Chapter 9 - Wesen Have Healers?

"To kill Koschie the Deathless, first you must find his soul, which is hidden in an egg, in a duck in a lead chest buried beneath an oak tree."

A girl in a red hoodie is running through the forest. A dark figure shadows her, which she notices and begins to run faster. The hooded figure catches up to her, but it is revealed to be Nick, wishing her a good morning and continues past, running up some stairs with ease.

At home, Juliette is feeding Rhett when she receives a call from her friend, Alicia. Alicia tells her she had gotten into an argument with her abusive husband, Joe, who hit her. Juliette advises Alicia to get into a car to drive straight to Portland, which she does, despite fearing what Joe would do when he realizes she left. When Juliette hangs up, Nick enters their house returning from his jog. Juliette notices that he's not sweating, but Nick shrugs it off. Juliette tells him about Alicia coming over and that Joe hit her again. Asking her if she wants him to get involved in the situation when he downs a bottle of water before turning to Rhett. Juliette doesn't want to, at least until they talk to Alicia about it. Nick warns her to make sure Alicia doesn't talk to Joe because he can't know where she is, or heading to.

Adalind arrives at the café where Renard asked her to meet him. Meanwhile Meisner watches from another table per Renard's orders as she approaches Renard. Exchanging tense greetings, Adalind tries to tease Renard, but he gets straight to the point. Telling her he knows about her pregnancy, and asking Adalind who the father is. Getting no straight answers, he leaves with Meisner after warning Adalind that people will be interested in the child but not in her, and she may find herself needing someone she can trust.

Back in Portland, a healer, Boris Myshkin, stands over a Russian girl who tells him she is in immense pain. His eyes glow green, and his hands woge to show green veins and translucent skin. After a few seconds of holding his hands on her head, he stumbles backwards into a chair in obvious discomfort. His wife, Olga, rushes off to get him tea, while he asks how the girl is feeling. Saying she is still in pain, he promises that in hours, maybe days, the pain will be gone. Also declining payment, claiming that her living a long happy life is payment enough for him.

In a hotel room, a man, Alex Riley, receives a phone call and is told that something is "tonight." He muses to himself how there will be a lot of people at the scene, but ultimately decides that it may be for the best and that "tonight, we'll pay him back."

At a Russian party, Boris Myshkin is introduced to the crowd by Dmitri. Seeming to be renowned and well-loved, having saved many lives, and the people at the party toast to him. Giving a speech in broken English, he excusing himself from the table. Stumbling into a storage room in discomfort, he's suddenly attacked from behind by Riley, dressed as one of the waiters. They struggle for a while, before Boris gets cut in the shoulder forcing him to woge into a creature with transparent skin and radioactive green veins visible all over his body. He grabs Riley's wrists, and throws him out the window. Riley staggers away, before rolling up his sleeves, revealing an angry red rash on his wrists where Boris had grabbed him.

Riley, in visible pain, enters his hotel room and attempts to dial a number on his phone, but collapses before he can do so, boils forming all over his hands.

Juliette at home with Rhett, worries about Alicia due to her not answering her phone, fearing that Joe must've found out that she left. The doorbell rings after Alicia arrives, explaining that her phone had a low battery and she didn't have a charger, so she turned it off. Juliette ushers her inside, staying outside to survey the area, before locking the door behind them and leaves to get her something to eat. Nick sets Rhett down in his play-pen before trying to comfort a distraught Alicia, seeing her woge into a Fuchsbau. In shock, he turns leaving the room, tripping over words and making excuses when Juliette enters and notices his discomfort. Alicia takes the food and sees a child's playpen. "Thanks, who's child are you watching?" "Oh, that would be Nick and I's." Alicia looks at Juliette surprised. "You and Nick had a son?" "Yeah, last August." Looking over at Rhett before turning back to Juliette, Alicia exclaims "Over a year, and you didn't think to tell me!"

Meanwhile, Hank flirts with his physical therapist, Zuri Ellis, as she helps him with his rehab after he tore his Achilles. Seeing as this is his last week working with her, he suggests they celebrate but is politely declined by Zuri wanting to keep things professional. Hank understands saying, "That's always good."

A Prep Cook is stacking boxes in a freezer when she stumbles upon a dead body and screams.

Nick enters Captain Renard's office, greeting the newly returned Renard. "Welcome back Captain. How'd it go?" "Well, the Verrat found us, but I took care of it." Renard warns Nick that due to Eric's death has caused a lot of turmoil for the royals, and nothing is certain yet except that both him and Nick pose a great threat. A knock on the door interrupts them, Hank opens the door, with the news that there's been a murder. Nick leaves with him to the crime scene.

At the scene, Wu fills Nick and Hank in. The victim is Ivan Markov, who was a waiter at the restaurant. Everything of his is accounted for except his uniform, which seems like that was the killer's main motive. Entering the storage room, seeing the results from the scuffle between Boris and Renko, blood on the floor and a broken window.

Nick and Hank talk to Dmitri, who reveals that a woman, Mila Guryanova, booked a private party the night before and gives them her number. They also manage to get surveillance tapes from him.

Nick, Hank, and Captain Renard study the tapes at the precinct. They see a man who carries a box that blocks his face into the storage room and never comes back out. Renard wonders what the motive is, and Nick suggests that it's Boris and that the killer must have needed a disguise. They discuss his credibility and his wife's response to him being surrounded by women, before finding footage of Boris being attacked. They note that he walked out the storage room like nothing happened, ultimately deciding they need to talk to Boris.

Riley, now covered in boils and blood, calls his partner again to tell them he's going to die and he failed. He orders them to be strong and tells them he loves them, before breaking down in tears about his failure.

Olga is weeping alone in her room, holding a phone, until a maid, Larissa, comes in with towels. Olga confronts Larissa about Boris, before ordering her to get out, and she woges into a Malin Fatal.

Nick, Hank, and Renard pull into the Myshkin's driveway. Renard warns them that Russian healers are revered, but the duo laughs it off and knock on the door. Larissa answers the door letting them inside. Olga tries to discourage them, telling them Boris is in the middle of a healing, but they are stubborn. Walking into a room, they see Boris healing a boy whose wound "won't heal" according to the boy's father. Nick sees Boris' hands pulse with green veins and his eyes glow green. Boris suddenly jumps and collapses backwards into a chair, much to his wife's alarm. The team looks on in disbelief as the boy unwraps his bandages and his wound swiftly heals. They slowly approach the exhausted Boris and ask him about the restaurant murder. Olga warns her husband in Russian not to trust the police, but Renard interrupts, also speaking in Russian. Boris declares that a man attacked him, and he fought back, he has nothing to hide. He didn't know the attacker, but he spoke Russian too. Many men hated him enough to kill, given his sketchy line of work, and Renard offers to leave a patrol unit outside, speaking in Russian, "Here, the police are not useless." On the way out, the trio bumps into Larissa, she and Renard exchange friendly words in Russian. Renard reveals that he spent a few years in Moscow when he was younger, and then they leave. Nick tells them about Boris, that his hand became transparent, and that he could see his bones. Renard did not see it but realizes that Boris is a Koschie based on Nick's brief description because he met one while he lived in Russia. He offers to call a few friends in Moscow, and the team walks away as someone watches them from behind curtains.

At Riley's hotel room, a maid comes in and is met with bloodied sheets on the bed. She also sees water running from the bathroom and flooding the floor. She enters the bathroom cautiously and screams upon seeing Riley, who is badly deformed, in the bathtub.

In the trailer, Monroe, Nick and Hank rifle through burnt Russian pages from a Grimm diary. Hank asks "Should we have brought the Captain?" Nick gives him a look, so he turns to Monroe seeing the same look. "Guess that would be a bad idea." They learn that Stalin used Malin Fatal as bodyguards, before Monroe finds a page in English from December 1, 1916, from Ian Hastings, a British Secret Intelligence agent, about a "plan" that was put into action. Learning that Rasputin was a Koschie, like Boris. Monroe is oblivious to any information about Koschie because they're Russian, but he finds a journal entry stating that Koschie are difficult to kill, and their touch can not only heal, but also be fatal. Rasputin was apparently poisoned, shot four times, beaten senseless, and dumped into the Neva River before he was subdued. The team splits up after Nick receives a call about a body.

In Moscow, a man hiding in a safe house with an armed rebel, his cell receives a call from Renard. After greeting Grigori and asking about the situation in Russia, Renard inquires about Boris and is told that before Boris was a healer, he was an assassin for the FSB. Grigori then tells Renard all his victims die a terrible death from radiation poisoning, but no one knows how he does it.

At Riley's hotel room, Nick, Hank, and Wu are revolted by the scene, and they wonder if he was exposed to something toxic. On their way out, Hank finds the uniform belonging to Ivan Markov, the waiter who was killed at the restaurant. They make the connection between Boris, the waiter, and the gruesome remains of Renko. They find a burner phone that has dialed only to the same number, discovering that the number is no longer in service. Hank is suddenly assaulted from behind by Riley, who throws up black fluids and collapses. Hank jumps back in disgust, just as officials come into the room wearing hazmat suits. They order the detectives to go through exfoliation.

As the three shower, they realize that before Riley entered the storeroom, he was fine and that the only link is Boris. They tell the officials to check the restaurant storeroom, before clearing the radiation test, but they have to have their clothes incinerated, which Hank complains about all the way to Renard's office. They share their information from the diaries with Renard, who in turn tells him what he's learned about Boris.

In the hospital, as Riley is dying from radiation poisoning, he is visited by someone. He tells the person, "You have to leave him, he'll kill you too."

Juliette is operating on a woman's cat, Gizmo, and offers to neuter him so he won't get into anymore fights, but the woman says her husband won't let her get Gizmo neutered. After the owner leaves, Juliette and Alicia start talking, and their conversation turns to Joe, and Alicia agrees that she can never go back.

Nick, Hank and Renard question Boris in an interrogation room. They reveal what they know, and he woges upon hearing Nick's remark that he saw him heal the boy. Boris begins coughing and woges back into his human form, understanding what Nick is. He confesses to attacking Riley, but only because he had no choice. Renard reveals that Riley has an accomplice, but Boris is accepting of his death, saying that each time he heals, he dies a little more. Renard suggests he leave the country, and Boris agrees, but he also scoffs at the idea of being free. Hank receives a call that Riley is now awake.

A vodka bottle is opened, and someone pours white powder into it.

Renard speaks to Riley, who passes out after whispering that Boris killed his father and that he's going to "kill her too."

Boris breaks the news to his wife, and she reveals that she isn't sure if she still cares about him. Larissa enters, and Boris asks for vodka. Olga smiles and shoves a bottle into the maid's hand. After she leaves, they flirt and run off to "make a scandal," but not before Boris grabs the bottle of vodka. Scampering up the stairs playfully, Boris takes a swig of the vodka as his wife watches from downstairs, and her eyes glow yellow. Upstairs, Boris and Larissa roll about the bed, Boris messily finishing the vodka that Larissa eagerly convinces him to finish drinking. He starts wheezing but recovers and proceeds to make out with her. She pushes him off, questioning furiously "Why haven't you died?!" Drunk, Boris doesn't comprehend, until she snarls that he killed her father and brother. Boris looks up in horror before rolling off the bed and wheezing. Larissa declares that she poisoned him and angrily asks, "Why won't you die?!" He realizes who she is after she tells him when exactly her father died. He begs for her forgiveness and tells her he isn't the same person now as he was then, while she reaches behind her back and grabs a pair of scissors.

Nick, Hank, and Renard rush into the house, and Olga tells them that Boris is upstairs in their bedroom with Larissa just as Larissa stumbles out, followed by Boris, who has the scissors impaling his chest. Larissa stumbles down the stairs into Olga, who angrily woges, swiftly slitting her throat with her tusks. Nick orders Olga to get down, unfazed, he eyes widen as she realizes that he's a Grimm. Renard tries to save the heaving Larissa by stopping the bleeding, but Boris staggers over and tells him to move. Olga cries out "you're too weak, it'll kill you." He heals Larissa anyway, before collapsing at Olga's feet, muttering, "Forgive me," before dying. Olga weeps as Nick calls an ambulance.

Nick arrives home, and finds Alicia and Juliette in the kitchen with Rhett in his hi-chair. She tells Nick that they had a great day at the clinic when Joe calls. Denying that Alicia is there, Joe guesses it anyway and hangs up. Alicia tells Nick that Joe "isn't normal." but Nick shrugs it off. 

Outside the house, Joe waits in his car before he snarls and woges into a Klaustreich.
