*Who Is '-H'?*

Y/n's POV
October 10, 1993

I tip-toe through the loud halls and into the gym. I creep around the corner into my locker room. I let out a sigh as I escape the busy space. My mind is flooded with embarrassment and confusion. If not Harlow then who? To make things worse Harlow is the popular type of person to tell everyone about what happened. The whole school will soon know about everything.

"Places!" I hear a scream from out of the room. I rush to get ready and head out to the track. I feel scattered in my head and sick in my stomach. I catch up with our coach.

"Is it okay if I sit on the bleachers for a bit, coach?"

"Sure, just as long as you're okay with being a team captain next week." I nod and pace to the seats. My eyelids get heavy as I watch every go round and round the red path.

Bandit's POV
October 10, 1996

"Hmm..?" They lift their head off my shoulder and quickly stretch.

"You're up!"

"Yeah... where is everyone?" They rub their eyes as they look around.

"School ended half an hour ago. You fell asleep so I grabbed your things and let you snooze."

"Oh... thanks, Bandit." I nod and we stare at the empty fields in front of us. "Someone has been putting weird notes in my locker..."

"Oh yeah?"

"Mhmm. I thought it was Harlow because they leave a '-H' after each message." They hand me a stack of papers. "I confronted him and it was so humiliating when I found out it wasn't him." They hang her head as they lets out a long exhale.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault."

"But it is." They look over and gives me a confused look. "I am the one writing those things." They stare at me for the longest time then they stand up.


"I wrote those notes." I stand up with them and reach for their hands. They instantly jerks back their arms.

"Then what is '-H'?"

"Heeler... that's my last name and you know that."

"Now everyone is on the verge of knowing about all of it." They grab and pulls on their hair. "I told Harlow!"

"I didn't know that Harlow was a possible person to write those things to you." I try to stop them from hurting themselves but they push me away. "Y/n, try to calm down please."

"NO!" They snap. Their breathing hitches. "You set me up!"

"Of course, I didn't mean to, Y/n."

"You set me all up for pure humiliation!" They grab their bag and rushes off.

What have I done?

~This chapter was so quick to write. (Thankfully because I'm tired.) What do you think of this craziness and Y/n's reaction? Try to envision what they were thinking even though it's hard because we are in Bandit's POV. Good day/night.

~I love you.

~496 Words
