You're waiting in line at Zak's haunted museum with your on-line ticket in your hand.  You've been a huge fan of theirs since the Bobby Makey's episode.  As you wait a woman cuts in front of you.  "Hey the line starts down there" you replied.  "What are you going to do?".  "This" and pushes her out as the crowd cheered. 

The girl gets up and grabs your printed ticket than rips it up.  "My ticket that's my only copy"you stated in shock. The girl laughed as you get out of line in tears.  The crowd was speechless as you walk off in tears.  You're half way to your hotel when you see a guy on the side of the road.  "Need some help" coming over.  "Yeah some guy car jacked me and threw me right out of the car I think I twisted my ankle"he replied 

You pull up his pant leg and take a look.  "It's swollen but I don't feel any broking bones and that cut on your head doesn't look deep.  Did you lose consciousness at any time?"you inquire.  "No".  "Well consider yourself lucky" you replied.  "Thanks tell me are you a nurse?".  "EMT my whole family is in the medical field I got a brother who works with guys from the NFL and the NBA" you stated. 

A car pulls up and you realize it's Aaron Goodwin who's driving.  "You all right Billy" Aaron asked. "Just a twisted ankle and this is I'm sorry".  "Y/N" you replied wiping your eyes.  "Something wrong?" Billy inquired.  "I'm upset some girl tore up my e-ticket to get into Zak's haunted museum". "That's not nice I've got an idea" Aaron stated.  "Yeah you can be our guest".  You smile as you agree.  At the museum everyone is amazed as a car pulls up and Aaron comes outs than opens the back.

The nasty girl's jaw falls to the ground as you're helping Billy into the museum.  In the ball room you're wrapping Billy's ankle when Zak walked in.  "I just heard what happened you all right Billy" he asked.  "Just a twisted ankle" you replied turning around.  "You must be Y/N Aaron told me what happened,".  You blushed.  "I went on the website and found your ticket you bought how about I upgrade it for what you did for Billy"Zak suggested. 

"I'd like that" blushing a little.  "Come on".  In the hallway everyone was getting ready for their tour when Zak comes out.  "Julia I have a RIP customer so show her all around even downstairs"Zak said.  "You got it Zak".  You come around the corner with the badge on and the nasty girl huffed as you left.  After the tour you go into the gift shop to look at a few things when the nasty girl comes around.  "All right how in the world did you get to go into the museum when I ripped up your ticket"she asked angry.

"Ever heard of good luck while I was walking back to my hotel in tears I saw Billy on the side of the road after being car jacked.  With my training of being an EMT I made sure Billy wasn't hurt badly when Aaron heard what happened he invited me back.  In the ball room while I was bandaging up Billy's ankle Zak came in after Aaron told him what you did he found my ticket on the site and upgraded me for what I did for Billy"you replied with a smile. 

As you go up to pay for something the lady gives you a canvas bag full of haunted museum stuff and some autographed Ghost Adventures DVD.  "This is from Aaron and Billy to thank you for what you did for Billy and this is from Zak".  You open it and smile as you put it in your pocket.  "What's in the envelope" the nasty girl demanded.  "An invite to Zak's house for a date".  The nasty girl looks ready to scream as you leave with a smile on your face.
