Chapter 2

"Wait wait wait what the hell do you think you're doing?" Karthik shouted when I slammed him to the wall catching his collar as soon as he entered our apartment.

"Why the hell did you tell your girlfriend about my art account...haan," my neighbours can easily hear me blasting on Karthik.

Karthik pushed me away, "The heck are you talking about? I never told her anything you...idiot," claimed he's innocent while arranging his collar that got wrinkled by me.

"Then what is this?" Displayed him the chat I had with the girl who claims to be Carla, after laying his eyes on our chat Karthik busted into laughter.

"What's so funny?" I asked with bug-eyed.

"Who in the world is she?"

"Why would I ask you if I know who she is?"

''Who ever she is really got you good," continued to laugh.

I stood there trying to process everything that's happening, "Why are you staring at me with brooding eyes?" Karthik asked.

''Oh it's nothing,'' I said.

''Huh,'' he let out a breath and continued, "Why are you so worried about this? What happens if our friends know?"

My eyes widened, "What happens you say? They won't leave me alone...they're gonna use those art's to make fun of me until my graduation," I let out a wail.

"Then just delete that account problem solved,''  Kartik smirked, I gave him a grave look as a response and the smirk disappeared steadily.
The room gone quite, only thing we can hear is our own heart beat.

Karthik breaking the silence asked, "So what you gonna do now?" Having no answer I responded with hopeless eyes and empty hands.

Karthik placing his hand on my shoulder, "You're a great artist there's nothing to be ashamed of or to be shy about," he tried to comfort me.

Pushing his hands aside I walked away glaring at him which got Karthik annoyed, "I'm trying to be nice but this is how react and you didn't even apologize for what you did when I arrived," he shouted.

"Do you wanna sleep empty stomach?" From the kitchen I replied, "Don't forget that you betrayed me this morning," remind by pointing a knife I'm holding.

The half-baked smile on his faint looking face offered me a smile, this is the first time I smiled today.

*Knock knock*

"Karthik someone's knocking," I yelled but I got no response in return, put the stove flame in sim to check on him, what is he doing?

*Ding dong*

The door bell didn't stop ringing, instead of checking on him I made my way to the door, can't they wait for a second pressing the bell again and again, opened it blinked few times to check if my eyes are playing games.

"Shit!" I murmured, why him and why now of all times? I really don't wanna get in fight with this guy now.. The man standing in front of me is the landlord of this apartment. He gave me an earful for five minutes straight because we're disturbing the neighbours with our loud noises and left.

Karthik didn't even come to see what's happening, couldn't hold my anger I quickly went to see what's he doing and what I saw made the volcano erupt, I stared kicking him.

"What's up with you now?" He yelled.

"You put your headphones on and enjoying here, there I was getting yelled at by our owner," I busted.

Karthik sniffed and said, " I smell something burning."

My eyes widened so much that my eyeballs can pop out remembering that I did not turn off the stove, "F*CK!".

We both ran to the kitchen, but we're too late the curry got burnt even though I put it in sim, the hopeless eyes looking at each other not able to put the blame on a single person. In the end, we had cup noodles for dinner.

*The next day*

"I hope today won't be like yesterday," as soon as those words came out of my mouth, my mobile vibrated I checked it.

Carla : "Never thought boys like to wear a violet shirt"
How did she know? She must be here somewhere, I started looking all around me to find where she is.

Karthik got confused with my behavior and asked, "What are looking for?"

"Carla," I replied.

"Can I ask you something?" Karthik requested.

"Yeah sure,'' gave him permission.

"Do you even know how she looks like?" He asked.

I stood there frozen realizing that I have no clue how she looks, I know nothing about her except the fact that she's from my college might also be from the same branch if she knows me well.


Another message from her,
Carla : "Searching for me?"

Rajesh : "No"
I lied to her.

Carla : "I'm at the coffee shop if you want to see me come over there."

As soon as I read that message I made a run to the college coffee shop, "where are you going," Karthik asked.

"The coffee shop," I replied while running, he looked confused, but I couldn't explain him out of curiosity to meet her.

Rajesh : "wait right there."

I texted her back on my way, reached the coffee shop, three girls over there talking to each other drinking coffee.

"Which one of you here is Carla?" I asked. They all glazed at me and one of the girls responded, "There's no one her with that name."

"Oh, I'm sorry," I apologized and left.


Carla : "You're late."

Rajesh : "late? I've reached here in less than a minute."

Carla : "I left in that few seconds you took to reach here, now I'm way far for you to reach."

Rajesh : "Stop playing games."

Carla : '' Got angry did ya, like for me to display your paintings on the college display board."

Her message brought me a heart attack, "Anything but that please,'' I replied.

Carla : '' Good boy have some coffee and go back to class."

Rajesh : " You want me to have coffee?"

Carla : '' Yes...bye."

Carla went offline after that message, I had coffee and moved to class. The moment I stepped into class the first person my eyes gazed upon was a girl with long black hair and brown eyes, Meena the girl I've been crushing on from two years. She wore white T-shirt with black jeans, my eyes are so fixated on her that I didn't notice the presence of lecturer in my class.

"Don't you have common sense to ask permission before you enter the class? And you're late too," he scowled.

"I'm sorry sir," I apologized and walked to my seat without raising my head.
I feel so ashamed and this is all because of that girl Carla if only I didn't have coffee back there this wouldn't have happened.

"Why did you go to the coffee shop?" Karthik whispered in my left ear, without turning my face I showed him my chat with Carla, he started giggling covering his mouth. I sat there with dead eyes for all periods.

During lunch break I received another text from her.

Carla :  " Did you get yelled by the Professor?"

How did she know about that? Does this mean she's from my class? My curiosity peaked.

Rajesh : " How do you know?"

Carla : "How you ask? Did you check the time when you were having coffee?"

I scrolled down to check the time she texted me to have coffee, 09:16 my classes start at 09:20 definitely I'll be late to class so, that was her real intention behind telling me to have coffee.

Rajesh : "You've got some nerve making me go through all that."

Carla : "Ha Ha Ha Ha... You're really short tempered aren't ya."

Rajesh : "No! I'm not."

Carla : '' Well by the way you're behaving it seems like you are."

Rajesh : "You know nothing about me so shut up."

Carla : '' I do know that you're an artist. ''

I can't deal with her anymore... She's becoming a pain on my neck. Not being able to take her I decided to let her do whatever she wants and thinks of a way to make my friends believe it wasn't me who did.

Rajesh : "Ok! Do whatever you want I'm going to block you.''

Carla : "Ok fine do it, by this evening there will be a drawing of your classmate you did, she looks prettier in your drawing than in real.''

Drawing of my classmate? Who is she talking about?  After realising who's art I posted in my account I immediately texted her back.

Rajesh : '' No! Don't do it, I won't block you alright. "

Carla : "WOW! you change your decisions quickly depending on the circumstances."

Rajesh : "I don't know how or what to even reply to that...''

Carla :  '' Ok, gotta go bye..."

Rajesh : "Bye."

I never thought there will come a day I would hate to have a chat with a girl, I've always wanted to have an angel by my side but got an invisible devil instead...
