Part 3

"I'm never going to let you go Tora!" The ghost girl giggled.

Tora struggle against the chains. "It's no use, you can't leave." The ghost girl sneered.

Meanwhile outside of Tora's mind, they were preparing Tora for an exorcism. They tied her up with chains, they didn't know how powerful the demon is.

"Is this really necessary?" Lin asked.

"I don't like this anymore than you do!" Naru said. "We don't know how violent this thing is!!" Naru said.

Naru looked at Tora, who was till staring off into nothing.

"Alright John begin!" Naru said.

John started. Naru watch closely as John read the Bible.

"No reaction...yet!" Naru said.

Mai watch as John read. Then all of a sudden Tora made a horrible screech, they all look as her eyes focused on John.

"I'M NEVER LETING HER GO!" The demon said.

They gasped, as she struggled, she made a horrible snarl that sent chills down Mai's spine. They watch in terror as the chains made snapping noises. Mai looked at Lin, he was stiff as he watched Tora struggle against the chains.

"I'M NEVER LETTING HER GO!" The demon shouted.

"And god called out his angels to battle the evil forces of the world." John said.

The demon screeched. Tora struggled harder, the chains sounded like they were going to break.

"Come on John!" Mai whispered.

"In the name of Jesus, I command you expand from this girl." John said.

In side Tora's mind.

The chains around Tora began to disappear.

The ghost girl, began to hiss. Tora began to struggle, the chains began to break.

Outside of Tora's mind.

Tora gave in a gasp, and screamed, she looked around the room, she was breathing hard. Lin ran to her.

"It's okay Tora, you're okay!" Lin said.

John dripped holy water on her, and the demon screeched, and disappeared like thick smoke!

Tora's eyes became normal, her color returned. Tears poured over the side of her face.

"Untie her...please!" Lin said.

Naru and Monk removed the chains. Tora leaned forward, Lin wrapped his arms around her, Tora clung to him.

"She wouldn't let my go...she kept burning unnatural pictures in my mine." Tora said.

Naru frowned.

"What kind of pictures?" He asked.

Tora looked at him.

"A house, that was green, a grave under a dead tree, and a family picture." Tora said.

Naru thought for a moment.

"This entity is trying to tell us something!" Naru said.

Mai looked at Tora, who was still a little dazed.

"Alright let's call it a day, i need to do some research...Lin take Tora home, and call me as soon as you get home."

"Of course!" Lin said.

Supporting Tora, they all left.

Meanwhile Naru began to make calls, and do some research.

He worked for hours, until his eyes caught on something.


Sorry i took so long, i'll try harder to update often as i can!
