Chapter Nine

Overall, you thought that your visit with Nighteye went pretty well. It took him a bit to warm up to the fact that you were actually from another universe, but after he did, he started giving you theories as to how you could have come here. You nodded along to all of them, mentally taking notes. Mirio stayed outside, just in case you once again pulled up with a spoiler that would give him information he didn't need to know.

Eventually, you had asked the dreaded question.

"I know that people are going to die," you had said. "I don't remember a lot, just tidbits. Both sides, heroes and villains... they lose a lot of people. What do I do? Do I just sit there and watch it happen? Is it possible for me to save them?"

Nighteye was silent for a few minutes. He almost looked sad. "That is the curse of knowing the future. You cannot stop death. It will always be substituted in some way. Attempting to trifle with fate will only hurt you."

Even with his warning, you were unsure. You just didn't think that you were capable of just... watching people die. Of letting them. You had a savior complex- and a bad one. Part of you wanted to believe that Mirio was right- that you were given this power for a reason. You wanted to argue against Nighteye, but deep down, you knew he was right. But him being right didn't stop you from feeling conflicted. You'd just nodded, unsure of what to say.

That's when Mirio came back into the room. He motioned to his watch, telling Sir Nighteye that it was about time for you guys to go. Apparently, it was getting late.

Nighteye agreed, giving you his agency's contact information to keep in touch about your situation. According to him, he was going to help you research the multiverse theory, and also reach out to a few contacts he had who worked with the hero commission to see if there was anything going on there that might've triggered you to be transported here.

With that, you left with Mirio, getting into the passenger's seat of his bright red car. He'd told you that it was a gift to him from his parents for his eighteenth birthday. You both idly chatted on the way home, with him asking how it had gone with Nighteye. You gave him a brief explanation, leaving out where you'd dug into his past with All Might.

"This is good!" Mirio had said. "Sir is going to be great help. I can feel it in my heart!"

Well, so long as he didn't die, you thought to yourself. You were extremely tempted to save him. And by extremely tempted, you meant that you were going to do it. You were determined to. You didn't remember how he died or who killed him, but that wouldn't be too difficult, would it? You were certain that you would remember it before the moment came to pass. Besides, you had the time. To your knowledge, he still had a while ahead of him before he kicked the bucket.

You'd directed him to Aizawa's house, using the directions that the old man had texted you as a way home. When you'd arrived, Mirio had stopped you from getting out of the car immediately, sheepishly asking for your number. You'd gladly obliged, happily putting your number into his phone.

You couldn't help but be a little thrilled. You knew that it was purely platonic, but a cute boy asking for your number was enough to make you a little bit excited. He had laughed at your enthusiasm, matching your energy as he put his own contact into your phone. It was nice- the small exchange.

After that was finished, you got out of the car, waving him goodbye as he drove off. You didn't see his goofy grin as he drove back home, or the way that he pumped his fists in the air when he got out of the car at the UA dorms. No, you didn't see any of that. Mirio knew that you were from another universe, but he couldn't quite help getting a crush on you anyways. But you didn't need to know that. He'd just focus on helping you find a way home instead. After all, he wanted to be a hero, and that's what heroes did.


The next day, you were back with 1A. Not much happened in their class except for the announcement of the Sports Festival happening in a few days. To be honest, you weren't all that interested in it. It wasn't like the Big Three were going to be fighting in it, so you didn't really have anyone to cheer for. You could honestly care less about the rest of the people fighting. Yes, you knew some of them, but not enough that you wanted to cheer them on... except maybe Kendou. She seemed nice enough.

Speaking of the Big Three, you sat with them again at lunch. It was quickly becoming your favorite part of the day since you liked hanging out with them so much. Nejire ended up trying to braid your hair, but it wasn't going very well since she didn't know how to well... braid hair. Mirio was laughed at her attempts before nudging her aside, tongue sticking out in concentration as he showed her the proper way to braid hair.

You were a little flushed at how close the two of them were to you, but you figured that it was a friend thing and nothing more.

Tamaki sat in the background, watching everything go down with a small smile. You got the hint that although he wasn't directly included in all of the action, he was having fun watching. You waved to him, and his cheeks turned pink, looking down at his food. You supposed that you hadn't entirely made it past his defenses yet.

That's when the butterfly landed on his nose. He didn't freak out, only froze, going cross-eyed as he watched the butterfly. You laughed, standing up to go help him out. You stood in front of him, using your pointer finger to get the insect off of his nose. He went even more red at the action, and the butterfly paused for a moment before flying off to find another target.

"That was a little weird," you said, mostly to yourself.

He nodded and spoke. "Thanks for helping me out there."

"Of course!" You replied, walking to sit back down next to Mirio, who continued his mission to braid your hair. You paused for a minute. "You know, normally people would be more freaked out by what I told you, but you guys haven't treated me any differently. I really appreciate that."

"Of course we wouldn't treat you different, silly!" Nejire chided. "We're friends! We like you for you! Being from another universe won't change that."

Mirio and Tamaki nodded, and you felt yourself blush. "Thanks, guys. You're the best." And you meant it. You'd had friends before, but none of them were as kindhearted as the three people currently besides you. You laughed together for the rest of lunch before you had to get back to Class 1A.

You walked back into the classroom, taking a seat in the back. You pulled out your notebook, which you'd been using to document theories about your arrival in this universe. Shoto Todoroki- who sat directly in front of you, turned around and looked you int he eyes. You shot him a puzzled glance.

"Who are you?" He demanded quietly after a brief moment of silence. "You claim to be a journalist, but I think it's strange that Aizawa randomly brought you in. There's never been a journalist actively in classes at UA. I looked it up."

"I don't know why that is?" You said, playing dumb. "I'm just trying to do my job."

"That can't be it. Isn't it strange that you showed up just after the attack on USJ?" Todoroki pressed, and you crossed your arms, narrowing your eyes. Was no one else seeing this? you wondered as he continued bombarding you with questions.

"I think you're overthinking things," you told him. You were starting to think the poor kid had anxiety. That would definitely be a reason for him to be this paranoid.

"Or maybe you're Mr. Aizawa's secret love child or something?"

"I'm sorry, what?" You asked, choking on a laugh. "I'm not Aizawa's kid. I'm seriously just a journalist. You can ask Nezu if you're so hesitant to believe me; he's the one who hired me in the first place."

And that was the end of that conversation. You were left to your own devices for the rest of the class, so you used to the time to continue your research. Nighteye ended up messaging you, telling you that his contacts had come up with nothing. While you were slightly disappointed, you couldn't help but feel that something was off in his response. You frowned, messaging back, but he never responded.

You were a bit worried. It was strange that he would inquire on something from the hero commission and then just... stop replying to messages. You couldn't tell if it was anxiety or rational thinking that had you so worried.

Later that night, you continued your research alone. You also messaged a strangely enthusiastic Himiko Toga, who told you that she had done what you had told her to do. You couldn't stop the dread that pooled in the bottom of your stomach at her words. She didn't seem to care that you got freaked out by what she said, though, just continuing to talk about how nice it had finally been to stop pretending. Part of you was happy for her, yes, but you also didn't want to come to terms with the fact that your encouragement had caused a murder.

You ended up looking it up on the news, only to be proven right. Your friend was now a wanted criminal... and you had her number. If you really wanted to, you could report her to the police and have her arrested, especially since she was still texting you from it. She had explained to you that none of her other friends had access to this number, so you were truly the only one who could do something about it.

But you couldn't. There was a part of you that considered her a friend, in a strange way. You didn't want to just... give her up. You didn't want to. So, you ended up telling her not to fatally injure anymore people for blood. You even gave her tips on where to cut so that she could nonlethally subdue her prey. You supposed that you were aiding and abiding a criminal now.

You cursed yourself for your own stupidity- the moral dilemma of it coming back to you. You could turn her in. You could do it... but turning her in also meant that you would be messing up the entire timeline. She was one of the main villains in the series. Getting her arrested would mean that everything would be fucked up.

Eventually, you realized that you had no choice but to let her continue. It was one of the most difficult things you had ever had to come to terms with, but you knew Nighteye was right. Messing with the timeline would only cause you and the people you'd come to care about pain.

Even if you did want to save him, you knew that in order to do so, you couldn't mess up anything yet. It all had to fall into place the same way it did in the original story in order for this to work. After you saved him, everything was going to change, and you didn't know if you were ready for that. It was terrifying to think about, if you were being honest.

You fell into a fitful sleep that night, plagued by your own mistakes.
