Chapter 7

Pitch Black P.O.V                              (song: Animal(cover) - Chase Holfelder)

The shadows were surrounding me, begging me to produce nightmares.For the first time in my history, I tried to fight back the urge to make fear for others.I tried to stop it!I wanted to stop it!

Or so I thought, before the darkness got the best of me.

I saw her.Oh, how her small smile delighted me.So beatiful and so innocent. I got nearer and wanted to give her the worst nightmare of all.Before I could even move, she frowned and tryed to breath out of fear.

...I didn't even do something yet!

And then it hit me.She had a panic attack while she slept!

I shaked her a bit and she woke up, trying to breathe.

"Shh...Everything is fine, just breathe.", I calmed her down.

She saw my golden eyes and immediately calmed down, getting control of her breath.Werid, someone like me should be feared, but she just calms down.

She starts shaking again,thinking about her dream.

"Hey, don't think of anything right now, focus on your breath.", I took her hand in mine and she got control again.

She muttered the word 'thanks' very shaky.

I got up and wanted to go,hoping she would just have a resful night, but something pulled me on my arm.I looked back and saw her holding my arm, blushing.

"C-could you stay here? Just f-for the night?", she asked very shy and quiet.

I smirked.I could never say no to this.(Looooorrrd show me how to say nooo to this! I don't know how to say no to this!!!S-sorry.. *3*)So I just got in bed and sat down with her head resting on my lap.I played with her hair, humming a few melodies.

I heard a soft snoring and I chuckled at how fast she fell asleep.But what surprised me was, that she didn't have a nightmare, even though I was so close to her.

That is until I heard footsteps coming closer to the door.I got out of bed, put her blanket over the little flame (thats how Pitch likes to call you from now on ;3) and dissapeard in the shadows.

I saw that this weird bunny came in to see if everything is fine.If glares could kill, then this creature would be dead.This weird animal was making me mad at how he felt for her.I just don't know why I hated it, but I did for some weird reason.

When he got away I jumped out of her window and on my horse that brought me here.

"See you later, little flame..", I whispered to myself.


ayyyy its currently 12 minutes after midnight, so I'm...tired.Like...really tired.

Pitch: Don't worry I have a lot of nightmares for you.

Author-Chan: Don't you god damn dare, destroying y sleep again!

Pitch: Well, I could give you a nicer dream where you fu-

Author-Chan: **turns up chainsaw** See ya later readers! **chases after the screaming pitch**

Word-count-thingy: 468 words
