Kayaba's Lie

 His blue particles flew across the room. I dropped to the floor, weak and emotionless from what had just happened. Asuna... she was gone. The only reason I kept on going in this hellhole and now she's dead. I turned around to Klein with tears streaming down my cheeks. This can't be real. My real love is now gone and I no longer have no reason to carry on trying. Even when I get back to the real world, the one thing I desired the most I can no longer have. I have no reason to carry on, I may as well just die. People were slowly recovering from their paralysis all around me and I could see the shock on their faces too. It seemed as if time was moving ten times slower.

Despite the fact she was gone, it was as if I could still feel her presence around me.  You know that feeling you get when you know someone you love is with you? It feels like that. 

All of a sudden, she reappeared behind me. Somehow, I managed to gain the energy I needed to race towards her and pounce on her in desperation. I didn't want to let go. I got so close to losing her, the love of my life. She would've been gone for good. When you die in the game, you die in real life; so why was she here right now. She died attempting to save me, so how does this work? Maybe Kayaba decided to show some kind of sympathy for his mischievous lies? Who knows. I'm not really complaining about that and to be honest I don't really care. I'm just over the moon that I get to hug her. She's back into my life again even though I'd only been without her or around 5 minutes. It felt like an eternity. 

I found the courage to stand up, turn around and face my fellow guild members. Before I could stop myself, I started hysterically crying with anger. My voice raised and I started screaming words the the shocked bunch of people stood before me...

"That bastard lied! I defeated him fair and square and we're still not back to the real world! We are all strong, we've come too far to stop. We've lost way too many people to just give up trying. Together, we are going to get to the top and conquer floor 100! We are going to do what it takes to enter reality again. I'm going to get you all home, and I promise you that my friends. You've all been here for me when I needed you so it's time or me to return the favor. I'm doing it for all of you, for the people we've left behind, for Sachi, for my dear Asuna. WE CAN DO IT!"

I kind of expected everyone to laugh at me. But no one did such thing. They all screamed 'Yeah!' towards me like I was some kind of leader. I guess it's what they needed to hear. They had just been let down by the one man they all trusted the most, little did they know up until this moment that he was the one who screwed them all over and got them into this mess in the first place. From this moment, I was determined to make everything up to them. I refuse to break the promise I made to them. It is going to happen, whether Kayaba likes it or not. 
