🦇Ch.1: On Leather Wings🧬

It's a cloudy night in Gotham as a police blimp patrols the skies.

"This is Gotham Air One reporting in." The pilot announces. "Things are actually quiet for once."

Out of the corner of his eye, the younger co-pilot spots something on the blimps radar. "You see that?" He asks his partner.


"I had a blip." He points to the radar screen now void of any sign of something up in the air with them. "It just ghosted across my screen."

The older police pilot looks around visually. "I don't see anything."

"It was there. Whatever it is must be right below us."

Something suddenly streaks pass the blimp catching the younger co-pilot's attention, but too fast to get a complete visual.

"There it is!"

"There what is?" The pilot inquires.

"It looked like-- bat wings!"

The older blimp officer still looks cynical at his younger partner's proclamation.

"Bat wings?" he goes with it to make sure. "Okay. Take us up through those clouds, just in case."

The younger pilot steers above the clouds, revealing nothing but themselves in the skies.

"Sorry kid, there's nothing up here."

"I swear I saw it!" The younger police blimp pilot affirms. "Something was flying around up here."

Little did the policemen realize was that something was flying around with them but was already long gone into the city below.

The younger officer was correct in stating he saw bat wings. But this is clearly no animal. It's humanoid in shape but with bat wings for arms, giving it the capability of flight.

This...man-bat creature heads right for a pharmaceuticals company by the name of Phoenix Pharmaceuticals. There, a security guard has the unfortunate luck of being on the clock making his rounds.

The guard passes the time playing around with his tape recorder as he patrols the empty halls of each floor.

"Testing...one, two, three. Testing, one, two, three. You too can fulfill the dream of being a high-paid radio personality in your spare time, just like me." He talks in a deeper radio announcer voice into the recorder. "Just call..." He clears his throat before beginning again. "Just call the Gotham Institute of Broadcast Arts. Yeah that's better." He finishes in his normal voice. "Call the Gotham Insti--"

The guard's musings are cut off by a loud crash coming from down the darkened hall. He cautiously doubles back to the storeroom in which the sudden noise occurred, only to find the dimly lit room empty.

He exhales a sigh of relief before continuing his patrol, keeping a more vigilant watch this time.

But apparently not well enough as the creature approaches stealthily from behind.

The guard can feel the presence of something creeping up behind him, freezes in his tracks and makes the mistake of turning around to face whatever was at his back.

He screams in terror as he comes face to face with the inhuman creature. "Get away!"

The thing backwings the nightwatchman's arm, knocking the recorder out of the security guard's hand and rolls underneath a nearby desk.

The guard attempts to try and defend himself, using a chair to throw at the creature. It, however, misses and crashes through the plate glass window.

The guard is, instead, picked up by the creature and thrown through the broken window, lucky enough to land in the drainage canal below, slightly injured but alive, nonetheless.

With no opposition left, the creature takes what it came for and flies off into the night.

Police are shortly on the scene, after a call from passerby who saw whatever it was fly out from the pharmaceutical company's broken window.

The passerby awaits the police's arrival for questioning. He is a young man in his early 20s, of average height and build, black hair brushed up and slicked back, wears large round eyeglasses, a dark grey long sleeve button up with a light grey vest over it, light tan pants and brown oxfords. And because of the cool weather, he wears a tan trench coat. This is Adrian Seidelman, esteemed traveling writer having settled down in Gotham.

"So, let me get this straight...You just happened to be driving by and witnessed a robbery, Seidelman?" A thick Italian-American accent comes from the detective questioning the younger man.

"Yes, Detective Bullock. I was on my way to drop off my little brother at his friends house for a sleepover. I saw something break through the window, somebody get tossed out and a second something flies out from the same point of origin." Adrian states firmly--pointing out the messy orange-haired, buck-toothed young boy in his car, slumbering soundly despite all the police ruckus--never having liked the dim, burly detective.

The Detective of the Gotham City Police Department is a tall, gruff fellow, with messy black hair under a dark grey fedora, tan dress shirt with a loose red tie, light-blue pants, dark gray shoes and a trench coat of matching color. "Don't go getting snippy with all that hoity-toity writer's jargon, Seidelman."

"Look, I've told you everything I saw. What more do you want?"

"Bullock!" An older white-haired gentleman calls out. "Are you still hassling, Mr. Seidelman? You're supposed to be showing our new detective the ropes."

The Detective flinches on the spot as his name is called out by the stern voice of his superior, Commissioner Gordon.

"It's no trouble at all, Commissioner. Detective Bullock is just being thorough. Just like how any detective should be." Adrian replies calmly, just wanting to be rid of the boorish detective.

The Commissioner of the Gotham PD is an older man, with half-circle glasses, stark white hair and mustache. His attire consisting of a light tan dress shirt, black tie, dark tan trousers, black shoes and a brown trench coat over everything.

"I guess I now know what to take away from my first day on the job."

Another man saddles up next to the commissioner. This man being tall with notable muscles and blond hair. He wears a white-collar shirt, dark green tie, brown pants, and black shoes with a grey coat worn over it.

"Amato, nice of you to join us." Commissioner Gordon smiles more warmly to the tall blond. "Seidelman, this is our newest detective..."

"Lucas?" Adrian's eyes widen at the appearance of an old friend.

"Wait, hold up. You two know each other?" Bullock cuts in.

"Adrian and I are old pals from before he became a writer in my old city, Meridiana." Lucas explains, wrapping a muscular forearm around the slimmer neck of the younger ravenette. "You said you'd call when you settled down."

"Sorry, sorry. Things have just been so hectic lately." Adrian groan from the playful chokehold Lucas has him in. "I'll treat you to lunch for your first official solve here in Gotham, no budget."

"I'll hold you to that. We've got a lot to catch up on, Adrian." Lucas chuckles, slamming his hand against the lean ravenette's backside, nearly knocking him over.

Adrian fixes his glasses and stands up straight. "So, will that be all, Commissioner, Detective?"


At Gotham City Hall, in the Mayor's office, a newspaper is slammed across his desk.


Giant bat injures night Watchman.

Reads boldly across the front page.

"I didn't authorize this statement, Detective." Gordon states firmly.

"C'mon, Commissioner. Somebody asked me a couple of questions. I just gave 'em a couple'a answers." Bullock replies, unaware of the seriousness of his unauthorized interview with The Gotham Glazer.

"You gave them without my approval. If you'd kept quiet, he would know what we're moving against him."

"Stories shouldn't be given out without all the facts, Bullock. It's this kind of thing that can ruin a station's credibility. What if this Batman character wasn't behind the robbery and the attack on the night watchman? The fire would be lit under all our butts." Lucas adds, looking over the paper.

"Eh, what do you know rookie?" Bullock barks. "I'll find our guy. Him and that CyberSix girlfriend of his. I just need a little extra help, your Honour."

He asks for the help of Mayor Hamilton Hill. An older, upper-class gentleman with thinning gray hair, glasses and a gray business suit, with white shirt and red tie. "What kind of help?"

"I want my own tactical squad for the sole purpose of throwing the net over this 'Batman'." Bullock states.

Hill looks to Gordon. "Commissioner?"

"I've already denied the request. Nobody is taking into vigilante force onto my streets." Gordon objects.

"Your Honor, any nutcase that dresses up like a bat, sooner or later is gonna snap! Same goes for anyone that works with him!" Bullock remarks.

"Look, I know I'm the new guy here, but from what I know of Batman, attacking innocents and stealing chemicals doesn't fit his M.O." Lucas interjects as things become heated. "What reason would he possibly have for breaking into a pharmaceutical company to steal chemicals?"

Bullock jumps up from his chair and gets in the blond's face. "Oh yeah? Tell that to the guy he just tossed through the window!"

"I think we can spare a few men, commissioner." Hill interjects. "Detective Bullock does have a reputation for getting results. I'm authorizing the strike force. Anything else, detective?"

"Just make sure the D.A.'s office can give me an airtight case, sir."

"If you catch him Harvey, I'll put him in jail for ya." The District Attorney of Gotham City himself, Harvey Dent, assures. The suave close-cut, black haired D.A. in his trim light blue business suit, white dress shirt and red tie smirks confidently, flipping his signature silver coin.

Little do the men realize is that their conversation is being listened in on by a lithe figure hanging precariously by the office's outside window. Having heard enough, the figure leaps off into the night.


Meanwhile, in a cave hidden away underneath the foundation of a luxurious manor, Gotham's vigilante hero reads the headlines.

"'Gotham Police declare war on Batman'." The hero of Gotham reads.

"I gather you've been reading, 'How to Make Friends and Influence People'. Or so it would seem, sir." Jokes Alfred Pennyworth, Batman's loyal butler to the hero and to his true identity, Bruce Wayne, socialite playboy and head of Wayne Enterprise.

The corner of Batman's lips upturn into a smirk. "Somebody's setting me up." The hero states seriously.

"My heavens! You mean it wasn't you tossing guards out of windows last night?"

"I only toss butlers, Alfred." Batman returns the joke.

"And certainly not innocent night watchmen, if that's what you mean, Alfred." A woman's voice cuts through the shadows along the cave's walls, startling both Batman and his butler.

"Dear me, Ms. Six. Must you always appear so suddenly like that?" Alfred pats his chest to slow his racing heart.

"Six" chuckles as she emerges from the shadows, revealing herself to be a young lithe woman of exceptional beauty with dark eyes, tanned skin and wears red lipstick. She is a fellow vigilante like Batman, though her costume is less theme like her partner's namesake and sticks to being simple, yet functional. Compared to Batman's Batsuit consisting of a cape, cowl, gloves, briefs and boots, black in color with blue highlights while the body of the suit is grey with a yellow and black bat logo, her vigilante costume consists of a skintight leather suit with high heels, a fedora-like hat, a cape with a red interior and high collar along with fingerless gloves.

"Sorry, Alfred. It's mostly meant as a reminder to Bruce for how the Commissioner feels when it's done to him."

"Good to see you, Six." Batman, shockingly hugs the woman, but not in the romantic sense. More like a bond between a brother and sister. "Anything new?"

"Well, Bullock is still out for your head. Mayor Hill just granted him a task force dedicated to throwing you in jail or locking you up in the looney bin. You know, the usual." Six informs, taking a cup of tea Alfred prepared. "We also may have another ally within PD."

"Really?" Batman raises an eyebrow, curiously, beneath his cowl.

"He's an old friend of mine from Meridiana." Six smiles fondly at the memories.

"'Friend', huh?" The caped crusader smirks.

"Yes, friend." The woman assures firmly. "Unlike you, Bruce, I haven't dated half the opposite sex in Gotham. It's a wonder no woman's thrown a brick through you window yet." She chuckled. "But...I will admit, we tried the whole dating scenario. It just didn't work out. We've kept up our friendship, though. Apparently, he's the new detective of the GCPD. Also doubles as the department's forensic expert."

"And does he know about your day-life and nightly activities?" Batman interrogates.

"Very much so, Bruce. But I can assure you with absolute confidence that he can keep a secret. I won't tell him about your own "night-life", but you have my full assurance that he'll keep my secret."

Batman hums in thought. "Alright. I trust your judgement, Six."

"Now, what about this case. Any connections or leads, so far?" Six diverts the topic of discussion.

"Look here, there were two very quiet burglars in other pharmaceutical companies this week." Batman brings up the police reports on his main computer. "Nobody hurt like last night, but chemicals stolen, just the same."

"And you think it's a pattern?" Six inquires.

"Only one way to find out." Batman states, hooking his utility belt around his waist.

"I'll cancel Master Bruce's rendezvous with. . ." The butler tries to recall the name of Bruce's latest tryst. "Bambi, was it, sir?"

"Yes, Alfred. Do that."

"Case and point." Six brings up her previous point made about Bruce's dating life. "Wasn't she that cute, energetic ravenette who tried dragging you to the dance floor?"

"Don't remind me?"

Six boards her motorcycle, parked alongside the Batmobile, Batman's premier vehicle of choice, and the two drive off through the cave's tunnel systems into the backroads to the city.


Getting into Phoenix Pharmaceuticals is the easy part. Batman using his grappling hook and Six, her enhanced physical prowess to leap from building to building.

Finding any sort of clues as to who's really behind the robberies before Bullock and his strike force arrives is the hard part, as the two night-time vigilantes' arrival is spotted by a scientist couple who just happened to slip into a room for a little nightly romance.

The crime scene just so happens to be guarded by a female office, lounging in a chair nearby, ready a novel.

Down the hall, from the floor's emergency exit, Batman rolls out a small black sphere in the officer's direction. The ball-like gadget goes off, emitting a knockout gas, rendering the guard unconscious and the two vigilantes to peruse the scene, unbothered.


"Calling Detectives Bullock and Amato. Calling Detectives Bullock and Amato!" Gotham PD Dispatch calls over the radio.

"Yeah?" Bullock picks up his car radio.

"The Batman's been sighted breaking into Phoenix's Labs. Thought you'd be interested."

"I want my squad there, backed by choppers and as many officers as you can get! Now!" Bullock sharply turns a corner, heading for the Bat's location, slamming Lucas' head against the window from the sudden turn. "You're mine..." Bullock grins deviously.


Batman sprays the scene with a chemical compound before removing a set of goggles from his utility belt.

Six removes a small case from her own utility belt. The case resembles one that holds contacts. And they do. But these are no ordinary contacts.

Placing them in her eyes, the contacts are activated and Six can now view objects that have become invisible over time to the human eye.

Through the use of their gadgets Batman and Six spot the night watchman's footprints, showing where he was backed up against the desk by whatever attacked him on the night of the robbery.

"Now, what do we have here?" Six kneels under the desk, finding the watchman's tape recorder. She pulls it out and lets the tape play, hoping for a clue.

"Call the Gotham Insti--AAH!" The tape had still picked up the sounds of the attack.

As Six places the recorder in her utility belt, Batman scours for more clues.

On the desk, by a lone broken piece of lab equipment, Batman's goggles make out some sort of trace left behind in the attack. Looks to be hair of some kind.

The sounds of screeching tires and searchlights illuminating the room interrupt the twos sleuthing.

"Oh, look. The welcoming committee." Six remarks snidely.


Outside the building, a SWAT truck unloads a few handfuls of armed officers.

"All right, you jokers, pipe down!" Bullock bellows, gaining the group's attention. "They're in there! I want them by any means necessary!"


Batman and Six make a hasty retreat but the SWAT men are already storming the building.


Commissioner Gordon arrives shortly after on the scene.

"Commissioner, you're just in time to see us hang this bat and his little girlfriend upside down!" Bullock boasts.

"You sure he's in there?" Gordon questions.

"The chopper pilots just spotted him on the fourth floor."

"Well, unless they can be in two places at once, they're not the culprits." Lucas informs, coming away from Bullock's radio.

"Amato is right. Another pharmaceutical factory was just robbed across town. You've got the wrong suspects." Gordon confirms



Seeing as the stairways would most likely be crawling with SWAT, Six votes for the elevator shafts.

With her enhanced strength, she pries open the doors just in time before the SWAT team arrives on their floor.

"There!" An officer spots the two, but by then, they're already escaping through the empty shaft.

Batman leaves behind some of his smoke pellets in order to buy them some time.

"Gas attack! Put on your--" But by then they've already inhaled enough of the fumes to render them unconscious.

Sliding down the elevator cables, the two reach the ground floor without any opposition. Crawling through the elevator's escape hatch built into the top, the two enter and Batman pries open the elevator doors, only to find more SWAT waiting for them.

"Hey! There they are!" Another office shouts, invoking him and the rest of the strike force to starting shooting.


"Well, somebody is in there, Commissioner." Bullock smirks at the sound of gunfire.

"Call 'em off Bullock, or I will!" The older man is in no mood for games.


Two officers move to secure a room on the ground floor, but their weapons are easily snatched from them and their cries are silenced by hands covering their mouths and the vigilantes shushing them.

The remaining strike force officers surround the room, unknowing to the fact that the contents within are highly flammable.

"The Bat's gotta be in there, sir. What do you think?" An officer questions.

The lead strike force member removes a canister from his belt.

"Tear gas?"

"We'll smoke him out! Ok men, ready with your masks!" He rips out the safety pin with his teeth before chucking the gas canister into the room. The tear gas grenade rolls right into the vicinity of some containers of flammable liquid.

The smallest of sparks from the gas canister going off is just enough to set ablaze the flammable contents.

Six and Batman grab ahold of the strike force officers, breaking through the plate-glass windows before the whole place could go up.

Batman hooks one of his batarangs around a nearby tree to save him and his passenger from a hard fall. Six takes the full brunt of the landing, remarkably upright on her feet. The two then leave behind the men before disappearing down a dark alleyway.

Bullock, Lucas, and Commissioner Gordon leave behind the fiery blaze to approach the officers but before they can even get a word out, the two men pass out from utter exhaustion from the ordeal they went through.


Batman's unknown hair trace provides a lead. A scan from his computer provides the information that the hair from the scene is a type of bat hair.

To gather more information, the two visit the Gotham Zoo under their daytime guises of Bruce Wayne and Adrian Seidelman.

"The Gotham Zoo Tour Tram departs in 5 minutes. 'Adventures in Chiroptera' at the bat exhibit will begin in 30 minutes." A woman's voice announces through the zoo's speaker system.

Bruce is a man who is constantly praised by women for his eye-catching features. His fit physique, short black hair and dark eyes. He is the literal depiction of tall, dark and handsome.

"Hello? Anybody here? Doctor March?" Bruce calls out as they enter the bat exhibit. The creature right at home in the dark caverns, hanging from stalactites. Some of them flap by the two as they walk along the patron pathway.

"Who is it?" A white-haired man in a lab coat awaits at the exhibit's exit.

"Bruce Wayne and Adrian Seidelman." The socialite introduces. "I've an appointment. I called about a bat problem?"

"What do you think we are, pest control?" The doctor sneers.

"Well, I just need..."

"Yes, yes come in." The bitter doctor waves them both to follow

"Thank you, doctor." Adrian responds for the both of them.

"You donate a few million and you think you own the place." Dr. March grumbles, leading them to his laboratory. "I understand I'm to analyze something for you."

"Yeah, doc." Bruce assures with the kindly disposition Bruce Wayne is known for, spinning a story that would induct the doctor's help. "See, I keep hearing squeaks in my chimney, and I found these in my empty fireplace. They look like hairs. I thought maybe you could tell me if I have a bat problem." He reveals the samples he took from Phoenix Pharmaceuticals, in a small plastic bag.

"And what if they are bats, Mr. Wayne? What then?" The doctor sneers at Bruce and Adrian. "Destroy them like insects? We won't survive the next evolutionary cataclysm, but bats will! They're survivors, Mr. Wayne, not pests! You should understand that!"

"Dad! I hope Mr. Wayne and Mr. Seidelman understand you mean no disrespect." A blonde woman in a lab coat and purple dress enters Dr. March's lab, easing the growing tension between the three.

"Of course not, Ms...?" Adrian trails off for the woman to introduce herself.

"Oh, Mrs. Well, actually, doctor. I'm Francine Langstrom." She states. "I think you spoke with my husband on the phone?"

A man with dark orange-brown hair enters from the neighboring lab. "Oh, Mr Wayne, I'm sorry I'm late. I'm Kirk Langstrom. Did you bring the sample?"

"I gave it to Dr. March."

The older doctor slams his office door.

"Where'd he go?"

"Probably to get started on the analysis. If it's a bat problem, he'll know by tonight." Kirk assures.

"Dad was lecturing Mr. Wayne on the virtues of Chiroptera." Francine tells her husband.

"Chiropte - What?" Bruce stumbles over the pronunciation.

"Chiroptera." Adrian states, pointing at the bat hanging upside down in a cage on a nearby table. "It's the rank class in the animal kingdom for bats."

Bruce looks at the lean male funny.

"What? I take Julian here sometimes and the bat exhibit is one of his favorites."

"That's correct, Mr. Seidelman. And I hope he didn't get carried away. He's a little--uh--protective of all this. I think he likes bats better than people." Kirk explains.

"I can imagine. I brought you this too." Bruce shows off the recorder. "It's a recording I made of the noise in my chimney."

The isolated screech-like cry sounds like something out of a horror movie than from your typical animal.

It's enough to make Francine flinch away. "That doesn't sound like any bat I've ever heard, Mr. Wayne."

Bruce hands off the recorder to Kirk. "The animal behaviour people have a sound library. Maybe they can identify it. We'll let you know."

"I'd appreciate it." Bruce replies and heads out with Adrian.


Upon returning to the cave, Adrian and Bruce return to their vigilante personas going back to the recording and hairs.

"I didn't realize you've taken up to listening to rock'n'roll, sir."

Six chuckles at the butler's humor. "It's not exactly award worthy, Alfred."

"You know; I actually did check this against any musical sound. Computer still can't come close to pinpointing it."

The telephone line for the manor, connected to the cave's computer system rings.

"Wayne Manor." Alfred answers, pausing before relaying the identity of the caller to Batman. "One moment please." He covers the speaker to assure privacy. "A call for master Bruce from a Dr. March."

Batman flips a switch and has the call transmitted through to his main computer, dropping his deeper Batman voice for his lighthearted Bruce Wayne one. "Hey! What's up, doc?"

Six snorts behind her gloved hand, always finding it funny when he talks like this while still wearing the cape and cowl.

"You have bats Mr. Wayne. Common brown bats. They shouldn't pose a problem. As the weather gets colder, they'll move on." Dr. March explains.

"What about the sound on the tape?" Bruce queries.

"It's actually two sounds, Starlings and brown bats; probably fighting over a nest on your chimney."

"Appreciate the help doc. I'll return the favor next time you're raising funds. Bye-bye." He hangs up the call.

"Is it just me, or were those answers just a bit too quick and convenient?" Six remarks.

Batman nods agreeingly, returning to his deeper voice. "This computer checked that fiber against every animal species known to man. I went to them because I thought they might know something we didn't. That hair wasn't a brown bat's."

"And those 'melodic sounds'?" Alfred recalls.

"Computer: check against combined sounds; starlings and brown bats."

[Negative. Sounds not originated by either species.]

"I would say, sir, that we have ourselves an incongruity?"

"Incongruity, Alfred? He's lying through his teeth about something. The only question is what?" Six ponders.

"Well, whatever it is, we're going to find out why."


Back in the laboratory of Gotham Zoo, a shadowed figure in a lab coat works in the dark at the lab table. First he burns the recording of the inhuman screech Bruce dropped off for analysis, followed by the hair samples.

When the deeds are done, the man begins to tremble, barely having the strength and energy to stand. "...ugh....can't fight it....it's got me..." He downs a small container of unknown liquid before leaving for the other room, taking the bat kept in the cage with him.

Once the figure is gone, Batman and Six enter through one of the openable plate-glass windows.

The two then approach the lab table to find empty containers of chemicals from Phoenix Pharmaceuticals, as well as the other companies that were robbed.

The sound of footsteps approaching give cause for Batman and Six to hide.

The door swings open to reveal Kirk Langstrom. "Who's back there?"

Batman and Six step out from the shadows.


"We're looking for Dr. March." Batman states.

"He's not here, Batman, CyberSix." Kirk responds calmly, removing his gloves.

"Where is he?" Six demands.

"Giving a lecture on human extinction and bat evolution." Kirk answers, shutting the lab door. "He's really quite brilliant."

"He's misguided and a thief." Batman reveals the stolen Phoenix Pharmaceuticals chemicals.

"He's just a theorist. He was afraid to put it to the test. But I wasn't. I knew we'd discovered a formula to create a new species. Neither man nor bat! And once I started taking it, I couldn't stop. I desperately wanted to, but it took over. Francine and March tried to protect me, but it was too late. The beast knew what chemicals were needed to bring itself about. It was out of my control! And it only needs one more component to complete the process!" Dr. Langstrom reaches into his coat pocket, taking out an empty container of what was most surely the final chemical he speaks of. "It's in me, Batman, CyberSix."

Kirk's voice begins to become warped and deep, like two beings speaking through one body. He begins to laugh menacingly, crushing the container with a newfound strength. A gruesome transformation soon follows. His teeth become enlarged and sharpened,  followed by a growth in height and muscle, to which his clothes can't support and shred off leaving only his pants, with light brown fur covering his entire body, ears elongate and become pointed, hand form claws with bat wing membranes growing out along the arms and his eyes become iris-less yellow orbs. Soon Kirk Langstrom is no more, only Man-Bat stands before the vigilantes.

Man-Bat swipe his winged arm across the lab table, sending broken shards of lab equipment flying at them. The two block the glass pieces with their capes.

Man-Bat comes flying at them, suddenly, to which they both dodge just in time. But Man-Bat swings around for another attack. This one connecting with Batman, cutting through his costume and leaving a deep gash across his chest.

"Batman!" Six cries out.

Man-Bat now sets his sight on her, lifting a lab table over his head before bringing it down and pinning her lower body.

CyberSix groans at the sudden weight pressing down on her.

But just when Man-Bat is ready to lunge for her and she's ready to fend for herself, help arrives in an unexpected form

"Kirk!?!" Francine gasps upon entering the lab. The expression of utter horror at what her husband has become stops his attack on CyberSix.

A look of human guilt appears on his bat-like features before he flies off.

Before he can fully escape, Batman launches a grappling hook to wrap around his foot. He quickly rushes to Six's side, wrapping an arm around her and using Man-Bat's take off to pull her free as they go flying along with him.

Man-Bat flies to and fro to try to shake the two off, but no such luck.

"I'm getting something strange." The young blimp officer spots not one, but three blips on his radar.

"Ahh. . . Not again." The older officer pilot bemoans, feeling a sense of deja vu.

"I'm serious! It's right below us!"

Man-Bat whisks past the blimp window, maneuvering so Batman hits the glass walls of the gondola. So hard, in fact that he leaves radial cracks along the windshield.


"Gotham Command. We need choppers! We've sighted the Batman and CyberSix!" The older pilot calls into his radio.

Man-Bat continues in his widespread flying to shake the vigilantes off but the two still manage to stay ahold.


At the call in, a GCPD issue helicopter lands atop headquarters.

Bullock is the first on the roof. "Let's go!"

"I can't do it, sir!" The pilot shouts over the loud sound of the rotors.

"Whadda ya mean 'you can't do it'?!" Bullock barks.

"I just got word not to let you up without the Commissioner!"

"Who told you that?!"

"The Commissioner!" The pilot points behind him at the man in question hot on Bullock's tail, with Lucas Amato following close behind.

"Get out, Detective! The Mayor may not let me fire you, but I'm not taking the heat for your fiasco." Gordon shouts firmly, leaving no room for argument.

"This is my case, Commissioner. You heard the Mayor."

"Then why don't you go take it up with him!? I've got a job to do. And Amato is the only one around here who's been showing any common sense since the start of this whole case! If you wanna tag along, fine." Lucas and the Commissioner board the chopper. "Take us up, Lieutenant!"

"Hey, wait for me!" Bullock just barely manages to get into the chopper. But Lucas, being the standup guy he is, pulls the boorish detective in anyway.


With Batman and CyberSix still hanging onto the grappling line, Man-Bat changes course into an unfinished skyscraper, in hopes that the metal H-beam framework would knock them off for good.

The two skillfully dodge the metal beams at first, but Man-Bat begins to weave in and out of the structure, knocking the two against the metal skeleton of the building. And yet, they still wouldn't let go.

Having had enough of the rough treatment for one night, Batman and CyberSix decide to finally put a stop to it.

Wrapping the grappling cable around a beam to tether Man-Bat in place, they halt the humanoid bat in mid-air but it turns the tables on the vigilantes and rams them off their already precarious perches.

Luckily, the two grab ahold of Man-Bat once again, this time a little more up close than they'd really like to be.

Batman then begins to "steer" Man-Bat away from the ground.

Police chopper in the air, Bullock, Lucas, the Lieutenant pilot, and Commissioner Gordon bear witness to the mid-air fight of their lives.

"There he is!" Bullock exclaims, pointing out the vigilantes.

"There they are!" The commissioner corrects.

"What is that thing?" Bullock questions, not believing what he's seeing.

"That has to be what's been robbing the pharmaceutical companies!" Lucas states.

Batman and Man-Bat come close to crashing right into the police chopper. "Holy...!"

Batman starts to punch Man-Bat across the head, but it does no good. Six sees an approaching wall and gets an idea. With both arms, she covers Man-Bat's line of sight, forcing him to crash headfirst into the wall, rendering him unconscious.

Six's body is far more durable than a human's, so she only comes out with very minor scrapes. Batman, however, is nursing some bleeding wounds and possibly some fractures from being banged around those steel beams.

CyberSix helps Batman up just as the police chopper arrives with its searchlight on them.

Quickly, they gather up Man-Bat and disappear into the building structure.


Returning to the Batcave, CyberSix prints out a list of all the chemicals stolen from the labs. Along with a call to Lucas giving her anything they might've missed. With his knowledge in chemistry, he's relayed the possible component for a cure for Langstrom.

"Two for dinner, sir?"

"Six got a list of all the items stolen from the chemical labs. Who would've thought they'd be used to create a monster!?"

"It might not be too late to undo the fate Langstrom has brought upon himself." Six informs. "Lucas reviewed the chemicals that were stolen and believes he's formulated a cure." She brings up X-Rays, chemical compounds and the equations Lucas provided. He may not have been on the same level as Langstrom. But in this case, he might have been just enough."

"Does it appear feasible, ma'am?"

"I think so." Batman reviews the information with a confident smile.


Returning to the zoo's lab, the vigilantes arrive to return Langstrom to his wife.

Spotting them through the window, Francine rushes to view the state of her husband, no matter what it would be.

"Is he alright?"

"Take a look for yourself." CyberSix pulls back her cape, in which Kirk is wrapped in, revealing him to be completely cured. "Will he change again?"

"No. The formula is out of his system." Batman answers. "It's over; for now."

The bat-themed hero then carries the unconscious scientist into the zoo's main building, followed by his equally mysterious partner.
