Good 12:30 Luck

12:30 PM, and it's not night.

"Good luck, Dongwoonie." Gikwang murmured. Dongwoon hear that. He went to the couch to Gikwang and wake him up.

"Yah, Gikwang hyung. Wake up. Wake up! It's 12:30 PM. Dujun hyung will mad at you." said Dongwoon.

"D-Dongwoon. I love you! Please don't leave me!" said Gikwang. He stand up and hugs Dongwoon.

The members are shocked to look at them. Dongwoon feel embarrassed and hold Gikwang's arms to let go but he hugs him to tight and didn't let go. He cries on Dongwoon's chest.

"G-G-Gikwang hyung? Are you crying?!" said Dongwoon.

Dongwoon didn't know what happened.

"Don't leave me ever again!" said Gikwang.

"Are you dreaming?" Dongwoon ask. Gikwang shyly look at him. The members are looking at him. He feel shy.

It was just a dream. He was sleeping until 12:30 PM.

Dujun come back from shop and saw Gikwang hugging with Dongwoon. Dujun smiling and leave them alone.

"Look, look at me, hyung. I never leave you. Now get up before Dujun hyung knows that you were sleeping till 12:30 PM." said Dongwoon.

"But, do you love me?" Gikwang ask.

"Yes. I love you. Now join us lunch." Dongwoon replied and smile at him, he smile back.

"What just happening?" said Junhyung.

"I don't know." Hyunseung replied.

"Gikwang is crazy." said Yoseob.

Dujun just smiling and laughing at them. Their childish attitude has come again.

The two maknae become awkward because they did embarrassing things in front of other members.

Junhyung shook his head at Gikwang.

Hyunseung place his hand on his eyes.

Yoseob feel disgusted by them.

"You're not kissing me on the lips, right?" said Gikwang and pout.

"What?" Dongwoon replied.

"N-nothing. It was just a dream. Tell me it was just a dream and you didn't do weird things to me last night!" said Gikwang.

"Hyung, it was just a dream. How could I will do that? You're my hyung after all." Dongwoon replied and smile at him. He smiles back and nodded.

Gikwang hugs his tall maknae and pat on his back.

"I love you, my favorite Dongwoonie." said Gikwang.

"Hehe. I love you too, hyung." Dongwoon replied.

"Let's have lunch." said Gikwang and Dongwoon nodded.

The three other members are staring at them and feel embarrassed on their maknaes attitude.

Dujun keep smiling that he understand what was happening. The two maknae always playing around at night until this is what happened.

Junhyung staring at Gikwang and his food fall down on his plate.

"Junhyung hyung, what's wrong?" Gikwang ask.

"This what we called little kids playing around at night. Your mother, Hyunseung never mad at you guys. Always me, the father." Junhyung replied.

Hyunseung suddenly look at him and stares.

"Oh, Dujun hyung. Give that beef to our cute Gikwang and Dongwoon." said Junhyung after he realize Hyunseung was glares at him.

"Thank you, Junhyung hyung!!" said the two maknae.

Yoseob shook his head and feel unamused to look at Gikwang and Dongwoon, the only two maknae playing around.

Hyunseung slowly clap his hands with low sound. Junhyung opened his mouth that he feel weird at Hyunseung who clapping hands for the weird maknae.

Dujun pat on Dongwoon's shoulder and Yoseob pat on Gikwang's shoulder.

"Next time, sleep early, okay? Especially you, Gikwang." said Yoseob.

"Eum~ okay." Gikwang pout.

"You too, Dongwoon." said Dujun and Dongwoon nodded and smile.

Then, the members happily going out to hangout together as Beast members without any other groups to follow them.
