
I woke up alone in Lucy's bed. I was kinda lonely but I still smell that sweet smell of strawberry and vanilla so she has to be close by. I just followed the sent and surprisingly it didn't hurt as much as I thought my right wing still was kinda stiff but it's okay.

"Morning Natsu." I heard the sweet sound of Lucy say.

"Morning blondie." I said yawning. But then I smelled...Bacon.

"Sorry if you don't like bacon."

"Are you a goddess." I said looking at the bacon

"No I'm a.... never mind you can eat now." She said. She'd definitely hiding something I just know it

I finished my whole plate in 2 seconds and it was delicious. But I still have to find out what Lucy's hiding.

"What were you gonna say." I asked looking at her in the eye.

"It's nothing important but how's your wing." She was changing the subject

"It's ok."

"And your stomach we're you got shot."

"It heeled."

"Your arm and lag."

"There fine but can you please stop worrying about me all the time."

"Nope." She said giggling

"Plu plu." I heard something say

"Oh sorry that's just my Plue." She said and I turned around to see a weird looking snow man.

"Plu Plu."

"Plue say hi to our new friend." Said picking him up and putting him near me.

"I don't like pets." I said coldly

"Well to bad because I not getting rid of this little guy." She said then walked away in a sassy manner.

Time skip to 11:59

I was watching Natsu exercise just in case he hurt himself and he was also still shitless.

I looked at the mermaid styled clock that looked like this

And it was 11:59!!!! That's the time I turn into my actual form witch is a mermaid. I have to go. Witch is why my basement has a pool that leads to the ocean flour but you would still see the glow of my tail.

"Natsu I I'll be right back I have to fix something in my basement do not follow me and please don't open the basement door I'll be back." I said then ran in to the basement and took off my clothes. Witch was

But Natsu couldn't see my underwear luckily. I jumped in the water and my legs turned into a long golden glowing tail with blue shells around it. And I didn't have any thing to cover my boobs but my hair.

And I started swimming.


I was working out my arms, legs, and wings till Lucy said something about don't go in the basement she'll be right back.
But guess what I don't care. I flew over to the basement door and heard a splash. I opened it and there was a pool that looked really deep. And Lucy's clothes on the floor.
In the pool I noticed that there was some type of gold light. It was beautiful. I knew it has something to do with Lucy so I jumped in without taking off my pants and I followed the golden light and since I can hold my breath for up to 5 hours I know I can find out what it is.

Then it disappeared. Something tapped my wig I turned around to see...LUCY?!?!?!? With a long glowing gold tail and some of her hair covering her boobs but the rest was floating.
She blew bubbles in my face and my face was in a bubble and I could breath.

"Lucy you're a mermaid."

"Ya and I told you not to come down here." she swimming around me

"Can we go back to the surface My wings aren't made for swimming."

"Ok follow me and she swam away and I followed."

When we got the surface I was freaking out. Why didn't I realize this from the start.

"Sense when were you a fucking mermaid!?!?!"

"Sense birth and stop cursing." She said pouting witch was kinda cute.

"Why aren't you with your pod."

"Because I was supposed to get married to a merman prince but I didn't love him so I ran away."

"Wait...your a damn princess?!?"

"Yes and I had to leave all my friends behind just because I didn't love someone. And till this day he's still looking for me."

"Who is he."

"His name is Sting." I said

"Never heard of him." Natsu said

"Well he's a pretty big deal."

"So am I." Natsu said and just started laughing.

"Anyway why was the F.B.I after you and why are you in the human world." I asked curious.

"Well let's just say there was another demon that thought he should be the only living demon and spread bad news to the human world and I killed him." Natsu said looking down. I felt bad for him. He basically saved all demons. It's not fair.

"Is you got punished for saving all demons and they still got rid of you." I said kinda angry but I was trying to keep it in as much as I could."

"Hey it's ok princess. I broke a demon rule. A demon must never kill there own kind. And demons are supposed to be bad and evil."

"It's still not fare." I said

"It's not fear that you couldn't pick who you love." Natsu said

"Your right. But when I came here I got a spell that can turn me into a human but only for till 12:00PM and AM."

"Nice tail." He said coming a little closer to me.

"Thanks." I said blushing. We looked at each other for a long time. It felt endless. Then our lips were coming close. And we kissed. When we broke apart we just looked at each other smiling. He looked better with a smile.

Hey guys I would like to give a shout out to titania1256 thank you so much for actually liking this story with lots of love to you
Good bye my children❤️😗❤️😗

Word count: 1007
