Chapter 3: Cafe lady

Jude's laughter was as annoying as you can ever think of. He will squirm and snort consecutively, as he stared at you. He's the type that will continue to laugh even though the moment for laughter has been exhausted.

I folded my arms and looked out the window. The Cafe lady's house was a post Victorian style house, a grey White house with a dark grey roofing.

"Remember what you use to say?" He said, then changed his voice, imitating an old man. "Destiny they say can be delayed, but can never be denied." He burst out laughing more.

"Hey, quit It!" I said.

I sharpen my gaze at the house. What's the next move? I thought.

"Nev." He called, holding back his laughter as much as he can. "You know what's going to happen now? You are going to knock on that door, introduce yourself, she'll invite you in a you stake out the place."

"I'm not going anywhere, we need to think of something else." I said.

"Dude see, that's the only way we can get close to that thing." He said. "Besides we can't call Dad." He looked at me.

I stared back.

"Why can't you do it?" I asked.

"She likes you silly! And you'll be able to figure out the solution to this problem easily." He convinced.

"Aahhh." I said in exasperation. I adjusted my jacket and relaxed in my seat. "Let's turn in for the night, in already tired."

Jude noticed the change in my mood and said nothing. He turn the ignition and sped off.

The Japanese have a saying; koi no yokan. It is the innate knowledge that you're destined to fall in love and be with that person, upon meeting the person for the first time. I didn't feel that. Love is the one of the most beautiful things in the world and its not my wish to defy it in any way for anything.

We spent the night at a motel. Once again, a quiet sleepless night. The night was cold, and the day drew nigh very fast with me staring at the lights from the buildings outside.

I briefed Jude on the plan for the day, over and over again. He will fill a bottle with holy water, rinse and wash it at any near by crossroads. I will befriend the cafe lady and get invited to her house. I will make an excuse to go the bathroom, use Rosemary incense to smoke out the wraith, lead it outside through the bathroom window and exorcise it into the bottle.

We drove to the cafe. I wore a black leather jacket this time, on top of a White T-shirt, shampooed hair clean shaven even though I had less facial hair.

Jude did not come along, he had to execute his side of the plan.

"Wait." He said as I was about to get out of the car. "Be sleek, don't mess this up."

"Really?" I said. "I know how to talk to girls, stop giving me the talk like it's my first day in school."

He grinned. "I was going to give you my lines, but you said it, you're the man."

"Don't worry." I assured.

He drove away, with me standing in front of the cafe breathing heavily. The stage is set, I have to just perform.

"Potatoe chips!" I heard in my left ear. The voice was soft, Irish and excited.

I turned to get locked into the caramelized sugar eyes. She smiled.

"Good morning." She greeted.

"H-h-h-hi." I said.

"I love the jacket." Her eyes crystalized.

"Hii." I said. My palms were sweating now.

She walked into cafe, sparing any further conversation.

I exhaled a heavy amount of breath I've been holding in. She was breath taking. Literally.

I entered the cafe, now noticing details I didn't pay attention to yesterday. She stole glances at me each moment she got the chance to.

She served me potatoe chips without asking. My mouth was dry. I couldn't feel the taste of the chips.

I kept thinking of the wraith and all the possible ways that, all this could get worse than it is.

I raised my hand. She noticed and walked up to me wearing that smile she has.

"When are you closing." I asked. Swallowing a gulp of saliva. I involuntarily blinked my eyes to assert confidence.

"We close at eleven." She answered. "Where do you want to take me?"

My eyes widened. Sweat trickled down my forehead. I opened my mouth but no were words came out.

"I'm just kidding, loosen up." She said as she sat down in front of me.
I spread my fingers on the table and just stared. She reach out her hands close to mine but did not touch them.

My breath paused as I glanced into her eyes. Even though my limbs stiffened in front her, it was all warm  in my bones.

"I think you're beautiful!" I finally said. Stiff and nervous.

"Oh okay, I think know where this is going so I'm going to make it easy for you." She said, with enough enthusiasm.

I blinked repeatedly. Well done Nev! You blew it.

She took her flip book and tore a paper from it. She wrote her number and handed it over.

"Trisha." I read. "Nice name." I said. I couldn't stop smiling at the paper.

"Give me a call." She said and walked away, periodically staring back at me.

Her last stare made the warmth in my bones chill up. Suddenly her eyes became empty. No eye balls, only an empty socket. Dead void that will make the hair on your skin stand up.

I felt the darkness in cafe, and the only sound I could hear was my unsteady breathing.

Hello fellas, sorry for making this chapter so short, I had to make some changes to the plot of the story. Please don't forget to comment your opinion, vote and share.
