Avoided ending

He slowly opened his eyes. In an Iceberg. Below sea level. In his room, filled with water. Everything around him was calm, only the flow of water deterred his sight a little. This calmness was cut short by him shooting out of bed to get ready. Tomorrow is the day he has waited for all along, all his life. A day he will forever remember. Quickly getting ready, he swam out his bedroom, and got greeted by his already awake father. Sitting at the table, Ikor joined him. „... Grilled Lobster? But, something grilled is for very special occasions. And that's tomorrow, not today." Kori sighed and waited until His son had settled next to him. „Trust me, today is a more special day than tomorrow would have ever been." Not questioning it further he chowed down, thanking his father for every bite he got to have. Kori seemed to share the joy, but he didn't look him in the eyes, hoping to hide the sadness and uncertainty in them. Was this the right choice? This could cost both of their lives. But this option is the still the better one, even in the worst case scenario. Isn't it?

Lost in his thoughts he didn't notice Ikor putting the plates away. „Dad?" Startled he answered „Yeah."

„Is everything alright?"

„Well..., not everything just yet." Trying to quickly find the right words, he said „We just have to go recite a bit"
„Recite? But Trytion said that i don't have to recite anything, just be there." Of course, their biggest obstacle for their endavour. He will have to avoid him like the plague.
He lightly shook his head „it wont hurt to know a bit how it goes." This sentence stung, it stung because he was lying to his own son. Ikor should never know what was actually going to happen on the day where light is without light.

„I'll show you the ceremony room."

He should have thought about this more, which is weird, because this was all he had thought about for quite some time. It also took him too long to finally make a decision. He was glad that he would have at least half of tomorrow to fall back on should things go south today.
„It's deep in the iceberg almost at the very bottom."

Ikors eyes lit up with curiosity. That desire to know more. A desire that he was never allowed to realise, as questioning things was very frowned upon here. The Icy boy had always wanted to know more about the deeper parts of the Iceberg, especially the off limits parts. Parts that Kori himself had ventured into once before, and had found a ticket out of here.
„Really!? I get to go all the way down there I've never been further than the midway canyon! Is it true that a giant sea beast is held there? Oh, and will we see what the healers and sorcerers do down there? How deep does it actually go? Are there any-... more..."
Ikors ramblings stopped upon noticing his fathers amused expression.

„Oh yeah, right. No questions."
Koris expression shifted a little.
„You'll see when you get there. Let's get going."
Leaving the table without cleaning it, he was gonna do that later, they left their room.
The Iceberg is a massive place divided to multiple sections. the tip, shaped like a castle the only part not submerged and also the smallest. The upper levels where the Icies live. The midway canyon, after which the light starts to fade. The lower decks, as they're called, are only to be entered by high ranking people. And the peak of the depths, the lowest part of the iceberg, where they need to go.

Keeping up with Ikor is no easy task, the boy is very calm yet excitable and has a lot of energy. So he swam up front darting from side to side. Despite having seen these walls all his life he always finds things that changed. It was actually quite sad, the boy didn't have many places he could go but such a thirst for knowledge and exploration. Books and the like never held his attention he always wants to see the real thing, but he wasn't allowed to leave. Well, after today he might.
Nearing every corner fear creeped in his gut. He didn't quite know why, they were allowed to move about after all, perhaps it was the stress just getting to him. Leaving the living quarters they entered the main hub. Other Icies were sprawling about preparing for the next day.
Across from them Ikalos oversaw the whole room and with seemingly nothing better to do he swam over to the two.

Oh no...

„Sun bless, Kori and Ikor. Are you quite excited for tomorrow? You sure look the part."
Ikor did infact look like he had just a tad bit too much sugar this morning, wide eyes and the inabilty to stay still and all.
„Oh yes, It'll be the most important day EVER for me! Dad wants to show me so many more places i haven't been to before, that i've always wanted to see! Can you believe it we're going to-„
„The KITCHEN! The kitchen, yeah. Can you believe that he's lived here for 14 years and has never been there."
That was too abrupt, oh Lords, oh no. Kori felt like his nervousness was now almost palpable and he hoped that Ikalos hadn't noticed the slight quiver in his voice. If he did he didn't show a reaction.

„Wait we're going there too?!"
Oh sweet winter child. Kori truly loves his son but sometimes he wished he could be a little quieter.
„Yes, of couuurr... and he's gone."
Sometimes he wished that he was a little less impulsive too.
„Bright day to you Ikalos. Gotta catch up."
„Bright day, Kori."
Well now it was clear that the jig was up. Of course he was sure that it had been as soon as he intervened, but what was he supposed to do. And Ikalos is a knight, it's literally his job to read people and tell on them to Trytion, if they missbehave, or he feels like being an ass. He needs to get ikor down there now!


Or wait...
If he shows Ikor the kitchen, some other places and then one slightly off limits place. Yeah, that could work. The rules here are so strict that it wouldn't be far fetched to be absolutely nervous about showing your son some secret place, on his literal last day on gorm. Going to the peak now would be impossible. With the knights alarmed about his scheme.
„Da-ad! Catch up already!"
In his thoghts he had slowed down. But having cleared his mind he was now able to speed up no problem. This was going to work! It had to.
Ikor plopped into bed, as ploppily as you could under water, snuggling under the weighted blanket keeping him down. Today had been a great day, but it did leave him exhausted. Seeing so many places he'd never been to before. They even went a bit futher than the canyon. It was quite dark but Icies are able to navigate using echo location, so it wasn't that bad.
Thinking about the day more the one thought nagging at his brain made itself clearer and clearer.

Dad has been way sadder than usual.
Kori always had an underlying melancholy to him. Even in his happiest moment his eyes held a sorrow festering deep inside him. Ikor had always seen this sadness, and tried to be the best he could, but it just wouldn't go away. Once he asked his father about it.
„As long as you're happy i am too."

Ever since then he's been the cheeriest he could be. Well, even before that he always tried to look on the bright side of things. Light points the way after all.
While thinking his eyes had gotten heavier and heavier. Before ultimately closing.
A firm shaking at his side woke him from his dream.

„Ikor! Get up, we need to go."
Still sleepy a confused „huh?" was all he could muster. Clearly impatient his father lifted him up to get out of bed. Going through his routine as fast as he could he swims to his dad waiting at the door.

Don't question those above you. But why not, because they are closer to the sun when they're above you? Never made sense to him but alas, he was beneath.

„I'm sorry for waking you so abruptly but we have to go to another place you've never been."
Giving his okays the boy follows his dad. Remembering the path from yesterday, they were heading right towards the canyon. Rounding a corner Kori stops dead in his tracks. In one swift motion he pushes Ikor into an alcove, signaling him to be quiet.

Ikor now noticed the change in atmosphere too. The Ice Lord always brought an intense aura with him. Passing throgh the crossing path, his sharp eyes flicked down the corridor. Seeing a familiar finned tail peek from an alcove he stopped and asked.
„Ikor, what are you doing down here?"

Oh, should have hidden that better. Sheepishly looking at his father expecting a disappointed eyeroll, he saw him frozen in place, raw fear etched on his features. His fist clenching something so hard that it was shaking, the knuckles turning white. The fear seemed to be radiating heat because it got slightly warmer around them.
Well, his father didn't want to be seen. So he had to act. Telling a part of the full story.
„Sorry, i just wanted to explore a little more. And well, you would probably send me back, so i hid."

Slowly looking around the corner and then placing himself in the hall putting on his best 'I show remorse for my actions' act. It wasn't really a lie either, he was showing remorse for being caught.

That did the trick. Trytions formerly accusing gaze relaxed, the aura also felt less pressing.
„Alright, you know the way back?"
„Then don't stray to far and be back in time. We're all expecting you to be there."
With that he turned and swam on.

It felt like an eternity to Ikor before his father finally managed to crawl out their hiding place, still shivering.

The rest of the way went without any more encounters and to Ikors surprise they were going to the peak of the depths.

As they descended the pressure started to rise, which didn't bother them too much, their bodies were made to prevail under extreme circumstances. With each turn the light got dimmer and dimmer, until they had to rely on echo location. It was more of an instinct rather than a learned skill.

Ikor had hoped that there would be any source of light here. Comparing the texture of the walls below and above was something he had always wanted to do.
After quite some time they arrived at what was seemingly a dead end when Ikor remembered something.

„Wait! Will we be back in time? If we're not there Trytion will have my head! And yours too! Zottobo what time even is it."
Kori sighed at his frenzied son. Now might be a time as good as any to tell him.
„Ikor, i'm sorry but you won't be going back. This day would otherwise be your last and you have so much more to see."

Ikor felt lost in the dark, floating without a point he could focus on to ground himself. A hand gently placed on his shoulder stabilized him.
„Our Lord may say your fate belongs to the sun, but i, as your father, say it belongs to the world, You may never see this place again, but you'll see so much more and you can always join the light later. Now let us go."
So many questions swirled in the boys head melting into a indescernible mess of thoughts.


It turned out that the wall was actually a door, sliding open too reveal a chamber. It was still too dark to see anything, except for a turquoise chain slightly glowing, ending on what seemed to be a wrist of someone. That was the only thing illluminated however.

„Didn't ya wanna be here yesterday, fishy?"A brass voice cut through the dark. Making Kori sigh.
„Yes, we almost got found out. But i still have the shard."
A slight red glimmer came from Koris hand.
„Aight, you know the way back up. Use the damn thing now they're gonna come looking for you soon." Wow, very nice stranger he is.
„Alright. Ikor?"
He hm'd to show his attention.
„This is going get a little uncomfortable. Once he's free he's going to grab you and swim to the surface. Be ready."
„Couldn't have given him a briefing before, just go already, Zot..."
Ignoring the impatient mumbling Kori lifts the shard up.

An unbearable heat surged through Ikors entire body, his brain pulsed as if boiling, his bones started to ache, the pain visualized in his mind seeing himself turn to ash. All the while a piercing cold pressed aginst his skin, entering through his gills, fighting with his inner warmth.
Suddenly it all stopped and his body regulated itself to the normal temperature.
Before his mind could settle however he was scooped up, feeling the water flow past him, they were going up. Going quite fast in fact. Looking down he saw the outer wall pass by. Did something move in the dark? Yes it did. And it was coming closer. Nudging the other he tried to tell him. A beam of ice energy, leaving a trail of frozen water, did it for him however.

Yeah that summed it up quite well.
Seeing an angry ice knight charge at you from the depths was quite the fuck situation.
Ikor couldn't stay focused on Ikalos below them, as the other guy started to swim in erratic patterns. Nearly getting hit multiple times made Ikor close his eyes.

Through his eyelids he could see the world get brighter and brighter, nearing the surface.
Suddenly everything felt different and... and wrong? There was no water, a weird sensation filled Ikors stomach, almost like the lobster from yesterday wanted to get back up. Trying not to gag he opened his eyes. There was the water, but it was somehow... flat. Before he could fullly comprehend the scenery changed again to some sort of purple energy tunnel. The sensation got worse and worse. Until with a hard thud they landed in a dry and brown place.

What was this place? He froze in panic after trying to filter water though his gills, there was ... no water. Starting to panic he looked around anxiously. Seeing the stranger now, a big skeleton also somewhat fish like grumbling to himself, observing the fire shard. Ikor attempted to get to the other one, flopping to the ground miserably after he tried to swim. That got his attention.
„Ah for crying out loud, you can't swim through air!"
Air. That's the other thing he really hadn't wanted right now, not at all. Noticing how desperate the boy looked. The skeleton added.
„You have lungs by the way, never needed them down there. Just, like, suck in some air through your mouth. And don't die on me, i'd prefer to keep my word."
Doing so Ikor felt the relief wash over his body, feeling the lightheadedness disappear.

„Holy... ha ... Sun..."
His words sounded hoarse, not being used to these conditions.
„Where ... are we?"
„In the rock realm. They can't follow us here and don't have the best relations to the rockies."
Rock realm? Well Ikor certainly had quite a few questions.
„May i know your name?"
„Cryptus, an' i already know yours."
„Can i ask you some questions?"Back home Ikor wasn't allowed to, but this wasn't really home, was it?

„Sure i promised your old man i'd show you Gorm and i need to rest a bit. Not as fit as i used to be."
They sat down in the shadow of a rock to somewhat protect Ikor from the dry enviroment. This really wasn't the place to be for an icy, but the fire realm was a no go and the air realm, oh moons the air realm... i wonder how Kratus is doing...
„What happened just now? The weird purple tunnel."
„Oh that, we went through a portal."
„Alright and you had to go to the surface for that?"
Cryptus shrugged „not necesarily, but if i had done it under water Trytion could have tracked us."
„And like, what are you? You're not an Icy but swam really fast and there's this weird aura around you."
„I'm a Darkan. And i'm weird to you because you've never met anyone like me."
The Adrenaline of the chase had subsided and made way for sleepyness. Cryptus noticed and said.
„You should rest now. We'll have to leave soon, before anyone else notices us."

The silence was broken by an insistend flickering of the towers light.
„Yes, Yes Tower. You forbid me from going out on this day. What even for!"
The Guardian stepped through the arches and patted off her skirt, having had to ascend the tower, who had done everything in her power to keep the girl from reaching the top levels. But in terms of stubbornness they were pretty even.

„It's not like i can really do anything out here. You just don't want me to have nice things."
She sat down next to the only other actual person. He was looking directly at the eclipse and slowly raised his left hand. The chain attached to it got brighter before cracking and fading away slightly.

„Gredd and Cryptus are loose now. Let's hope the others follow suit."
Lowering his hand to pat Ao-ki on the head she could feel the differnce of energies. The oppressing cold was now weaker and the calm darkness could be felt more.
She took the opportunity to snatch his arm and hug it. The dark energy was now stronger than she had ever felt it, it made her feel safe and Voidus was glad about every way he could make her happy, they only had eachother here after all.
