
word count: 109

i laid in bed. across from him was my husband. i laid my hand on my husband's bare back. his back felt warm. but my hand felt cold.

this was the man i married on the outside. but not the inside. josh was still warm. but josh wasn't my josh.

he was just a ghost


i stood in the kitchen wiping the counters after lunch. 

"are you still mad at me?"

"for cheating on me?"


"no, j."


josh walked to the door. 


"yes, ty?"

"don't do it again."

"you got it."

after the door shut i collapsed against the sink. my breathing was quickly paced. 

"oh god. what did we become?"

i whispered. 

"what have i become?"

a/n: so technically the last ch was the halfway mark

which means we're more than halfway down with ghost.

