of weeks ago, after an evening  of celebration at the victory of Lexa and Roan's fight, they shared an incredible night. 

Lexa exhaled loudly. "We need to get you behind the walls of Polis in order to transport you to your people. It will take us an hour." 

One hour changed into two as Clarke moved rather slowly and had to stop every once in a while to calm down her turning stomach. Lexa wondered how Clarke even had anything to throw up when just the smell of food seemed to agitate her.

Raven was leaning against the Rover, a rifle in her hands, just in case someone would try to attack her. She saw Lexa and Clarke approach on a horse and Lexa dismounted so gracefully and elegantly when Clarke ended up nearly stumbling down and leaning over to throw up in the bushes. "That's gross," Raven commented. "What happened?"

"I thought it was the stomach bug," Clarke said weakly, brushing the back of her hand against her sweaty forehead. "But those usually only last for a day or two."

Lexa looked at her warriors who seemed rather hesitant at letting Lexa go alone. "I will  be alright. These are my people now, after all," she said to assure them.

"Ever ridden one of these bad boys?" Raven asked teasingly and patted the hood of her beloved car.

"I have not," Lexa answered seriously.

Clarke managed a small laugh. "Please don't intentionally drive over every single bump because I might puke and you would probably kill me."

Lexa sent Raven a glare. "And I would kill her for harming you," Lexa added, confidently. No one was to harm Clarke of the Sky people, especially not in her presence.

"I'll try my best," Raven replied. She started the jeep and quickly realized that the usual speed wasn't going to work because Clarke kept groaning in discomfort and Lexa was stiffly holding onto the end of her sword if something happened to her. So she drove slower. And by the time they got to Arkadia it was already dark. "Do you need help?" she asked Lexa and pointed at the sleeping Clarke.

Lexa eyed Clarke. She has carried her before. Well, from her table to the bed. But she was a strong, trained warrior. She scooped Clarke in her arms and followed Raven to the medical. Sky people were not like her own people, they didn't go to bed when the skies were completely dark and rose with the sun. They liked to go to bed late and wake up late, which is why many of them were staring at Lexa.

Raven already notified Abby that Clarke was being brought in. Lexa carefully placed her on the bed, her back straight and her head high. "Can you help her, Abby of the Sky people?"

"I'm going to take a blood sample first," Abby said. It was almost stressful to work under Lexa's intense gaze at everything her hands were doing. She drew some blood. They moved the medical equipment from Mount Weather to Arkadia. 

"How long will this take? I am expected back in Polis tomorrow," Lexa announced. "So is Clarke."

Abby passed the sample to Jackson. "It shouldn't take longer than 10 minutes," she explained. "Is it just sickness or anything else?"

"She has mentioned dizziness," Lexa replied. "And she has not eaten much for the past week, always throwing up when strong food was brought in her room. She has only been drinking water and fresh milk. She has been sleeping a lot."

Abby raised her eyebrows. It almost sounded like Clarke was pregnant, which made her chuckle. "Thank you, commander."

Lexa slightly bowed her head, a small smile on her lips. "I just want her well." She has stood by Clarke's side, watching blue eyes flutter open before looking around in confusion. "It's okay. You're safe. You're in your mother's working quarters."

"Oh," Clarke murmured. "How did I get here?"

"The commander carried you," Raven said with a smirk. Lexa looked at her with a look that you wouldn't want to mess with. "Anyway, I'm leaving. Feel better soon Griffin."

Abby appeared again 15 minutes later, the results in her hands and a very confused look on her face. She shook her head. Maybe it was possible, she just needed to talk to Clarke. "Oh, you're awake. Commander, would you mind stepping outside for a moment?"

Clarke glanced at her mom and then at Lexa who's jaw tightened. "Actually, I'd prefer if she stayed," Clarke answered for her.

"Okay," Abby said and laughed awkwardly. "This might be uncomfortable." She paused for a moment, not sure how to start. "Clarke, it appears that you're pregnant."

Clarke sat up, her eyes wide. "What?" she yelled. "That's not possible."

"Look, honey, it's okay if you've been sexually active," Abby said and cringed. "Protection doesn't always work 100%."

"It's not that," Clarke said. She looked at Lexa and then back at her mom. "I haven't really... Been with a boy since Finn. I can't be pregnant."

Abby looked through the results again. "Are you sure? You don't have to lie to me. It's perfectly normal to be sexually active. I ran the test twice. It's the only explanation."

Clarke groaned. "I'm not lying! I swear. Mom, I wouldn't lie about that."

"Then how would you explain this?" Abby asked, now getting mad as well. Her daughter was obviously lying and she felt like she was doing something wrong if Clarke didn't want to admit she had sex with a boy.

Lexa suddenly stepped forward. "There is a legend," she murmured. "That when the commander is intimate with someone they truly care about, another spirit is created. But it has never happened before."

It took Abby a minute for Lexa's words to sink in. "Wait, you're saying you slept with her? And now you're pregnant?" she asked her daughter.

Clarke was confused as well. She has been a part of Grounders' culture for a while now and not once has she heard this story. It also didn't help that Lexa just told Clarke she cared about her, not that Clarke didn't know because Lexa's eyes were the most expressive part of her and she could see Lexa's love for her every day. "So you weren't joking when you said I'm pregnant?"

"I'm afraid not," Abby answered, her voice quieter. Of everything that she expected was going to happen on Earth, her daughter becoming pregnant because of a legend, was definitely not one of them.
