
"Are we almost there?" Reign yells from the back seat of the car.

"Not yet, sweetie. Ten more minutes." Mom replies back, trying to keep her patience.

A few minutes passes by before Reign speaks out again.

"What about now?"

Reign is starting to get on mom's nerves but, she tries to keep her cool. "Almost there!" She replies back, fake enthusiasm filling her voice.

"Can you turn up the music?" Reign's older brother, Sam, asks from the back seat.

Dad reaches for the volume knob for the radio, his eyes keeping focus on the road.

"You kids are going to love the new house," mom exclaims, a big smile, appearing on her face. She looks back at Reign who is dancing to the music playing on the radio. Mostly, out of plain boredom.

"Are we the-" dad cuts Reign off, thankfully to mom's relief, as they pull into the driveway of a good sized house.

"We're here!" Everyone cheers as they all climb out of the car. Reign looks at the house, excitedly.

Dad opens the trunk of their car, handing out boxes for everyone to carry inside.

They walk into the house, looking around at their surroundings. It's much bigger than they had imagined it to be.

"Can I bring this box up to my room?" Reign asks and mom smiles, nodding her head.

"Go ahead, honey."

Reign smiles before running up the stairs, careful not to trip.

She walks into the first room on her right and sets the box down, looking around.

"This bed is bigger than my last one!" She excitedly runs over and climbs on it, sitting down. "Comfier, too!" She bounces up and down, the springs faintly creaking as they constantly get squished together.

"Are you my new room-mate?" A voice comes from behind Reign, making her jump. She turns around, seeing a young boy, about her age, standing in her room.

"Who are you?" She questions, confusion on her face. This is her house, he doesn't live here!

"My name is Darwin Atkins. I live here." He says, walking closer.

"Oh," Reign just shrugs it off. This just means, a new friend to play with! "My name is Reign Kinsley. We just moved in today. Where's your family?" Why would her family move into a house if someone else was living here? She tries to push her confusion and questions behind her.

"They're gone. I live here alone." Sadness seems to wash up in his blue eyes. Living alone? Reign slowly frowns, feeling sad for him. She was going to ask what happened to his family but, he then smiles, changing the subject. "Do you want to be my friend?" She smiles at his question and nods.

"Best friends forever."

He walks closer to her until they are finally side by side. He opens his arms in a hug. Reign smiles and gladly hugs him, tightly.

He steps back after the hug and looks Reign right in the eyes. "There's only one thing you cannot do." He says, his smile vanishing from his face.

"What?" Reign asks, waiting for him to continue.

"You can't tell anyone about me." This makes Reign even more confused. Why not?

He then speaks again before Reign could say anything. "You need to promise me you won't. If you'll have to go away." Reign frowns.

"Where? Where would I have to go?"

He stares at her, emotionless. "You'll have to go away. To where the crazies go."

This sends a chill up Reign's spine and she quickly nods. "I promise. I won't tell anyone about you." This puts a smile on Darwin's face. He likes promises.

Reign raises her hand up, her pinky sticking out. "Lets pinky swear." The ghost boy nods before locking his pinky with hers.

"Pinky swear."


Thank you for taking the time to read the prologue. Please don't forget to vote and comment if you want to give some feedback :) Feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Next chapter will be out soon!

-Megan xo
