Picture Frames

??'s POV

Waking up to the sound of laughter and smell of food was not what I had been expecting when I opened my eyes. The room was dim with the only light being from a small window against the far wall. Shadows danced around the room softly highlighting the beige walls and oak sliding doors leading to what I'm sure is a closet.

My body cries in disagreement as I move to sit up in the large bed I had been left covered in sheets and a comforter. I shiver from the loss of heat as I remove the blankets from my legs.

"You're awake." The deep voice surprised me as I hadn't seen anyone was in the room with me. I looked in a corner where I found the owner lounging at a desk. His blonde hair standing out against the darkness surrounding him. "We were starting to think we should take you to a hospital."

"Where am I?" My voice sounded scratchy at the use of my sore throat. Despite not being able to remember anything about my past life I could still recognize the after effects of a fever.

"My bandmates and I found you unconscious in an alleyway. When we saw my-I mean you shivering we couldn't leave you to die there."

I nodded at the words accepting what the blonde stranger told me. I knew with the toll my body had taken that if I were to have been left soaked in that box overnight I would've died.

"I guess I owe you my life then." I smiled gratefully at the handsome male. His eyes before had been cautious but now I could see some warmth. I couldn't help a flinch as the stranger took a step forward before offering his hand out to me, giving me an unusual boxy grin.

"I'm Taehyung. Nice to meet you." I took his hand shaking it with a light grip. Our hands grew warm and the mark below my eye began to burn. The feeling was uncomfortable yet addicting and I could tell by the shock evident in Taehyung's expression he was having the same situation.

Suddenly I'm pulled into a tight embrace as the pain fades away leaving us both heaving. Having realized what just happened I pushed him off, forcing him away from my skin. The addiction lingered however the warmth faded leaving me confused and scared as to why I missed the feeling so much. He must've felt the same because as soon as I pushed him away he bolted out the bedroom door.

I stood there staring where he disappeared. The distant laughter had stopped and instead I could hear voices talking and one crying.

'He's awake.'

'What happened?'

'Does he know?'

'You did what?'

'He shouldn't be here.'

The last sentence hurt more than I could imagine. There was a small pain in my foot where I knew the arrow was marked. Now that I had time to process I looked around seeing a mirror hung behind the door. Moving it aside I looked at my reflection gasping at the now colored camera beneath my eye. I grazed my finger across the smooth skin. The light touch caused my body to burn with the warmth I craved. Removing my fingers from the tattoo the feeling disappeared as quickly as it had come.

"Hello?" The door pushed back against me before I moved out of the way to look at the newcomer. "How are you feeling?"

To say the man was handsome would be an understatement. His smile and skin practically glowed like the sun. My silence didn't seem to bother him as he carefully maneuvered around me into the room.

"These are for you." I hadn't noticed the clothing in his hands when he walked in until he spoke up. Now noticing my inappropriate appearance I quickly grabbed a sheet from the bed wrapping it around my torso.

"Thank you. I'm sorry, I must've stripped in my sleep." I bowed in a slight apology.

The man just waved it off handing me the shirt from the pile. He politely turned around as I dressed.

"Actually it was Tae who removed your shirt not you. No apology necessary." My eyes widened at the information that when I had been unconscious they removed my clothes.

"May I ask why?"

I could tell the man noticed I had grown uncomfortable and panicked realizing his words.

"Not like that! I swear. We saw your marks and in our shock we needed to see the rest." He attempted to explain.

"What's so special about my marks?" I questioned pulling the large shirt over my stomach.

Despite having been told what my marks are the tattoo artist had done little to explain what they were for, having only said everyone has them. However the way this person stiffened at my words gave me the impression my ink is anything but normal.

"Are you dressed?"

"Hm? Oh yes." Snapped out of my thoughts I stand awkwardly as he turns around giving me a once over until his gaze ended on my now visible marks. Feeling self conscious I wrapped my arms around themselves effectively covering the band and ring from view. The lace choker was in plain view and seemed to be the target of his stare.

"Follow me." Without another word he moved into the hallway. The hallway was narrow with three doors leading into what I assumed to be more bedrooms. Pictures lined the walls of seven different people. Two of which being Taehyung and the male in front of me.

They're all so handsome.

Led to the end of the hall we stepped into a small living room with three couches crammed in front of a television. Four people I recognized from the photos sat watching as we came in. I noticed Taehyung and another boy walk in after us.

Taehyungs face had obvious tear tracks and swollen eyes. An urge came over me almost demanding I comfort the boy however the glare I received from his companion kept me rooted to my position.

"Please have a seat." From the middle of the sofa a tall man gave me a small smile gesturing to the unoccupied couch to the right of the others. I felt myself become slightly happier seeing his dimple however my mood quickly became ruined again seeing a cat-like boy stare me down from his seat.

What's with all the glaring? Did I offend them somehow?

Nodding softly I sat myself down shifting slightly under the tension in the room.

"I'm Namjoon." The stranger introduced himself. His hair a pale pink creating a cute aura around him.

"This is Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jin, and Jungkook." He pointed each male out as they were introduced. Noticing the boy I had come in with, Hoseok had now sat next to Yoongi holding his and Jimins hands I smile slightly at the sight.

"I'm-" I stopped in my eager introduction realizing that in my near death I hadn't remembered anything about myself. Frowning in discontent I focused intently on what my name was only to come up empty.

"You're...?" Jungkook asked noticing I had failed to complete my sentence.

"I don't know." I admit. "I woke up two days ago with no memory."

"You don't even remember your name? Family? Nothing?" I shook my head at the boys questions watching their faces go from confused to ones of sympathy.

"Did you try talking to the police?" Jin leaned forward now intrigued in what I was saying.

"I tried but they told me that I'm not in the system. They said they would look for if anyone went missing recently."

"Does that mean you've been on the street since?" Refusing to meet their eyes I looked down at my fingers playing with them in my lap.

"It's decided then. You're staying with us for the time being." The room erupted in chaos at the words that left Jin's mouth. The loudest of all being Yoongi who was being held back by Jimin.

"Hyung, you know why he shouldn't be here." I recognized his voice being the one from earlier and I subconsciously went to rub at the arrow on my foot.

"However we need to make one thing clear if you are to stay." Jin's gaze had never left me not missing the way I cowered from the yelling. "You are not to try and make a relationship with any of us. I understand you may want to given the circumstances but we are very happy with our current partners."

His hand reached over and set itself on Namjoon's. From across the room I could see Taehyung sitting in Jungkook's lap nuzzling into his neck.

"Wait..." All of the boys moved their attention to me as if panicked I had not agreed to the condition. I could see fear in a couple of their expressions. Jimin gripped his thigh harshly through his pants to the point Hoseok had to place a hand on his shoulder.

"Why would I want to do that?"


A.N This chapter was a bit longer than I'm used to writing because I couldn't find a good stopping point. Leave a comment if you would prefer longer chapters like this moving forward.

Random question!

How do you like your pizza?

(Mine is ricotta and feta with olive oil on flatbread)
