Main Character

Name: Y/n L/n

Age: 18

Hair colour: H/C

Eye Colour: E/C

Personality: Adventures, cheerful, emotional, brave, caring, clever, sarcastic, understanding, sarcastic, show honour, helpful, very kind, good heart, laid back, chilled and reckless.

Likes: Going on adventures, help people, make people smile, making new friends, being a hero, fighting evil monsters, make jokes (even during battle), make people laugh and Knight armor and weapons.

Dislikes: Seeing his friends die, selfish people, seeing someone upset, losing a fight, fail to save someone, being alone, his clothes get all messy, evil monsters and Jerks.


(Armor sets)

Rookie Armor:

Slayer armor:

Combat armor:

Holy Knight armor:


Stander Sword:

The Darkness of Madness sword:

The Light of Peacefulness sword:

Holy of justice sword:

Short blade:

Stander Shield:

Champions Shield:

Ultimate Holy Shield:

Fire lance:


Wrist blade:

Wrist crossbow:

Double bladed sword:

