

the two bestfriends yelled, immediately running to hug eachother as soon as they spotted the other.

Tommy saw a field of flowers nearby so he decided to grab deo's hand to bring him there. For the next few hours, the duo were having fun playing, in the flower field. It was getting dark, so they agreed to go walk home together. Their houses were nearby afterall. They were walking on the sidewalk and noticed nobody was around. "What time exactly is it deo?" Tommy asked, worried that it could be late. Deo shrugged and pulled out his phone. Tommy noticed deo's eyes widening. "It's 12AM tommy.." deo said. Tommys eyes widened. "12AM?! We should hurry back quickly" said tommy. Deo nodded in agreement. And so, they quickened their pace. A few minutes passed by and the duo suddenly heard footsteps. Right behind them. Tommy turned to deo and his eyes widened as he noticed he was gone. There was a knife instead, bloody. Replacing the place deo was supposed to be. With blood on the ground. Tommy felt tears threatening to spill. "..deo? Where are you? Alright that was good I'll give you that! You got me good for a second! You can come out now..!" Tommy yelled. There was silence in response. Tommy began sobbing, and suddenly,

Tommy shot up from his bed, he felt tears spilling on his face and he was sweaty.

He sighed and started calming down. He got off of the bed and decided to go and ask for clothes. He frowned on the way there. 'the whole entire reason I became a hero was to find deo.. if I can't be a hero then how am I gonna find him?' tommy thought to himself. He sighed again, and knocked on Wilbur's door. The door opened to reveal Wilbur in all his glory, wearing minion Pajamas. Wilbur glared at tommy as if he was saying, 'don't you dare say anything about the pajamas.' tommy blinked, at this point he was trying not to laugh. "What do you need, Apollo." Wilbur said, still glaring at tommy. "Oh yeah! Do you have clothes I can borrow?" Tommy asked. Wilbur nodded and said, "wait here I'll go get you some." Tommy nodded. A few minutes later, Wilbur came out with some clothes for tommy. Tommy took it and thanked him.

Tommy walked back to the room that was given to him. He put on his clothes. He was about to get his phone but he realized he left it. He would have been mad if he didn't realize they could have tracked his location if he didn't forget. He sighed in relief once he realized that. That would've been bad.

He suddenly heard a knock on his door, "breakfast is ready." He heard a monotone voice say from the other side. He nodded before remembering that he couldn't see him. "Coming!" He yelled

He opened the door and went downstairs. He saw the three sitting, eating pancakes. His eyes lit up as soon as he saw the pancakes. 'the last time I ate pancakes were back when I was 8!' he thought to himself, smiling.

(A/N, tommy doesn't know Wilbur and technoblade, he only recognizes Phil and doesn't know his name yet, so yeah- he doesn't know that their vigilantes and stuff)

He sat down next to technoblade, he seemed the most chill to tommy. Tommy then proceeded to Speedrun eating pancakes. Tommy figured out that that was a terrible idea as he choked on the pancakes. Philza's eyes widened, before Phil could say anything technoblade passed tommy a glass of water. Tommy chugged it down and gasped. "Are you okay?!" Philza asked, panicked. Tommy nodded, he then began eating the pancakes slowly, fearing that he would choke again.

(No screw that I can't write)

Soon the pancakes were finished. "I'm going to uh.. my room?" Tommy said, still not knowing if the room was actually his or not. Phil nodded and tommy rushed to his room.

What's the first thing he did when he got there you ask? Why, screaming into a pillow because he was embarrassed ofcourse! "never again am I ever eating that fast in my whole entire life. I have trauma from that now." Tommy said to himself.


One of the voices said, and that apparently was Tommy's que to punch the wall as hard as he can.

It left a dent.

Tommy stared at the wall in regret. 'oh god- Im gonna kicked out aren't I?? Why did I even do that oh god- old looking bird guy is gonna kill me- maybe pig guy or balding dude-' tommy was panicking.

Just another normal day in the tommy universe, has to be traumatized one way or another-

Sorry anyway-

Technoblade, who just happened to open the door to ask tommy something (for plot reasons) blinked. 'oh god.' he thought. 'how do I socialize again-' techno might as well join tommy in his panic attack at this point.

"Apollo? Uhm- are you okay? Nevermind that's like the dumbest question I've ever asked-" Tommy's eyes widened as he heard techno. "Please dont hurt me-" tommy got cut off by techno saying, "what? Why would I-" techno's eyes widened as in realization. (That took me too long to try and spell) techno approached tommy slowly, trying not to make the boy panic even more. Once he got close enough he pulled tommy into a hug, because author does not know how panic attacks wor- and whispered comforting words to tommy. A few minutes later tommy started calming down (mostly because I realized I accidentally made him have a panic attack and I don't have any other ideas so I decided to keep it), which also calmed technoblade down, considering he was also panicking alot- which is expected from an anxious introver- anyway, that's beside the point-..

Tommy continued hugging technoblade.

Technoblade did not know what to do.

Which "coincidentally" led them to falling asleep, cuddling. (Totally not because a specific person here loves bedrock bros nope not at all) (oh yeah totally [I'd kill for some bedrock bros content rn, like, pls, techno come back from the dead already we need bedrock bros] -future Ran)


1024 words.
