

Edward and his daughter sit on the piano bench where the source of the music comes from, him teaching her the basics of the tune.

Bella stands watching the pair with her best friend and resident werewolf: Jacob Black.

Esme and Carlisle sit in the corner, play a friendly game of chess sharing teasing smiles with every move their pieces make.

Rosalie and Emmett are wrapped in each other's arms smiling at the romantic tune coming from the piano.

Jasper sits upon the soft plush love seat and waits for his mate, Alice, to return to the room.

As Edwards piece ends on its imperfect cadence, the sound of an echoing gasp and glass shattering silenced the whole home.

While everyone stares at Alice in worry and confusion, Jasper leaps from his seat and holds Alice in his arms, worrying for his soulmates health.

"What is it Alice?" Jasper asks her slowly.

"The Volturi," She tells them her eyes looking over everyone worried faces, she inhales before speaking again. "They're coming for us. Aro, Caius, Marcus, The Guard. And Irina,"

"Honey, come here," Bella whispers to Renesmee, placing her hand out toward her awaiting her child's warm hand.

"Why?" Carlisle breathes out, placing his hand over Esme's in a comforting gesture.

"What did Irina see in the woods?" Edward directs his question to Bella, drawing everyone's attention to the girl in question.

"Nothing," She replies, shaking her head adamantly.

"Ness was catching snowflakes," Jacob contradicts, his eyebrows furrowed at the sudden conflict.

"Of course," Edward whispers, his eyes drawn to the floor. "Irina thinks Renesmee is an immortal child,"

"Immortal children were very beautiful," Carlisle explains, his eyes travelling to each of his children. "Enchanting. To be near them was to love them. Their age was frozen at the age they were turned. They couldn't be taught, or restrained. A single tantrum could kill an entire village. Humans heard of the devastation, stories spread, since children couldn't protect our secret, they had to be destroyed. The creators become very attached, fought to protect them, because of them Covens were torn apart. Countless humans slaughtered. Traditions, friends, even families lost."

"So the Denalis mother made an immortal child?" Edward asks confused, his brow in a constant furrowed state.

"Yes," Carlisle replies back, his voice grave as he glances at every one of his children. "And she payed the price,"

"Well Renesmee is nothing like those children," Bella states, her anger growing at the prospects of the false accusations towards her child "She was born, not bitten. She grows everyday."

"Can't you just explain that to the Volturi?" Jacob asks, placing a calming hand on Bella's shoulder.

"It's not that simple," Edward replies, keeping his eyes locking onto the ivory keys of the piano. "It's Aros thoughts against our words."

"So we fight," Jacob concludes, breaking everyone's conflicted silence.

"They're offensive weapons are too powerful," Jasper informs the wolf, pushing his blonde curls back. "Nobody stands a chance against Jane,"

"Alec's even worse," Alice continues, the graveness of situation worsening the more they talk about it.

"Well then we convince them," Bella exclaims, not standing the injustice forced upon her family.

"They're coming to kill us," Emmett states, a weak chuckles leaving him. "Not talk,"

"No you're right," Edward shakes his head, finally rising from his seat. "They won't talk to us, but maybe others can convince them. Carlisle, you have friends who-"

"I will not ask them to fight,"

"Not fight," Edward answers the interruption, talking directly to the man who turned him. "Witness. If enough knew the truth maybe we could convince the Vultori to listen to us."

"We can ask this of our friends," Esme says, rubbing Carlisles arm affectionately.

Placing his hand over Esmes, he smiles lightly and nods his head.

"At least we go to Spain again," Esme said placing a book in her duffle bag. "I haven't been there in a while,"


"Aaliyah please, I'm begging you," Carlisles blonde hair glistens in the afternoon sun of the pairs home.

"And why should she?" The pale stranger replies snarkly, stepping in front of Aaliyah.

"Since when did you become my spokesman?" The darker girl- Aaliyah addresses him cryptically, pushing his arm away from her and turning to look at Carlisle again.

"Since Carlisle," The boy says with distaste, his lip sneering at his name. "Asked us to protect his immortal grandchild,"

"Carlisle, Esme," She smiles, walking towards the door and opening it before gesturing in. "Why don't you go inside to have some tea while my brother and I converse on the topic,"

"We'd love to," Esme says softly, placing a comforting hand on the girls arm before walking into the house.

"We won't be a moment," She announces closing the door behind her, turning sharply to glare at her companion.

"Xander," She states angrily, marching forward until she was in line with the man. "This man saved our lives,"

"That man ruined our lives," Xander hissed back, pointing at the house. "We wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for him,"

"Exactly my point," She glares pointedly back, grabbing his wrist before slamming it down to his side. "Stop pointing, it's rude,"

"Xander, think of all these things we've done?" Aaliyah continues, shaking her head with an excited gasp. "We've seen the whole world, we've lived through two world wars, we've lived through heartbreak and much more, why are you so worried about?"

"I'm worried about you," He tells her, placing his hands onto her shoulders. "Your gift is better than mine, Aaliyah. If the Vultori capture you, you'd be stuck with them forever and I don't think I'll be able to live without you."

"You won't, if we survive we'll be together," Aaliyah whispers back hugging him. "Either way, when have we ever lost a fight?"

"True," He smiles back, his cocky air returning to him. "But this is an immortal child,"


After a moment of silence and the sharing of some rather intense eye contact, Xander responds.

"Call him back out,"


"Carlisle, I'm sorry," Aaliyah whispers to him, the phantom burning sensation behind her eyes. "We just can't risk ourselves that much, we've been in hiding the past 70 years,"

"It's fine, Aaliyah," He smiles sadly, hugging the younger girl, along with Esme before both of them speed from the house.

"I can't even look at you right now Xander,"


