Chapter 1- Friends

You gasped as you looked at the elegant, red steam train. You had heard about it from Cedric, but never imagined that it would look this magical. You held onto your mother's hand tightly with your left hand, and your new wand in your right. Cedric was saying goodbye to your father and you were saying goodbye to your mother.

 "Are you ready to go to Hogwarts Y/N?" She asked with a smile on her face.

 You nodded. "Yes, but I am a bit nervous." You give her and your father a big hug. You say your goodbyes and Cedric takes your hand while helping you onto the train. 

 He brought you to an empty compartment and smiled.

 "Y/N, is it alright if I go and sit with my friends?" He asked you wanting to make sure you were ok.

 You gave him a smile. "Of course Ced, have fun."

 He left and you sat alone in the empty compartment. You pull out your favorite muggle book and start to read. It had been about half and hour when you heard the compartment door slide open. you looked up to see a very pretty girl around your age. She had long, blonde hair and bright, blue eyes. She was holding a magazine, but you couldn't see what it was. 

"Hello," she said with a very dreamy voice, " do you mind if I sit with you? All the others are full. "

"No, not at all. Come sit." You nodded and gestured towards the empty seat in front of you. She gave you a smile and skipped a bit before sitting down. She started looking around as if something was distracting her.

"I'm Luna Lovegood by the way." She said in the same dreamy voice as she finally stopped looking around to look at you.

 "Y/N, Y/N Diggory." You respond to Luna.

 " Is it your first year here as well, Y/N? " she asked.

 "Yes, yes it is. I'm very nervous." You smiled because you met someone in your year. "What house do you think you will be sorted into? My brother was sorted into Hufflepuff, but I want to be put in Gryffindor. " You puff out your chest slightly.

She chuckled a bit. "Gryffindor, aye? Well I want to be sorted into Ravenclaw." She answered before she started to stare above your head.

" What is it Luna? " You asked.

"Oh, it's just that you are covered in Nargles." She responded. You giggle a little before she pulls a ribbon out that was wrapped around her neck. It had a small, cork on it? You couldn't tell.

"It's a charm." She holds it out to show you. " Keeps em' away. Would you like me to make one for you? " You grinned a little. You had a good feeling about Luna and you knew that the two of you would be friends.

"Yeah, I would like that very much." You smiled at her.


Anyways, that is the first chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I worked hard on it and I am excited to continue this s tory! Ahhhh, isn't Luna just the cutest!?!
