King Kai

Sorry that I didn't update. I had homework so I couldn't do this. I will mostly update on Saturday, Sunday, or on vacation. On with the story.

                                                       Snake Way
Goku p.o.v

I was running down snake way when I found out that there was a little planet floating up in the sky. " is that a planet in the sky? Yes it is! Maybe they have food? No Goku that's King Kai's planet!" I then flew up to the planet. When I landed on the planet I fell face flat on the planet. " it's like 10 times earth's normal gravity. Maybe this helps me train." Just then I saw a monkey. " hello little fella are you King Kai?" I asked. " no you idiot! I'm right here!" I turned around and saw a little blue man standing there. " oh! Hi King Kai I'm here to train with you so I can be ready for the up coming saiyans." I said. " alright but first you have to pass the test." He said. " what test?" I asked. " you have to make me laugh. Then I will train you." King Kai said. " ok. What do fellow saiyans say when they do something bad?" I questioned " I don't know what?" He questioned back. " it's a saiyan thing." I said back. After a minute or so he started laughing a lot. " okay! Okay! I'll train you." King Kai said still laughing. " yes!" I thought.
