The Move

I finally did it! I raised enough money to buy a car. Well, I hope so because I have 2,000 dollars. Now I have to tell my mom, and hopefully she takes it in a joyful mood and doesn't go nuts when she finds out that I have been hiding money for the past two months. But I'll tell her that it was to buy a car and to get out of this tiny apartment. 

Well, I'm not dead! I told my mom and she hugged me... I don't get it. But after she hugged me she told me that she was saving money as well. That's probably why she hugged me, and now we can afford a car and gas money to get to Georgetown.  

We got the car! But it isn't a limousine or anything like that because it looks like it came from the seventeen hundreds.... and I'm not joking. the good thing is that it has a big gas tank so we don't have to fill it up as much. I'm so excited that we get to move out of this elf home. On the way there I mostly slept because it was hard not to, the car had wonderful seats.

When we got to Georgetown I was so excited because I finally didn't have to share a room with someone who snored louder than Zeus himself. Georgetown was a lot different, there wasn't hotels everywhere and there wasn't fancy restaurants every time you turned around the block. I think I'm going to really like it here. The only bad part is.............. school.
