New school and Crushes

Christina's POV

The next day I woke up at 5AM, and did my morning routine. Make coffee, shower, wash face, get dressed, go downstairs and drank some coffee while making breakfast.

I also noticed that dad stocked the kitchen. Apparently someone missed my cooking. I started making scrambled eggs with bacon and vegan French toast with berries. Dad came downstairs at 6am dressed for work.

He looked up and happily smiled at me. He walked up behind me and placed a hand on my right shoulder while kissing my left temple "Morning, princess. Been up long?" I shrugged "I got used to taking care of Bella and Renee, then Phil when he was home."

He shook his head "A parent is supposed to take care of a child, not the other way around" he muttered. I bit my lip, and shook my head deciding to change the subject "I'm making scrambled eggs and bacon for you and Bella" he glanced over at the stove "What about the toast?" "It's vegan French toast, would you like some?" He smiled before nodding "Sure, I'll try it. I almost forgot that you turned vegan. How's that diet treating you?"

I beamed at him "It's great! My health has increased and I don't have a guilty conscience!" I was diagnosed at 12 with AGS (Alpha-gal syndrome) I was allergic to meat. I didn't mind the diagnosis. I always felt sick and guilty for eating animals. Animals were the most innocent and precious thing alive. I used to insist on only eating cruelty free products, but after the diagnosis I made some serious changes in my life.

"Sure, being a stuck up anorexic is just making you a better person" Bella called out. Dad started scolding her about my condition. I ignored it and made everyone's plates.

We sat down and ate in silence until dad spoke up and said "Chris, this is the best French toast I've ever had! Bella you have to try some!" Bella sneered and said "That burnt 'vegetarian' crap is disgusting! Quit forcing your lifestyle on everyone!" This led to another small argument. I remained silent and started counting inside my head.

I cleared the table and saved the leftovers. Dad gave me a kiss on the head goodbye while Bella went upstairs to get ready. I grabbed my keys and locked my bedroom door, then headed to my car. I got in and drove to school.

(Angela Weber)

(Keira Crowley)

So far I had no classes with Bella and I made two friends. I met Angela in English and we also had History together. I met Keira in Art and I had Geometry, and Languages and Culture AP with her as well. We all had gym together and lunch.

We were walking to our table where I met Tyler, Keira's brother, and his girlfriend Lauren, Eric and Ben who clearly had a little love triangle going on with Angela. I pulled out my homemade lunch,

When Bella, and another brunette girl and a blonde boy who I assumed was Jessica and Mike sat down. Bella scowled at me "What are you doing here?!" I shrugged and bluntly said "Eating with my new friends" everyone looked between us and asked "You two know each other?"

I nodded and said "We're twins" "Fraternal twins!" Bella butted in. I nodded as I ate my pasta. "You need to leave!" Bella demanded pompously, Keira frowned and said "She's fine right where she is. You leave, my homegirl alone" Angela nodded and said "Yeah! We invited her to eat with us! Besides your sisters! Can't you agree to at least eat lunch together?"

I shrugged "I personally don't care. I have more important things to do other than meddle in her life, so I'll just quietly eat here" Bella scowled "No! I don't want her here! She's a stuck up bitch! She's only going to force everyone to go 'vegetarian'!" I glared at her "First, I'm vegan not vegetarian and second I'm not 'That Vegan Teacher' and third I have AGS I can't eat meat or I'll get sick. You know this Bella."

Keira glared at Bella "Seriously, she's not even trying to turn people vegan. She actually respects people's diets, unlike you. So now you have two options. One sit down, shut up, and eat your food or two leave"

Bella scowled before eating her hummus and pita bread.

Sensing no further argument everyone started asking about AGS which I explained to them. I also told them my personal views on eating meat. I didn't mind it so long as the animals were given good lives on local farms instead of being mass produced in meat factories.

They agreed to start looking into their own diets, and start educating themselves on where their food comes from.

After that we broke off into our own conversations. Keira and I talked about our next art project. I think I'm developing a crush on her. She's just so sweet and protective and passionate. These are things I always look for in a partner. Plus she's absolutely gorgeous!

"Who are they?" Bella suddenly spoke up, and gestured towards a group of teenagers walking in from outside. Everyone turned to see who she was talking about "The Cullens" Lauren began and Jessica leans in, swinging into gossiping mode "They're Doctor and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They all moved down here from Alaska two years ago."

Angela spoke up "They kinda keep to themselves"
And Jessica butted in again "Yeah! Because they're all together. Like, together together. The blonde wannabe runway model, that's Rosalie Hale, and the big dark-haired guy that looks like he's on steroids that's Emmett Cullen. They're a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal."

Keira began scolding her "Jess, they're not actually related" but Jessica argued "But they live together, It's weird" I spoke up "So do married couples, and courting couples" she ignored me and continued "And the little dark haired girl, Alice Cullen, she's really weird she's with Jasper Hale, the blonde who looks like he's in pain. I mean, Dr. Cullen's like this foster dad slash match maker."

"What about him?" Bella demanded eyeing one of the boys up. "That's Edward Cullen," Lauren stated suddenly, Edward looks over, as if he heard Jessica from across the room. His eyes meet Bella's. But he seems confused. Bella quickly looks away.

Jessica continues in a snobby tone " He's totally gorgeous, obviously, but apparently, no one here is good enough for him. Like I care" I rolled my eyes, she obviously does. Lauren continued "Anyway, don't waste your time" then she turned to Tyler and went back to talking about whatever it was she was talking about.

"I wasn't planning on it" Bella mumbled, but she kept peeking over at Edward. When he caught her staring she hid behind her hair, and smirked. I rolled my eyes and went back to talking with Keira.

When the bell rang I went to my science class which was anatomy. I wanted to help young children achieve their dreams through the arts, but I also had a strong sense of justice. I wanted the bad men that thought that they could hurt others to think again. I wanted to be someone that bad men feared.

I exited the school, and got in my car, then I drove to Port Angeles. I had an interview with Miss Holiday at my old dance studio in Washington.

I arrived and Miss Holiday met me outside, and embraced me. She ushered me inside and we discussed the job and my role. I'd be a floater teacher, which was mostly desk and paperwork, but I'd sub in for her or Mrs. White the other teacher.

I got the job!

I thanked her then I drove to the diner to meet up with Bella and dad for dinner. I sat down and excitedly said "I got the job!" Dad smiled "That's great, Chrissy!" Bella scowled at me. Apparently her interview didn't go so well, they didn't like her attitude.

A plate was placed in front of me it was a veggie burger with sweet potato fries. "Don't worry, I checked and made sure that everything was made special for you, Little Swan" Cora said with a smile, "I love your haircut by the way" I beamed at her "Thank you Cora, and not just for the compliment or the food" she smiled and nodded, pecking the top of my head she went back to work.

I started eating, but out of the corner of my eye dad was making goo goo eyes at Cora. I smirked, looks like I'm not the only one in town with a crush.
