
Newt when Thomas asked about you.

Thomas and Newt were talking when Thomas asked a question that shocked Newt.

"Is there something between you and (y/n)? Because I've noticed that there is a lot of chemistry between you two." Thomas asked, Newt stared at Thomas for a second, shocked at the news that you also stared at him.

"No." Newt said abruptly, looking away from Thomas.

"That's not true, you wish there was something though." Thomas grinned, Newt blushed a little and looked down.

"No?" Newt said unsure whether or not to tell Thomas how he felt about you.

"Sure." Thomas laughed and walked off, Newt looked up and saw you, you looked over and waved to him, he grinned and waved back. Maybe you did like him as much as he liked you.
